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…To move Forward Planning Preparation Achievable Goals How?

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Presentation on theme: "…To move Forward Planning Preparation Achievable Goals How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 …To move Forward Planning Preparation Achievable Goals How?

2 5S’s Strength Stamina Speed Suppleness Skill
All are required to develop an athlete who can throw!

3 Strength Power cleans Snatch Squats Bench press Press/Jerk behind neck
Core strength and stability

4 Stamina Circuit training 2-400m sprinting High rep weights
Long throwing sessions Quads

5 Speed Lifting 60-30m sprints 5m sprints Jumps/Plyometrics
Fast…High Power 60-30m sprints 5m sprints Jumps/Plyometrics

6 Suppleness Warm Up/Down Stretching Massage
Range of Motion in Exercises and Technique

7 Skill Technical drills Exercise specific movements
Balance and co-ordination

8 5 S’s Which one is key? Strength Stamina Speed Suppleness Skill

9 They are Equal!!!

10 One Technique does not fit all Athletes
Technical Models Al Feuerbach Ulf Timmerman Werner Gunthoer John Godina Reese Hoffa

11 Posture/Positions Each Athlete has their own movement pattern
(1)Start (2)Middle (3)Active feet (4)Aggressive delivery Each Athlete has their own movement pattern This movement must include hitting the 4 key points! 4 Keys

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