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A Single Completions Solution

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1 A Single Completions Solution
Enhance flowback, extend natural flow period to cost effectively transition to artificial lift 5th ALRDC Seminar for New Artificial Lift Technology August 2, 2017 Presenter: Rob Hari, VP Product Development

2 Agenda Challenges producing horizontal wells Root cause analysis
Enhance frac flowback Extend natural flow Case histories for lift transition

3 Hydrodynamic flow regime - GLR, pressure
Slug Flow Mechanisms Terrain well geometry - undulations, toe-up trajectory Hydrodynamic flow regime - GLR, pressure Operational Interruptions – stops, starts Shut in for 45 minutes for a fluid shot Production annulus gas rate

4 Production Engineer’s Predicament
Implement the lowest cost lifting system as quickly as possible. Maximize drawdown (lowest BHP) at the lowest operating and capital cost for the artificial lift required Always a trade-off, can’t have your cake and eat it too! Place pump high to reduce workover frequency and solids production, limits production Place pump low to capture drawdown increases the likelihood of gas interference and pump/rod failures

5 Reduce CAPEX and OPEX: Fewer, less expensive system transitions
Extend Natural Flow Avoid Intermediate Lift

6 HEAL System™ Components
HEAL Seal forces flow into SRS creates large solids sump Sized Regulating String (SRS) variable internal diameter slug flow mitigation reduces fluid density to lift fluids into build section of well engineered for low risk retrieval HEAL Vortex Separator separates solids separates gas minimizes foam generation

7 Multiphase Flow SRS is sized for longevity and should not require re-sizing or maintenance Bubble Flow Slug Flow Annular Transition Mist Source: Purdue University

8 Frac Flowback Goals Maximize hydrocarbon recovery
Maximize load fluid recovery Reduce damage to fractures Source: Wilson, Kurt et al. (2016). Geomechanical Modeling of Flowback Scenarios to Establish Best Practices in the Midland Basin Horizontal Program, Presented at URTeC, San Antonio, Texas, URTEC MS. 1-5 psi/hour helps to significantly reduce the peak stress imposed on the proppant pack A study found that <100 psi/day (4.2 psi/hr) helped to mitigate wellbore damage and increased cumulative production Source: Tompkins, Darryl et al. (2016). Managed Pressure Flowback in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Permian Basin Case Study, Presented at URTeC, San Antonio, Texas, URTEC MS.

9 Frac Flowback Goals Keep BHFP high to reduce stress on proppant
Control BH fluid velocity to reduce proppant flowback Maintain stable BHP and reduce cyclic loading on proppant pack Typical managed flow back involves 2-4 weeks of surface equipment and careful analysis to determine choke change timing and sizes Often 1 choke change per day; up to 28 choke change events Source: Tompkins, Darryl et al. (2016). Managed Pressure Flowback in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Permian Basin Case Study, Presented at URTeC, San Antonio, Texas, URTEC MS.

10 Controlling Flowback – Example – 1 of 2
Maximum pressure to maintain stability of proppant pack Maximum flow rate (velocity for sand transport) In the example below, rates were above the level of proppant pack stability. Source: Schlumberger (accessed 26 July 2017).

11 Controlling Flowback – Example – 2 of 2
Stay within the stable operating envelope from day one to maintain maximum proppant conductive ultimately enhancing production and EUR. In the second part of this example, flow rates were controlled within the stable operating envelope and sand production was minimized. Source: Schlumberger (accessed 26 July 2017).

12 Managed Pressure Flowback with HEAL System
Choke rocking – rotate the choke to clear debris or change choke size can cause significant pressure waves that are transmitted downhole With HEAL assisted flowback, fewer choke changes are required This limits any choke rocking effect due to fewer surface changes, and also any transient pressure changes induced on the horizontal and fractures themselves Frictional effect of the HEAL System can dampen surface transients during compressible flow With HEAL System, 2-3/8” tubing to KOP, then 1.5” ID SRS to 80° Once hydrocarbons flowing, SRS is not excessively frictional as pressure drop is low during HP high-flow and also during LP low-flow 800 psi

13 Extend Natural Flow Multiphase flow around a horizontal well’s build section is complex. Thickening of liquid film on downward side of inclined pipe results in a substantial increase in critical liquid lifting rate in the 15° - 45° inclination range, up to 50%!!! The HEAL System extends the natural flow period by designing a variable ID SRS that controls liquid loading in the 15° - 45° inclination range as the well declines. Luo, S., Kelkar, M., Pereyra, E., & Sarica, C. (2014, November 1). A New Comprehensive Model for Predicting Liquid Loading in Gas Wells. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: / PA Shekhar, S., & Kelkar, M. (2016, October 17). Prediction of Onset of Liquid Loading in Vertical, Inclined and Near Horizontal Wells. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: / MS

14 Slug Flow and Sand Transport
The HEAL Systems flow regulating technology can: aid in smoothening the downhole slugging flow in the lateral section, reduce Taylor bubble and liquid slug lengths (pressure cycling) thereby reducing the transportability of solids and ensuring more proppants stay in the fracs themselves, and efficiently separate the flowing phases after the bend for improved pump efficiency during the well's life HEAL System Installed Source: Anand Nagoo et al Multiphase Flow Simulation of Horizontal Well Artificial Lift and Life-of-Well Case Histories: HEAL System Modeled in PipeFractionalFlow. Presented at URTeC, San Antonio, Texas, URTEC MS.

15 HEAL Slickline System: Extend Natural Flow and RP Transition
Flowback and Natural Flow Rod Pump Well is no longer capable of natural flow and can be cost effectively transitioned to rod pumping without pulling tubing Slickline reconfiguration from flowing to pumping Land insert pump and rods into upper nipple profile or PSN Casing is open for separated gas HEAL System protects pump from gas and solids, as well as maximizes production drawdown Post frac HEAL Slickline System is installed (snubbed in or after well dies flowing up casing) HEAL Slickline Separator in flow through configuration (HEAL Slickline Separator is bypassed) All produced fluids and entrained solids are produced to surface SRS is sized to mitigate slug flow during flowback to control proppant flowback and solids with minimal pressure loss Extends natural flow period as SRS lifts fluids around bend and delays the onset of liquid loading INSERT PUMP HEAL Slickline Separator in flow through configuration HEAL Slickline Separator c/w Separator Mandrel Formation Fluids (Oil, Water, Gas) Separated Gas Oil / Water SRS SRS HEAL Seal HEAL Seal Separated Solids

16 Case Study: Improve Production Performance Wolfcamp, Permian
23 neighboring wells and 140 readings over seven months Slug flow mitigation improves downhole separation, HEAL system fillage is higher and more consistent Additional benefit of lowered BHP Less stress on rods by avoiding erratic pump fillage Stable fluid level allows for effective pump jack balancing

17 Case Study: Improve Production Performance Wolfcamp, Permian
Gas lift to Rod Pump transition, lower BHP. Wolfcamp Formation is challenged by depth, high total fluid rates, high watercuts and severe high GOR gas interference Installation in 12 Wolfcamp wells resulted in a sustained +33% increase in production Lower OPEX and total capital with rod pumping HEAL System Installed

18 HEAL ESP System: Two Risk Based Configurations
7” Casing or > 5.5” Casing Features HEAL System is below ESP ESP is shrouded to allow ESP intake to couple directly with HEAL System HEAL System separates gas into annulus Separated gas travels outside the shroud past ESP Adaptable to ALL ESP vendor equipment Features ESP is integral to HEAL Vortex Separator All formation fluids flow past ESP on inside of shroud Custom HEAL ESP Intake System (patent pending) HEAL Separator discharges into annulus above ESP intake Positive weight bearing sealing clamps Adaptable to ALL ESP vendor equipment Accommodates 5-½“, ppf wellbores and larger Formation Fluids (Oil, Water, Gas) Separated Gas Oil / Water Separated Solids

19 Case Study: Improve production ESP maximized drawdown (Permian, Wolfcamp)
Typical smaller casing configuration results in excessive ESP gas interference and poor run life > 50% increase in production and reserves opportunity HEAL System highly suited for such casing configurations for maximizing drawdown and run life

20 Summary HEAL System can be installed as part of initial completion to complement existing flowback strategies. Mitigating Slug flow from the horizontal adds value Solids control Efficiency as separators and pumps like smooth flow Drawdown reliably maximized HEAL Slickline System offers additional value of reduced CAPEX and OPEX: Inter-wellbore communication or frac-hit risk mitigation Extension of natural flow period Simpler and lower cost transition to artificial lift Simpler and lower cost transitions between artificial lift systems

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