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Week 4 3/27/2010.

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1 Week 4 3/27/2010

2 Quiz 2 Take quiz Check together
Announcement: Easter Party…next Saturday afternoon (2:00?) at my apartment!

3 Sentence-combining Exercises
Go over “April Fool” Introduce 7 other ways to combine sentences. Try “The Garbage Problem” Review on board Hand in worksheet

4 Pronoun reference Confusing if pronoun seems:
To refer to more than one word The cat was friends with the dog until she bit her. Not refer to any specific word Ted’s mother is a scientist, but he’s not interested in it.

5 Pronoun agreement Must agree in number and gender with antecedent

6 1. Maria’s mother let her wear her new earrings to school.

7 2. When I asked why I failed my driver’s test, he said I drove too slowly.

8 3. Dad ordered my brother to paint the garage because he didn’t want to do it.

9 4. Herb dropped his psychology courses because he thought they assigned too much reading.

10 5. I love Parmesan cheese on veal, but it does not always digest well.

11 Pronoun point of view Should not shift unnecessarily
First, second, third person – keep consistent I enjoy movies that frighten you. If we want to improve, one should practice.

12 1. Whenever we take our children on a trip, you have to remember to bring snacks, tissues, and toys.

13 2. In our society, we often need a diploma before you are hired for a job.

14 3. A worker can take a break only after a relief person comes to take your place.

15 4. If a student organizes time carefully, you can accomplish a great deal of work.

16 5. Although I know you should watch your cholesterol intake, I can never resist an ear of corn dripping with melted butter.

17 Consistent verb tense The shoplifter walked quickly toward the front of the store. When a clerk shouts at him, he started to run. See paragraph examples.

18 Comparison & Contrast Writing
Pg. 199 Discuss answer to comment Pg Compare Outlines & discuss Pg. 202 Activity 2 Compare order Discuss questions on pg. 204 Writing Assignment 4- Ten Years Ago vs. Now --expectations: My Senior Prom, Divorce, My Broken Dream

19 Homework 1. Write: An Outline for the essay and an introduction paragraph with thesis statement 2. Read “American Space, Chinese Place” And Elements of Style points 9-18 ( 3. Review: today’s lesson (quiz 4)

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