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Good Morning/Afternoon!

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning/Afternoon!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning/Afternoon!
Please turn in your completed Test Corrections, staple them to your test with your scantron (tomorrow will be ok too). In a separate pile, please turn in the questions for “Mother Tongue.” Please also find your Satire essay on the front table. We will first discuss this today.

2 Mother Tongue Multiple Choice Quiz: Turn to pages 542-547
Focus on paragraphs 7 – 14 When you are finished, turn it over on your desk and we will “trade and grade” at 9:15 or when everyone is finished

3 Persuasive Argument Using Sources Provided
The Synthesis Essay

4 Synthesis General definition from “The Learner’s Dictionary”:
Something that is made by combining different things (such as ideas, styles, etc.) What are some things in life that require “synthesis” (other than an essay)? Chat with your neighbor about this.

5 Synthesis Vs. Analysis Analysis – breaking things down into pieces and then looking at the individual pieces Synthesis – taking pieces and making one product.

6 Synthesis key components:
You are “entering the conversation” Imagine that the articles are a “conversation” Enter the conversation, and incorporate parts that you agree and disagree with. When referring to the articles, be sure you capture the true intent of each article, do not take quotes out of context.

7 Synthesis Essay – what it is
First and foremost: The synthesis question requires a PERSUASIVE ARGUMENT. You are presenting your opinion in response to a given question; however, unlike the free-response question, you must use the facts and ideas presented in the provided sources. Use the sources to support or augment your OWN argument. Do not summarize the sources and allow those writers to speak for themselves—you are using what they say for your OWN purposes.

8 Synthesis Essay: Use Basic Essay Structure
KEY: Argue your own idea, using your own reasons and reasoning—but you must use evidence from the provided sources.

9 Synthesis Essay: Use Basic Essay Structure
Introduction: Open with an engaging hook. Identify/clarify the issue at hand. Present a clear, direct thesis statement.

10 Synthesis Essay: Use Basic Essay Structure
Body Paragraphs: Topic sentence: Give one reason in support of your thesis. Explain as necessary. Present specific supporting evidence (ie., quotes from the provided sources—but you may also bring in other evidence). All sources are documented. The writer explains the significance of the specific supporting evidence (e.g., what does the evidence show or suggest as true?)

11 Synthesis Essay: Use Basic Essay Structure
Conclusion: Restate thesis statement. Draw further significance from the reasons and evidence presented. Bring the paper to a thoughtful ending. (Be philosophical! Show your wisdom!)

12 TIPS You must use 3 sources. Using less WILL harm your score, but using more sources will NOT help you. You may refer to the sources as “Source A,” “Source B,” etc. This may be a time saver for you.

13 Learning Target Write arguments to support a claim in an analysis of substantive topics and texts.

14 Success Criteria: I can read and annotate materials for a synthesis essay. I can develop a claim I can support my claim by using three sources provided. I can write the introductory paragraph.

15 TIP When reading the sources, determine which would support the claim, which would refute the claim, and which would be neutral. Tag each source/passage as you read: Support + Refute – Neutral x Remember you ONLY need to use three!

16 Due tomorrow! Plan what you would write for this synthesis essay:
Thesis statement – write it out. Then indicate: What three sources would you use? Which quote or specific references to the texts will you use? We will look at anchor essays tomorrow.

17 Helpful Resource

18 Good Afternoon! If you have not already done so, please turn in:
Test Corrections Synthesis Prep Materials from yesterday (prep sheet + introduction paragraph only)


20 Sample Essays Read through these essays.
See if you can determine which is the high score? Which is the middle score? Which is the low score? Work with a partner to determine this and write a paragraph about the one that is the high score. What makes it better than the others?0

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