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Grab a planning and outline sheet!

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Presentation on theme: "Grab a planning and outline sheet!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab a planning and outline sheet!

2 Speak up and earn extra vocab quiz points! Join the 100 club!!!
Challenge Questions If I call your name – choose a challenge question. What did I do to earn this? Answer now and put in the period pocket. Speak up and earn extra vocab quiz points! Join the 100 club!!!

3 Practice VLT Essay In an argument essay, the writer takes a stand on a particular issue and develops a logical presentation of the issue to persuade the reader to his point of view. The writer can take a serious or humorous tone, but always tries to convince the reader that his assertion is valid. The writer may use irony or sarcasm to subtly persuade the reader. The thesis (position, claim, assertion, stand, conclusion) that the argument is built around must be an arguable or debatable statement.

4 Supporting Arguments Logical Appeal (Logos)—Does the author’s proposal make sense? Ethical Appeal (Ethos)– Is the author’s proposal the right thing to do? Emotional Appeal (Pathos)—Will accepting the author’s proposal make me feel better?

5 Complete Pre-writing Pro Con
Collect data for both sides of the issue. Your answer to the question will become your position statement. Include all arguments for the position on the Pro side and all of the arguments

6 Introduction Get the attention of the audience
Attention Getter or Hook Provide background information to orient the reader to the issue What does the reader need to know about this issue? Define terms Create a thesis statement or assertion to guide the reader There are a variety of ways to form an argument. As you develop more sophistication and style in your writing, you might experiment with different strategies. A person writing about gun control, for example, might begin with an anecdote to appeal to the sympathy (pathos) of the reader. The more formal introduction may be later in the piece. Some writers get to the thesis at the end of the argument essay OR the thesis may be inferred.

7 Student Argumentative Essay
Read the writing prompt scenario Scenario: “20 Minutes Late” Write a complete essay on the scenario. I will be collecting a neatly written (or typed if you want) final draft on Friday (11/20).

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