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Picture of the future that produces passion

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1 Picture of the future that produces passion
Vision Picture of the future that produces passion 1

2 “"The Church today ought to take a giant step forward in her evangelization effort, and enter into a new stage of history in her missionary dynamism. In facing these challenges, the Church does not give up or retreat into herself; instead, she undertakes a project to revitalize herself. She makes the Person of Jesus Christ and a personal encounter with him central to her thinking, knowing that he will give his Spirit and provide the force to announce and proclaim the Gospel in new ways which can speak to today's culture… Today, a "business as usual" attitude can no longer be the case. St John Paul II

3 Dream for the parish To become a center of radiance of the new life of Jesus for high school and college students, young professionals, families and seniors. This happens when the heart of the parish, those who are already coming, experience the transformative power of the encountering Jesus. This encounter awakens a missionary impulse that leads to share this power with others. 1

4 #1 – Quest Course Offer an annual ENTRANCE DOOR to the whole parish to lift up the spiritual level of the regular comers, enkindle the lukewarm, and reach out to the fallen away.

5 #2 Develop a sacramental preparation that evangelizes
#2 Develop a sacramental preparation that evangelizes. This year focus on religious education for children and confirmation prep. Partnership with families in transmitting the Catholic faith.

6 #3 Facilities functional to the mission: Transform the gym into a gathering space

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