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Students meeting research in their second semester: Organizing students’ internships in nano-scientific research groups Hege Ommedal, administrative coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Students meeting research in their second semester: Organizing students’ internships in nano-scientific research groups Hege Ommedal, administrative coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students meeting research in their second semester: Organizing students’ internships in nano-scientific research groups Hege Ommedal, administrative coordinator The Bachelor’s program in nanotechnology Department of chemistry University of Bergen

2 Curriculum for BScNano
6. Spring Elective 5. Autumn Methods in nanotechnology Informatics/ Statistics 4. Spring Introduction to nanotechnology Physics 2 3. Autumn Chemistry of the elements Physics 1 Metabolism 2. Spring NANO100 Calculus II Introduction to molecular biology 1. Autumn Exphil Calculus I General chemistry Mandatory courses

3 NANO100 - Perspectives in nanoscience and -technology
Part 1 12 preparative colloquia 12 lectures 10 of 12 are mandatory Part 2 Internship in a nano-scientific research group 3 hrs a week, 36 hours 1-2 hrs as a guest in the group 1 hr writing journal Main aims for NANO100 To develop an understanding and overview of nanotechnology and –science early in their Bachelor’s studies To give the students an introduction to nano research and by this motivating them to successfully complete their BSc in nanotechnology To develop the students’ academic and generic skills

4 Key facts NANO100, spring 2010 15 students A total of 21 supervisors
4 partner departments at 2 faculties Department of Chemistry* Department of Physics and technology* Department of Biomedicine** Department of Clinical Dentistry** *The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences **The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

5 The seasonal wheel for the NANO100 internship

6 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

7 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

8 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

9 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

10 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

11 Autumn - Preparatory phase
Information 1 September Students and supervisors Collecting projects from the research groups October - November Initial contact with the research group leaders Secondary contact with the appointed supervisors, often PhD-students Information 2 November Meeting Supervisors present the projects for the students Students rank between scientific fields Nano physics Nano chemistry Nano biomedisine Assigning students to projects November Initiation of contact between student and supervisor December

12 Spring – Executive phase
Part 1 Week 2: Start colloquium Week 3: Start lectures Part 2 – Internship Starts in week 4 April: Information to the supervisors regarding last-phase handling of laboratory journal May/June: Student posters Students finish their posters Help the students formatting their posters Arrange printing of posters June - Exam: Oral poster presentation Public poster session

13 Summer - Evaluation and quality assurance
Three evaluations during the executive phase All information is assembled in two handbooks which are updated each year Students’ guide for NANO100 internship Supervisors’ manual for NANO100 internship

14 Bachelorprogrammet i nanoteknologi UiB NANO100
Veiledermanual for studenthospitering

15 Challenges Tracking the actual number of students who plan to take the course Collect enough projects for a varying number of students Coordinate the November info meeting for the students Make sure that all the students have been contacted by their supervisors within medio December Coordinate the last-phase actions/journal evaluation Coordinate the printing of posters Coordinate the exam day and the poster session

16 Suggestions for improvement
New routines for collecting projects – standard project portfolio from each department New routines for information to the students Booklet with project descriptions for the students to choose from November information meeting then can become superfluous Advantages: Reduce the total work load on students and researchers Assure complete information about the available projects

17 Transfer value Internship is applicable to other scientific fields
Research-based teaching funded on dedicated participation from relevant research environments Internship can be introduced to both theoretical and practical projects or courses

18 Key factors to success Detailed administrative schedule
Constant dialogue with the students and the supervisors Well balanced and precise information Avoids misunderstandings “Makes people happy” Creates a good climate for cooperation

19 Outcome so far All the students have passed the course so far
The students give very good feedback over all NANO100 won the prize for best practice in student education at The University of Bergen in 2010 – “The Owl Award”

20 Summary Curriculum and course development
We are in constant dialogue with the academic environment and the students to improve the course. We are dependent on all of them to make the course a success. Supporting student learning and study skills Close attention from the supervisors and individual teaching schemes provide a tailor-made learning environment for each student when being a guest in the research group. They are challenged through multiple study methods which can improve their study skills while under supervision. Student participation The students participate by: Choosing their field of nano research Being active observers in the research groups Giving oral exam presentations Being presenters of nano-scientific research in a public poster session

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