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Parts of Speech English 3 – Ms. Roule.

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1 Parts of Speech English 3 – Ms. Roule

2 agenda Bellringer Binder Specifications Parts of Speech Scramble Exit Ticket

3 Bellringer Create a weekly bellringer log on a sheet of paper (See board for example)

4 Bellringer Identify as many parts of speech as you can in the following sentence: John quickly eats juicy and ripe tomatoes in the summer

5 Binder info 5 Dividers: Agenda, Bellringers, Handouts, Notes, Graded Work Binder checks: Every Friday, starting 9/12

6 Nouns Persons boy, Mr. Daniels, policewoman Places mall, Mount Everest, church Things whale, moon, scissors Ideas freedom, love, hope, impatience

7 Pronouns A word that takes the place of a noun Singular pronouns: I , me, you, he him, she , her, it Plural pronouns: we, us, you, they, them, Pronouns can be possessive, (show ownership) Singular possessive pronouns: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its

8 Plural possessive pronouns: our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs

9 Physical action: run, scream, jump, Mental action: like, think, dream
Verbs: Action Verbs An ACTION verb tells what someone or something does. The action can be either physical or mental. Physical action: run, scream, jump, Mental action: like, think, dream

10 Linking verbs A linking verb does not show action. It is a STATE OF BEING. Examples of linking verbs: is, are, was, were, am, be, has, had. Other less obvious examples of linking verbs: seem, remain, appear, become.

11 An adjective describes
Adjectives An adjective modifies (alters) a noun or pronoun by limiting its meaning. They answer the questions Which?, What kind?, How many? An adjective describes numerous cars rambunctious puppy outrageous party

12 Adverbs An adverb is a word that changes (limits) the meaning of another word in the sentence. Adverbs usually modify verbs, but they can sometimes modify adjectives and adverbs. She quickly ran to get the ball. (modifies verb) She is an extremely careful girl (modifies adj.) Melanie very slowly walked. (modifeis adverb)

13 The mother of the kittens lives here. I will see you after lunch.
Prepositions Prepositions show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. The mother of the kittens lives here. I will see you after lunch. She sang her song for them.

14 Conjunction (boysfan)
Conjunctions join words in the sentence together to make the sentence logical. but or yet so for and nor

15 Interjections Interjections are words that express emotion or exclamation. Ah, that’s good. Ouch! That hurts. Wow! This is super! Good Grief! Is that true?

16 Parts of speech scramble!
Work with your group members to sort all the words in your envelope and place them in the appropriate envelopes around the room. The group with the most correct placements will earn extra credit applied to the assignments category.

17 Exit ticket What new/clarified understanding did you come to today? (Or what questions do you still have about parts of speech?) Write your response on a half-sheet of paper and turn in on your way out!

18 practice And review! Common and Proper Nouns Page 100 Collective Nouns Page 101 Pronouns Page 104 (ident. Sing, plural or possessive) Verbs and verb phrases Page 112 Adjectives Page 113 Adverbs Page 118

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