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Meditech EMR for Physicians.

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Presentation on theme: "Meditech EMR for Physicians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meditech EMR for Physicians

2 Meditech for Physicians
The following slides are a self learning package to educate physicians on how to access information in Meditech/EMR You will need a Meditech user name and password to be able to access the system If you require assistance please call the help desk at (807)

3 Logging In Double click on
this will give you access to your Meditech desktop

4 This is where you will enter your Meditech user name and password
This is where you will enter your Meditech user name and password. Type in your user name, hit ENTER on the keyboard then type in your password and ENTER and ENTER again. If you are logging in for the first time, you will be given a temporary password. Once you have typed it in and hit ENTER, you will be prompted to change it. You will now select a password that you want, one that you will not forget. It has to be at least 6 characters. Type it in, hit ENTER, type it in again and hit ENTER again. A screen will pop up saying that your password has been changed. This is now the password that you will use to log into Meditech. Please note, you will be prompted to change your Meditech password every 90 days.

5 To view patient records, select Enterprise Medical Record .
Click on it to open further options or make sure it is highlighted in green then hit ENTER . You can also use the navigation buttons here for frequently accessed applications.

6 Recent Access is the default panel
Recent Access is the default panel If you have not accessed patient records in the last 14 days your list will be empty Once you have accessed data within a record, the record then displays in Recently Accessed Records for 14 days. You may access these records as needed from this list.

7 Admitted: Listing of admitted patients.
My Admitted: Displays a list of all patients admitted to the facility associated to you either as an admitting, consulting, family or other physician. Group: Displays a list of all patients admitted to the facility associated to your provider group. For example, you may be set up in the Spence Clinic group, any patients admitted to the facility by any physician who belongs to this group, will be displayed. Cover: Allows you to select a provider and see their admitted list. ( see next slide for directions)

8 You can view/print list of another providers admitted patients by clicking COVER.
1.You must enter the last name of the Physician that you are covering, and click OK or hit F12 on your keyboard 2.Select his/her name from those listed 3.Get Records. The providers admitted patients will then display 1 3 2

9 Viewing records With New Results
will display records that have new results for procedures that you have ordered When the patient name is listed in RED this is a new result since you have been in that record. (If you have viewed the patient record through another application since the new result was added-or,if the result is older than 15 days- the name will display in Black.) New resulted patients will stay on this list for 30 days or until viewed or removed manually. When viewed, they will automatically drop off of this list.

10 Any Record Allows you to search for any electronic record, via name
Health Card, Medical Record, or Account Number Date of Birth, Sex or Mothers Name can be used to further define the search Type in the Patients name (Last,First) and click on OK or hit the F12 key This will result in a List of matches from which you may choose the correct record by single clicking in the account you wish to view

11 Any Location: Allows you to search for a patient by a specific location (i.e. 2A). Once you have clicked on this panel, you will need to select the appropriate facility (i.e. TBRHSC). Then a screen will appear with all of the units/locations available within that facility. Click on the one that you want (i.e. 3A). You will then see a screen with a list of all the patients that are on that particular unit. Find your patient’s name and click on it. Then select the visit you wish to view.

12 Selecting a Visit Select a single visit:
By clicking in the visit box you wish to view. View all visits (up to 250) in a single record by selecting View all Visits. Select multiple visits to view in one record, by clicking to add an x in the box beside each of the visits you wish to view. Then select View X visits




16 Additional Icons Suspend Sesssion Print Help Direct access to
External Links such as: MUSEWEB Easy Web WEBOPIS Clinical Pharmacology

17 24 Hour panel Once you have chosen an inpatient visit or visits, you will then come to this screen. (If you are looking at a outpatient or discharged visit, you will default to the Summary panel) This is the 24 hr panel which gives you quick access to Vital signs, Intake and Output, Lab results and reports that have been entered on the patient in the last 24 hours up to 5 days ago.

18 Allergies The information that is shown includes:
Allergies/Adverse Reactions Type Severity Date entered NB *Patients allergies are listed in the Patient Header However, if they have many allergies and they do not fit on the header, clicking will display a complete list of allergies for that patient.

19 My Panel and various Standardized Special Panels
Includes My Panel and various Standardized Special Panels The standardized Special Panels are created by Meditech , and are composed of several different categories. Each category has one or more panel that contain information relevant to the category, plus access to test results,queries,reports, intake/output data and medication information.

20 account data that would normally be found in several different panel.
Clicking grey panels will give a history view of data. Clicking + beside values will open and display additional data for this same time frame You may choose the time frame you wish to see by clicking into the Hour selections. Clicking the +or - key at the yellow panel headings, opens or closes these panels. Special Panels View a wide range of account data that would normally be found in several different panel.

21 Vital Signs Panel The Vital Signs panel displays temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure measurements and pulse oximetry. To view a history of all measurements for a data item (i.e.. temperature) during the visit, click on the gray box containing the data item. To view a snapshot of all data item measurements for a specific date and time, click on the gray box that contains the date and time. To view a snapshot screen Click date/time-this will display all data included in the particular assessment. To view a history screen click on a data item

22 I & O Panel The I & O panel displays daily intake and output totals during a visit. It also breaks down the amounts for each I & O source (i.e.. Intake - oral, IV. Output - urine, emesis). The most recent data appears to the right. The screen defaults to a 24 hr time interval but there are other options available across the top of the screen. To change the time interval on the panel, click on the time interval you want to view.

23 Notes Panel You may sort notes by the Categories located in this panel
clicking on any of the yellow headings Selecting the first note you wish to view, opens the note viewer and gives you the ability to scroll through the selected notes. (You must select in a grayed panel to access the scroll feature.)

24 Scanned Anesthetic Records will be found under the Notes panel
Scanned Anesthetic Records will be found under the Notes panel. Find the document in the list and click on the camera icon to view.

25 Medications Panel The Medications panel displays a group of panels that show the medications ordered during a visit. The screen will default to Active Medications but the option of Discontinued and All Medications is also available. The table lists the: generic and trade names dose ordered signa/schedule (SIG/SCH) route order start and stop times status Clicking on the Medication name will display order detail Selecting History will display activity such as dosage changes or directions changes.

26 Order History Panel View all orders that have been entered on this patient visit. (You will not see results here.)

27 Scanned Order Sheet & Progress Notes will be found under the Order History panel. Find the document in the list and click on the camera icon to view.

28 Laboratory Panel Use the Laboratory option to view data for Hematology, Blood Gas, Coagulation, Chemistry, Urine, Toxicology, Other Body Source, Immunology, Serology and Miscellaneous results. Red indicates a result that is critical Abnormal Delta difference indicator Yellow indicates a result out of normal range. White indicates a result within Normal limits Yellow panels are clickable. They will display additional data or display data in a different format such as this snapshot page.

29 Microbiology Panel The Microbiology panel includes three columns:
Left hand column - date and time of report, name of the report and specimen status Middle column - specimen and result Right hand column - notepad icon and susceptibilities grid icon Click the Icon to view the report

30 Blood Bank Panel The Blood Bank option has 3 panels available
Blood Product Summary-displays any blood products ordered as well as the latest Hgb,Hct,Plt Count, PT, PTT Blood Bank Tests-type,antibody screen and crossmatched units Transfusion History Blood Products Summary lists Any products ordered. Latest HGB,HCT,PLT,PT and PTT results. Blood Bank Tests Blood Type, antibody screen and crossmatch Transfusion History Lists units that have been transfused and any reaction.

31 Imaging Panel The Imaging panel will display all Imaging and Therapeutic Services (ITS) procedures. These include radiology, MRI, nuclear medicine, CT, mammography and US. The panel has five columns: Date - the date the test was ordered Exam - name of test ordered Status Report - click on the text bubble to view the report Hx - click on the text bubble and a message appears indicating that there are old versions of the report selected. To view them, click on the date and time box

32 Other Reports Panel The Other Reports screen will display reports entered or dictated by physicians and other health care providers (i.e.. OT, PT, RD). These reports will be listed in reverse chronological order. These reports will fall in under the All Reports panel but they will also be included in a specific reports panel (i.e.. Surgery, Cardiovascular System, General) and can be accessed/sorted by clicking on the specific panels. Clicking the Report bubble will open the report

33 FYI - Glucometer data appears in the Nutrition panel**
Care Trends Panel The Care Trends screen contains multiple panels grouped by body system and specific categories (i.e.. Education, Activity/Safety). Selecting a date/time will display a snapshot screen Selecting the query will display a history screen The data in these panels comes from assessments completed by health care providers (i.e.. Nursing, PT, OT). Only three columns of data will be shown - with the most recent to the right. To view earlier data either click on the EARLIER box or click on the appropriate yellow box on the left. FYI - Glucometer data appears in the Nutrition panel**

34 Spreadsheet Ability to view multiple assessments
The three last documented assessments are the default view on the spreadsheet. Clicking on + beside a value opens to further data entered. To collapse the default, click the - at the top of the panel. You have the ability to choose any 3 assessments to view by right clicking to select and then clicking display. Use the scroll bar to view up to 12 instances Use the Earlier button to view further back



37 History Panel The History screen is composed of multiple panels (i.e.. Positives, Respiratory). The data in these panels is transferred from information collected in the Admission Assessment. It includes Positives (all questions answered with a Yes response), Other (i.e.. home medications), Family History and various body systems (i.e.. HEENT). To view a history of a query, click on the gray box of the data item - i.e.. to see a list of home medications, click on the gray Home Medications box. To view a snapshot, click on the gray date box. The snapshot will show you what assessment the information came from.

38 Summary Panel The Summary screen displays information about a visit or visits. The information is grouped into the following panels: Indicators Risk/Legal Demographics Providers Summary - Indicators This panel displays: Blood type Antibody screen Body surface area Height (imperial and metric units) Weight (imperial and metric units) Precautions (i.e.. type of isolation) To view a history, click on the gray data item box (i.e.. Height)

39 Summary - Demographics
Summary - Risk/Legal This panel displays: Patient Resuscitation Status Advance Directive Living Will Power of Attorney Existing Health Care Proxy Organ Donor Summary - Demographics This panel includes: Name Address Phone number Birthdate Marital status Health Card number Summary - Providers This panel lists the various physicians that are associated with the particular patient. They include Additional, Admitting, Attending, Emergency, Family, Other and Primary Care Physicians. If you are viewing multiple admissions, the physicians associated with the most recent visit will be displayed. To view names of physicians for previous visits, click on the gray data box to view.

40 Scanned Facesheets can be found under the Summary panel
Scanned Facesheets can be found under the Summary panel. Click on Summary, then choose Risk/Legal in the header. There may be multiple types of scanned documents, so click on the yellow header that says Admissions Scanned Document to move ahead to the Facesheets. Now you can click the camera to view.

41 Graphing Abilities You can select up to 5 numerical data items to graph

42 Creating My Panel A customizable panel that allows you to select and display data that you regularly need to review. Select Special Panel then click on My Panel. Then select Build My Panel for All Records

43 Click on the panel that you would like to select data from (i. e
Click on the panel that you would like to select data from (i.e.. Vital signs) Then select a data item (i.e.. Temperature) by right clicking with the mouse. The background of the item will change to green. Continue this process for all the data items that you wish to appear in My Panel. To deselect an item, right click on it and the background will change back to its original colour. Remember, you can select data from the following panels. Vital Signs Laboratory Microbiology Pathology Imaging Other Reports Care Trends To save/file the items that you have selected, click on Special Panel. You will then have the option to File My Panel for ALL Records. My Panel has now been created. This panel will be available in Special Panels for all records.

44 My Panel has now been created
My Panel has now been created. This panel will be available in Special Panels for any patient you now view.

45 Editing My Panel If you wish to add or remove data items from your existing My Panel screen- Build My Panel for ALL Records . The previous panel appears with your previously selected data items showing in green. To remove an item right click on the data. The green highlight will change to gray. Select File My Panel for all Records. Adding data is the same as described in previous screen.

46 Printing Rounds Reports

47 Printing a Rounds Report
from the EMR MDPTLIST Be sure to have LIST ONLY checked Select MY Rounds Report Check off the Facility you would like to have a patient list for

48 This is what the EMR Rounds report looks like
This is what the EMR Rounds report looks like. For records to be included on the rounds report, your preceptor may be the Attending, Admitting, Primary Care, Family, Emergency Dept., or Other Provider for the individual receiving care.

49 Printing a Rounds Report from menu.

50 Type in the mnemonic. If he/she is associated with a Provider Group, it will appear on the screen. If you do not wish for all of the patients associated with this group to print - click N in the box. On the bottom half of the screen in the Include section, click on the “other” box and change the N to Y. Select Okay or F12 to file.

51 This is the format of the rounds report from your desktop
Sorted by location, includes the following data Room/Bed number Patient Name Age/Sex/Length of stay and what your affiliation is with the patient Attending Doctors name


53 This is the format of the Census Report
Includes: Patient name Location Health Card Number Unit number Age / Sex/Birth date Reason for visit Length of stay Whether you are associated as an admitting, attending, consulting or family physician

54 Emergency Tracker Depending on your access, you will have access to see all patients presently registered in the Emergency department

55 When you click on the Emergency Tracker icon, you will see either the Location Tracker or the Dept Tracker depending on your access. Location Tracker displays patients that are presently registered in the Emergency department. You are provided the room and location where they can be found. Dept Tracker Displays all patients that are presently registered in the Emergency Dept. You can also link to the patients chart and view data.

56 EMR Desktop Icon Another option to log in directly to the EMR (a shortcut) is through the EMR Desktop icon. This icon will appear on the same screen as the Meditech Live icon. Double click on the icon. A sign-on screen will then appear. You will type in your Meditech user name and password. Then click OK. This brings you directly to your Recently Accessed List in the EMR.

57 Logging Out When you finished in the EMR, you need to log off the computer. If you do not, other people will be able to access patient charts and it will record in your name. If you have logged in via HCIS Live: Click on X in the top right corner of the screen. This will bring you back to your Meditech Desktop Then you will need to either click on the red X in the top right corner twice or hit the ESC key on the top left of the keyboard twice. “Goodbye” will appear on the screen and it will close. You have logged off. If you logged in via EMR Desktop: Click on Exit in the top right of the screen until the screen disappears. You have logged off.

58 This concludes the presentation on the EMR.
                                                                                                                                                                    This concludes the presentation on the EMR. If you have any further questions please call the Help Desk (807) Thank you

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