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CS101 Security.

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Presentation on theme: "CS101 Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS101 Security

2 Network = Security Risks
The majority of the bad things that can be done deliberately to you or your computer happen when you are connected to a network


4 Safe computing tips Number One Best Security Method: Move away from the herd by using less popular software to access network functions Go do all the security steps from the Security Lecture from the beginning of the semester.

5 4 Areas To Secure 1) Your Computer 2) Your Network Interaction
3) Yourself 4) Your Data Elsewhere

6 Securing Your Computer

7 What can happen to my computer?
Your computer can be attacked by: Hackers Legitimate Software Malware Thief

8 How can I protect my computer from all of those things?
Go do all the security steps from the Security Lecture from the beginning of the semester.

9 Securing Your Network Interaction

10 What can happen to me when using a network?
Information you send out on a network can be intercepted Redirect Attack Too much to list on one slide etc

11 How can I secure the information I send out on a network?
Make sure your connection to the network is secure Make sure that any important information you send out on a network is in encrypted form (scrambled) before it is sent Treat any unencrypted information transmitted as if it was on a postcard Use anti-phishing software Change your DNS to Google Never open or click on any item you are not 100% sure of Bookmark all web sites you need to access securely

12 Securing Yourself

13 How can I be a security risk?
You do not do all the other security items listed in this PowerPoint Practice bad password practices Fall for human engineering attacks

14 How can I protect myself from social engineering?
Use good password practices Treat any request for information as suspicious and either ignore or verify request via an independent method Treat any offer that sounds to good to be true as suspicious Use anti-phishing software.

15 Securing Your Data Elsewhere

16 What can happen to the information you no longer control?
Once information is contained outside of your direct control you must protect yourself from it being used in inappropriate ways such as identity theft

17 How do I protect information I do not control?
You can’t You can stop them from doing anything with the information Freeze your credit at all 3 credit reporting agencies and/or add an identity protection service that helps with the cleanup. How To Freeze Your Credit Report at Each Credit Bureau Subscribe to a monitoring service.

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