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America A Christian Nation.

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Presentation on theme: "America A Christian Nation."— Presentation transcript:

1 America A Christian Nation

2 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence

3 Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America, 1835 He developed the term: American Exceptionalism

4 “The position of the Americans is quite exceptional, and it may be believed that no Democratic people will even be place in a similar one.”

5 We take for granted that our stability is natural; but it is actually Super Natural

6 “The comparisons of our government with these of Europe are like a comparison of heaven and hell.” Thomas Jefferson

7 Any nation and/or individual who lives out Biblical principles GOD WILL BLESS!

8 In 1816, John Adams listed several people who should be getting the credit:
White Preachers Black Preachers Rev. Samuel Cooper Rev. Richard Allen Rev. Johnathan Mayhew Rev. Absolum Jones Rev. George Whitefield Rev. John Marrant Rev. Charles Chauncy Rev. L. Haynes

9 Elected to office in 1768; re-elected for the next 45 years; held 9 different political offices
Wentworth Cheswell

10 “After that time of prayer in congress, even the stern old Quakers had tears running down their cheeks.” Silas Deane

11 “Millions will be upon their knees at once before their Great Creator, imploring His forgiveness and blessings…” John Adams

12 “The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations.” - George Washington

13 Battle of Yorktown, 1781

14 John Elliot, 1661 printed the Bible in many languages except English

15 “Resolved, that the United States Congress highly approves… and recommends this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.” Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1782

16 1783 Peace Treaty “Treaty of Paris” “In the name of the Most Holy and undivided Trinity…”

17 John Witherspoon,

18 Charles Thompson,

19 Dr. Benjamin Rush, died 1813

20 Francis Hopkins,

21 Samuel Adams

22 Roger Sherman

23 John Adams

24 Charles Carroll

25 George Washington’s Farewell Speech

 #1. Educate yourself on History of our Founding Fathers Faith #2. Read the Bible seriously and systematically. #3. Have a prayer life as the foundation for all you do. #4. Vote people into office with Christian morals, values and beliefs.


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