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Explanation of the demo scripts and installation guide

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1 Explanation of the demo scripts and installation guide
GuiXT Demo Scripts Explanation of the demo scripts and installation guide Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

2 Synactive provides a file "demoscripts. zip" with demo GuiXT scripts
Synactive provides a file "" with demo GuiXT scripts. You can find the link to the zip file and the installation guide at the end of this presentation. The presentation describes the content of the demo application showing typical examples from the GuiXT scripts. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

3 User menu The starting point of our demo scripts is the following user menu which we display instead of the "Easy Access" menu. The user can switch between the Easy Access menu and the GuiXT menu via a pushbutton. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

4 User menu Script detail We use the commands Box, InputField and Pushbutton
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

5 User menu: Graphic elements We have structured the mask layout by inserting vertical texts.
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

6 Quickinfo As a quick info about the customer, we present a table of contact persons. The address (in green) is output as dynamic text. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

7 Quickinfo Script detail The definition of tables is very easy in GuiXT.
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

8 Displaying sales data The "Sales data" pushbutton calls up the transaction VD03, whereby the initial screen is processed automatically. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

9 Sales data Script detail Automatic processing of the VD03 entry screen by a GuiXT script
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

10 Displaying Google Maps The "Show on map" button embeds a browser control into the screen and passes the customer address to Google Maps. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

11 Displaying Google Maps Script detail To display the browser control with Google Maps we use the "GuiXT Controls" component. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

12 Calling up transaction VA01 The user can already select the order type in the menu screen; we then skip the initial screen of VA01. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

13 Calling up transaction VA01 Script detail Same technique as for the sales data: Call up a standard transaction and process the initial screen automatically Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

14 Layout change in VA01 As an example of a small layout change, we extend the address fields in the order header and add texts in the two pushbuttons Standard With GuiXT Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

15 Layout change in VA01 Script detail Field extension via FieldSize command. Moving and changing the two pushbuttons. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

16 Layout change in VA01 (2) Extension of the payment terms text
Layout change in VA01 (2) Extension of the payment terms text. New positions for the Incoterms so that the search help icon does not hide the entry field. Standard With GuiXT Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

17 Stock overview The "Stock overview" pushbutton calls up a standard SAP function
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

18 Stock overview Script detail First we check whether a material number has been entered. Then we call up transaction MMBE; we set the selection parameters and display the stock overview. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

19 Change material data In this single-screen transaction created with GuiXT, the user can quickly and easily change the relevant material. The data is read and stored using the standard transactions MM02 and V-43 in the background. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

20 Change material data Script detail Those entry fields which have long texts are defined by the statements InputField and Text. By specifying the –dynamiclabel option we link the field label to the SAP Repository, so that the language dependent label from the SAP repository will be shown when the user logs on in French for example. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

21 Change material data: Search help The SAP standard search help is also available for the GuiXT input fields through the repository reference techname="MVKE-VKORG". Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

22 Change material data: Updating The database is updated via transactions MM02 and V-43 (price). This ensures that all SAP input checks and the updating of the data are performed correctly. Script detail Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

23 Purchasing data We show the availability per plant and further purchasing data in a GuiXT table.
Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

24 Puchasing data Script detail Reading article data via an SAP BAPI
Display the data in a table Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

25 Special demo examples You can use the "Demo examples" pushbutton to open a menu with further small sample applications, each of which introduces a particular technique Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

26 Embed the Visio viewer Display a diagram using the Microsoft Visio Viewer. You can interact with the embedded control, for example, load a .vsd file by calling VB.NET or VBScript. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

27 Display Barcode We call a VB
Display Barcode We call a VB.NET function that generates the barcode via .NET library functions. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

28 Search a transaction by its text Search for SAP transactions via text search (transaction title). Display the matching transactions as drop-down list and offer a pushbutton to start the selected transaction. Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

29 Installing the demo scripts
Download and unzip to a folder on your PC, e.g. C: \ demoscripts Make the following entries in the GuiXT Profile: c:\demoscripts c:\demoscripts\vb c:\demoscripts\vbs\demo.vbs Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

30 Installing the demo scripts (2)
Request a trial license for the components "InputAssistant" and "GuiXT Controls“ at Add the function module /guixt/dbselect in your SAP test system: To try out the search help, create the program ZGUIXTF4: To try out the VISIO embedding, install the Microsoft VISIO Viewer on your PC: Demo Scripts Synactive GmbH

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