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Presentation on theme: "RESOLUTIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT ARE THEY? Your ideas and solutions about the problems raised in the committee!

3 Continued You should think creatively AND realistically

4 Continued Sponsors: The principal authors of a resolution.
Signatories: Delegations that wish to see the resolution debated in the committee.

What is the difference between a sponsor and a signatory?

6 HOW DO YOU WRITE THEM? Purpose: describe the problem that the committee is trying to address - The “WHY” section.

7 Resolutions: Preambulatory Clauses
Use gerunds: Acknowledging Believing Concerned Emphasizing Fully Aware Keeping in mind Reiterating Stressing Welcoming etc…

8 Example-Preambulatory Clauses
General Assembly Third Committee Sponsors: Rwanda, DRC, Yemen Signatories: Canada, India The General Assembly, Acknowledging that learning is crucial to every child´s development, Stressing the importance of play in that development, Reaffirming the work that teachers and students do in the classroom,

9 Check for Understanding!
What is the purpose of a preambulatory clause?

10 Operative Clauses Purpose: Identify the actions and recommendations made in a resolution. The “TO DO” section.

11 Continued Begins with “soft” terms: Directs Encourages Instructs
Adopts Authorizes Calls upon Confirms Declares Directs Encourages Instructs Recommends Suggests Urges Etc… Remember that the UN cannot force a country to do something, so these verbs can only be suggestions!

12 Example-Operative Clauses
Urges the committee to reaffirm its commitment to quality education; Calls for the creation of a board in each school that would enforce ¨No Homework Fridays¨; Encourages each school to respect and comply with the decisions of the board.

13 Check for Understanding!
What is the purpose of an operative clause? Can the UN force a member country to adopt a specific action?

14 Examples! What you will do today:
What you will do at BG-MUN:

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