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Presentation on theme: "Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns

2 Turn and talk to your neighbor about what you notice about these pairs of sentences.
The dresses of the girls hang on the rack. The girls’ dresses hang on the rack. The tools of the gardeners are new. The gardeners’ tools are new. The clothes of the children are colorful. The children’s clothes are colorful.

3 A plural noun that shows ownership.
Turn and Talk to your neighbor about what you think a plural possessive noun is? A plural noun that shows ownership.

4 Make the singular nouns plural possessive.
Child _______________________ Doctor _______________________ Farmer _______________________ Horse _______________________ Children’s Doctors’ Farmers’ Horses’

5 I can make plural nouns show ownership by making them possessive.
A plural possessive noun is a plural noun that shows ownership It uses an apostrophe. Next to each phrase, write the plural possessive form: Books of the women _________________________________________ Horns of the steer _________________________________________ Tails of the kittens _________________________________________ Food of the animals _________________________________________ Wings of the planes _________________________________________ Women’s books Steers’ horns Kittens’ tails Animals’ food Planes’ wings


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