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Welcome Ms. Moorhead’s Campsite 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Ms. Moorhead’s Campsite 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Ms. Moorhead’s Campsite

2 Meet the Teacher I moved here from Florida thirteen years ago. My career began as a third grade teacher; which I taught for nine years. This is my tenth year teaching second grade. I received a Master’s Degree in reading at Clemson University. I have a soon to be seven year old daughter. Blakely is in first grade here at Calhoun this year. We have a dog and a cat. In my free time I enjoy the sun, beach, camping, movies, going to dinner, and of course visits to Disney World

3 Morning Arrival The school day begins at 8:00 am. Students should be in room by 7:55am. Any student that arrives prior to 7:30 should report to the gym if they do not want breakfast. If they want breakfast, they must report to the lunch room. If you arrive after 8:00 am, please report to the office for a late pass. Parents must fill this out.

4 Related Arts Our Related Arts scheduled time is 9:10-10:00.
Monday~ Dance Tuesday~ Drama Wednesday~ Music Thursday~ Art Friday~ PE (wear tennis shoes on this day) Wednesday~ W1~Guidance(1) Monday~ W2~Library (10:10-10:50 ) (return library books this week)

5 Recess Students will have recess daily, weather permitting. We will rotate weekly in three different areas: playground, blacktop, and field. Our scheduled time is 11:15-11:30. If it is raining students will participate in indoors recess.

6 Lunch Lunch time is from 11:41-12:06.
Feel free to join your child for lunch anytime. The class welcomes you to sit at our lunch table so that no child feels left out. We ask that if you bring birthday treats you do so during lunch time. No outside fast food allowed. Guest Lunch: $4.00

7 Word Study Students are required to learn ten spelling words each week. They will also be given a word of the week for bonus. Every Monday students will get a Spelling Contract in their orange folder. Each student will have an orange journal in which they will complete their spelling homework. There are specific directions included. This will be turned in on Fridays.

8 Math In math there are less standards so that we can go deeper with the content that we do teach. We will incorporate guided math groups. Students will be learning new strategies for addition and subtraction. They will be exposed to more word problems and problem solving. We will be doing geometry, measurement, time, money, and multiplication. After each unit is taught there will be an assessment. Students usually have a math worksheet nightly for homework.

9 Writing This year students are focusing on the 6+1 Traits of writing. We are practicing using the steps in the writing process correctly to become better writers. Students will be learning different styles of poetry, letter writing, narrative and expository writing. We will be practicing our handwriting and eventually working on cursive later in the year.

10 Reading This year we will do some work in our basal reading books as well as novel and inquiry units. Students will learn to read informational text such as magazines, newspapers, and researching information on the internet. We will be working in guided reading groups to meet the needs of each individual. Students will be participating in Daily 5 strategies. I thrive on reading my favorite novels throughout the year to the students. Our goal is to become better readers. We will be “reading to learn” in 2nd grade! Please read nightly with your child and record in reading logs. We ARE their role model!

11 Science This year, we will teach one subject unit at a time in order to shift our focus more on making Math and ELA more rigorous. In Science, we will explore weather, pushes and pulls, matter, changes, and life cycles. Students will work with a partner to complete class labs. Our textbook this year is online. They will keep a science journal. in class. Study guides will go home to prepare for tests. Sign and return these for extra credit.

12 Social Studies This year students will learn about how history plays a large role in our culture and where we are today. We will study about our community, government, and leaders, contributions of historical figures, traditions, and the way our economy operates. Study guides will go home to prepare for tests. Sign and return for extra credit.

13 Grading This year letter grades are given. Homework assignments are considered review, so they will be given a check, not a grade. Power School enables parents to check grades on line. Grading Scale A B C D 60 and below F

14 Homework Moorhead’s Memos: This will be found in the back of your child’s homework folder. Please check it daily. You will reminders, important dates, homework, and personal notes. Please initial next to each day. Homework is optional if your child would like to receive positives. students are responsible for copying math in the morning once homework is completed the homework sheet should be initialed by an adult-I will check this daily homework is turned in first thing in the morning if homework is completed students earn positives spelling test given each week using all ten words reading test given weekly on story (most weeks) consistent homework: Spelling Contract (Monday) Math Reading and completing Log

15 Projects Throughout the year your child will have the opportunity to complete many projects. We will have a Mock Election, spider webs, various dress up days, 100th Day Fashion Show, and Habitat Projects. I ask that you help your child because parent involvement is very important. This doesn’t mean you do ALL the work! Be creative and don’t spend lots of money.

16 Testing ITBS and CogAT will take place in late October.  ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) is a nationally normed test in ELA and math.  The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a group-administered K–12 assessment intended to estimate students' learned reasoning and problem solving abilities.  We will soon begin Brain Booster activities to help students get prepared for the test. Both are used for gifted and talented placement

17 Management We are implementing schoolwide Toolbox for Success, Essential 55 and Calhoun SHINE BRIGHT BE DIFFERENT methods. Students will be earning tribal points for their assigned tribe. They will also have opportunities to earn Moorhead Money to spend on candy, passes, or prizes in the classroom store. I included an explanation of this in your ABC packet. Students will earn negative’s for bad behavior, missed homework, and irresponsibility. They will walk a lap for every negative they receive that day. All of this is incorporated in Class DoJo, which you have access to. On Fridays you will receive a “Friday Folder” listing positives and negatives for the week. This should be signed and returned on Mondays.

18 Strings: Your second grader has a new opportunity this year
Strings: Your second grader has a new opportunity this year. Please consider letting your child sign up for strings. This is a great program for all students. Box Tops/Soup Labels: Bring in anytime the money earned from these helps our school! Camper of the Week: Each week a student will be chosen to complete the activities for AOW and be prepared to share with the class. Movie Afternoons: At the end of a novel I read I will invite students to stay after school for a movie or activity based on the story. You will need to sign permission and pick your child up by 4pm on those days.

19 Book Bag Buddies: Beginning after Labor Day I will choose 3-5 students to take home the Book Bag Buddies. Please take care of these books and animals they are precious to my daughter. They should be returned on Friday in the bag they went home in. Scholastic Book Orders: These will go home monthly with a return date. Please write checks payable to Scholastic Book Club if ordering. Cash is not accepted. End of the Year Reward: Students who complete their reading log correctly each week will be given a special reward at the end of the year. Moby Max, Spelling City, ABCYA are programs your child can do at home on the internet.

20 Communication I believe that through communication and teamwork, together we can ensure your child is successful and enjoys learning. Please Feel free to contact me by through Class DoJo, or school phone ( ). Due to teaching I may not respond right away. Important information regarding the classroom or tests will be posted on my website weekly, as well as the Moorhead’s Memo sheet. Please let me know of any number changes.

21 Field Trips We are looking forward to our field trip to the Brooks Center on November 1st. More information will come home soon. We will also be attending Lake Conestee Nature Park in Greenville on April 25th. The cost for each child will be $8.00.

22 Volunteers I always appreciate volunteers. Please let me know if you are able to help in the room and days along with times. Any items you may have such as gently used small toys, hard candy, pencils, stickers, etc. that you would like to donate to our class store would be greatly appreciated. The students get very excited about shopping every two weeks. Kleenex is a constant need in our classroom. You may send these in any time. Thanks for all your support.

23 Thank You Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life. I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning and activities!

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