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Cyfieithu peirianyddol yn y Cynulliad

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Presentation on theme: "Cyfieithu peirianyddol yn y Cynulliad"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyfieithu peirianyddol yn y Cynulliad
Cenedlaethol: y buddion a’r peryglon Machine translation at the National Assembly for Wales: the benefits and pitfalls Cynhadledd flynyddol Cymdeithas Ryngwladol y Comisiynwyr Iaith Annual conference of the International Association of Language Commissioners Gruffydd Jones Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru National Assembly for Wales 17 Mai 2017


3 Y Cynllun Ieithoedd Swyddogol The Official Languages Scheme
‘Buddsoddi’n sylweddol mewn technoleg fel ffordd o drawsnewid y gwasanaethau dwyieithog a ddarperir wrth sicrhau gwerth am arian.’ ‘Invest significantly in technology as a way of transforming bilingual service provision whilst also providing value for money.’


5 Bing Translator

6 Bing Bar


8 Bing Lens

9 Adolygu > Cyfieithu | Review > Translate
MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint…) Adolygu > Cyfieithu | Review > Translate

10 Cof cyfieithu Translation memory (CAT tools)



13 Ken Skates - Ken Esgidiau Sglefrio Angela Burns - Angela Llosgiadau
Peter Black - Peter Du Elfyn Llwyd – Elfyn Grey Mark Reckless – Mark Di-hid Theresa May – Theresa Efallai

14 Felly, cyn y cyfarfod ddydd Gwener, hoffwn i chi ddechrau meddwl am ba drefniadau fyddai angen eu gwneud mewn amgylchiadau lle nad yw’r tri pheth isod ar gael i ni fel gwasanaeth. Therefore, before Friday's meeting, i would like you to start thinking about what arrangements would need to be made in circumstances where the three things below available to us as a service. Mae’n debyg does dim modd archebu yn uniongyrchol drwy CBAC bellach ar-lein. Ond mae rhestr gyda nhw yma o ddarparwyr. Felly, edrychaf ar hwn nawr. Probably can't be ordered directly through the WJEC is now online. But with them here list of providers. Therefore, I look at this now.

15 Erchyllterau cyfieithu peirianyddol
Machine translation horrors

16 Erchyllterau cyfieithu peirianyddol
Machine translation horrors

17 Cyfieithu yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain Translation in the twenty-first century
Cof cyfieithu Translation memory + cyfieithu peirianyddol machine translation + ôl-olygu proffesiynol professional post-editing

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