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About Me President of Lean Agile Intelligence, an assessment and learning platform that provides guidance to teams and organizations about Agile/Lean practice.

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Presentation on theme: "About Me President of Lean Agile Intelligence, an assessment and learning platform that provides guidance to teams and organizations about Agile/Lean practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Me President of Lean Agile Intelligence, an assessment and learning platform that provides guidance to teams and organizations about Agile/Lean practice adoption based on desired business outcomes President of Achieving Agility, an Agile consulting firm that provides coaching, training, and transformation services Board Member of Agile Uprising, a purpose-built network that focuses on the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between leading Agilists.

2 Shifting The Focus from Frameworks to Outcomes
Michael S. McCalla


4 16 Years Later….. The State of Agile is Sad

5 What once was a “movement” to embrace the realities of software development and better the world of work has become….

6 A watered-down, abused, commercial buzzword that has lost it’s purity and true intent

7 What has led to this sad state?
Who is to blame?

8 Ourselves, the Agile Community

9 Framework Wars “Your Framework is Not Agile” “Agile is Dead”
“Stop Selling a Bag of Goods” “Agile is Not Meant to Scale” Framework Wars “That Framework is Too Prescriptive” “You are in Violation of the Principles and Values” “Stop Abusing the Term Agile” “That Certification is Meaningless”


11 News Flash! All of these frameworks are based off of the same set of principles and values

12 Understanding the Connection
Frameworks SAFe Source: Ahmed-Sidky

13 What Happened to a Common Mission?

14 So what does this mean for you?
For those looking to utilize Agile in there organization It can’t be good, right?

15 “Wrong!” It doesn’t mean a thing

16 What if I were to ask your CEO

17 Would You Like to Use Kanban, Scrum, or SAFe for All Your Agile Needs?

18 What Do You Think the Answer is?
Would You Like to Use Kanban, Scrum, or SAFe for All Your Agile Needs

19 Would You Like to Use Kanban, Scrum, or SAFe for All Your Agile Needs
I have no idea what those fancy terms mean kid, nor do I care. Stop wasting my time!

20 Would You Like to Use Kanban, Scrum, or SAFe for All Your Agile Needs
Whatever Generates the Most Cash Handsome!

21 Would You Like to Use Kanban, Scrum, or SAFe for All Your Agile Needs
Whatever Generates The Best Business Outcomes!

22 True Story And Your Focus! Leadership Doesn’t Care About
Leadership Does Care About Scrum Kanban SAFe XP Lean Startup Spotify Time to Market Customer Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction Reliability Innovation Responsiveness Predictability And Therefore Either Should We! This Should Be The Agile’s Community’s Focus And Your Focus!

23 Frameworks Have Value They help drive the mindset and discipline needed to achieve Agility. They give organizations who are beginning their Agile journey a structure to self-organize within

24 Don’t Get Hung Up On Frameworks
Reason #1: Organization Leadership Does Not Care

25 Who here has worked in multiple organizations?

26 Where they exactly alike? What was different about them?

27 There are no two organizations exactly alike
True Story There are no two organizations exactly alike Every organization has a unique set of values, objectives, and challenges

28 Don’t Get Hung Up On Frameworks
Reason #2: It is Not One Size Fits All! You Can’t Just Buy Agile!

29 The Agile Manifesto is Beautiful Revolutionary
The Agile Manifesto is Beautiful Revolutionary! It Changed the Way we Work! Well Done Authors! Mission Accomplished!

30 But We Need To Go Even Faster Now!
The world around use continues to change at a faster pace Welcome to the Digital Age!

31 Don’t Get Hung Up on Frameworks
Reason #3: We Don’t Have Time!

32 Don’t Get Hung Up on Frameworks
Reason #4: Don’t Limit Yourself With Such a Narrow Focus How Agile is that…..

33 Frameworks Have Value Just Don’t Start There!

34 Who Has Ever Heard the Term “Lean Startup?”

35 Its Much More Than a Book Its Much More Than a Bible For Startups
Lean Startup Its Much More Than a Book Its Much More Than a Bible For Startups

36 It’s a Methodology Based off of the scientific method
Lean Startup It’s a Methodology Based off of the scientific method

37 Lean Startup Approach 1. Start with your desired outcome
2. Form a hypothesis 3. Test the hypothesis with an experiment 4. Measure & Learn 5.Pivot or Persevere

38 “Organizations are Complex Adaptive Systems”
When to Apply Lean Startup? “Organizations are Complex Adaptive Systems” David Anderson

39 Conclusion: Lean Startup Can Be Applied to Agile and Lean Adoption

40 Revisiting: Understanding the Connection
Frameworks SAFe Source: Ahmed-Sidky

41 Taking it a Step Further
Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Time to Market Employee Satisfaction Responsiveness Predictability Reliability Innovation

42 Example of Applying Lean Startup to Agile Adoption

43 Start with the Desired Business Outcome
Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction “Our strategic objectives this year focus on increasing customer satisfaction”

44 Customer Satisfaction
Form a Hypothesis Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban “Given that we are interested in continuous flow to the customer we believe that adopting Kanban will add the most value”

45 Run the Experiment “We are going to try it with two teams to start”
Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban “We are going to try it with two teams to start”

46 Customer Satisfaction
Measure & Learn Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban “ We have increased our feature cycle time from 8 weeks to 4 weeks, and we have identified areas where we can improve”

47 Customer Satisfaction
Pivot or Persevere Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban “Given our customers are showing increasing satisfaction we are going to continue to use Kanban”

48 Using A Lean Startup Approach To Practice Adoption
Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban Gather Insights Start Experiment Measure/Learn

49 Who is Familiar with the Term “Meta?”

50 Example: Metadata: Data of Data
Is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter Example: Metadata: Data of Data

51 “Meta-Framework” Is an evolving framework of frameworks or practices within multiple frameworks that help you achieve you desired business outcomes

52 Customer Satisfaction
Measure & Learn Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Kanban “We have increased our feature cycle time from 8 weeks to 4 weeks, and we have identified areas where we can improve” “We need a direct point of contact in the business that has domain expertise and can make decisions”

53 Pivot or Persevere Enabling Business Outcomes Customer Satisfaction Scrum Kanban Given our customers are showing increasing satisfaction we are going to continue to use Kanban “We are going to introduce the concept of a Product Owner”

54 Wait…. Isn’t that a Scrum Role and we are using Kanban?

55 Yes, And……..

56 “Who Cares”

57 Context is Everything And what matters the most is….

58 Business Outcomes

59 Practice Catalog

60 Practice Catalog

61 Meta-Framework @ Team or Organization Level
Team: Practices from Different Frameworks Organization: Framework of Frameworks

62 True Story: This is what happens today in high performing teams
Team Level True Story: This is what happens today in high performing teams Have you ever met a high performing scrum team that does not use XP technical practices and doesn’t visualize their work on a board?

63 Exactly…

64 Organization Level True Story: This is what happens today in high performing organizations Have you ever met a high performing organization that did not have series of teams utilizing different frameworks?

65 Exactly…


67 Putting it All Together

68 Takeaways Ignore all the childish & petty banter about Agile
Frameworks are beneficial but not the be-all/end-all Agile is simply a means to an end, what we care about is business outcomes Use Lean Startup Approach to find what works for you Experiment with different practices across frameworks to create your own Meta-framework

69 Check Out….

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