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By: Landen, Jason, and Anakin

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1 By: Landen, Jason, and Anakin
Rhinos! By: Landen, Jason, and Anakin

2 Life Span Black Rhinos live up to 45 years
White Rhinos Black Rhinos live up to 45 years White Rhinos live up to 45 years

3 Habitat and Communication
Black White Rhino Rhino Black Rhinos White Rhinos Black Rhinos live White rhinos in Central and live in eastern Africa southern Africa. They can be seen by water holes and in savannas. Black Rhinos White Rhinos communicate communicate by using grunts, grunts, growls, and growls, loud snorts, short explosive mews, and squeals. snorts.

4 What they eat Black rhinos White Rhinos
Black Rhinos find food. They are herbivores so they eat grass, plants, fruit, and berries. White Rhinos they find food. They eat plants like grass, bushes, berries.

5 What Type of Animal Black Rhinos White Rhinos
The Black Rhino is in the rhinocerotidaes family. It is also a mammal. The white rhinos is a mammal and it is in the rhinocerotidaes family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Appearance Black Rhinos White Rhino
The white rhino is six foot tall and can be more than 2 tons fat! The Black Rhino can be black or gray. It has 2 horns. The black Rhino can range from 1800 pounds to 3100 pounds. It can range from 11 to 12 feet long.

7 Reaction and Family Life
Black White Rhino Rhino Black white rhinos Rhinos The black A white rhino is Rhino is a animal that aggressive could kill you Towards very FAST!!!!!! humans. It is also aggressive toward humans. Black Rhinos a white rhino live alone. Lives solitary With an with a slight acceptation of acceptation the mother of a mother and her calf. And her calf. cool right!

8 Both Rhinos carry bacterial diseases. It is the most common disease.
White Rhinos Black Rhinos Both Rhinos carry bacterial diseases. It is the most common disease.

9 Predator or Prey and What They Are Known For
Black White Rhinos Rhinos Black White Rhino rhino The Black The white Rhino is prey rhino is to Wild cats prey to And humans. big cats. but What animal is dumb enough to charge a rhino. Both Rhinos are known for their 2 horns.

10 Defense Black Rhinos WHITE RHINOS
Black Rhinos use their horns for defense they also charge. White Rhinos defend their young by forming a circle around their young.

11 Endangered And Why Black Rhinos White rhinos
Black Rhinos are indeed endangered. The reason they are endangered is that humans have hunted them to the point of almost being extinct. The White Rhinos are endangered for a reason? That reason is because humans almost killed them all. OMG!!!!

12 Bibliography (Images and Books)
< > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > K.B. Endangered Rhinoceroses. New york: Crab Tree, 2004 Spilsbury, Ritchered. Animals Under Threat Black Rhino. Chicago: Heinemann Library, Green, Jen. Rhinoceros. Connecticut:Grolier, 2009

13 Bibliography Klappenbach Lauru. “White Rhino.” About Animals. January < > “White Rhino.” Switch Zoo. January < > “Black Rhinoceros.” African wildlife. January < > “White Rhinoceros.” World Wildlife Foundation Global. January < > “Rhinoceros.” African Wildlife Foundation. January < > “What do Black Rhinos eat?” ask. January < > “Black Rhinos.” a-z animals. January < > “White Rhinos.” Rhinos. January < > “White Rhinos.” Rhino Resource Center. January < > “White Rhinos.” The Animal Files. January < > “Black Rhinoceros.” Wikipedia. January < >

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