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The world around us.

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1 The world around us



4 5

5 What are your opinions about these animals?
What’s in common about the three kinds of animals? What are the big differences between the pictures and the words under them? What’s the writer’s purpose in arranging the pictures and captions in so different a way?

6 hippo

7 lion

8 wolf

9 fox



12 kangaroo

13 giraffe

14 Can you tell why they are in danger?
People have killed or hunted too many of them The habitat is destroyed or changed. New species arrive. A species is over hunted. A disease spreads. Some pollution lead to the death of them. The weather has changed. There is no grass on the ground. The river/sea/ocean has been polluted. 8

15 Actually, up to a hundred species become extinct every day
Actually, up to a hundred species become extinct every day. Scientists say that the total number of species lost each year may reach 40, 000, the largest number in a year in the last 65 million years. If nothing is done, we may find ourselves alone on this planet.

16 the Malayan sun bear

17 Rhinos

18 What does the title Animal SOS means?
Why are the Malayan sun bear and the black rhino endangered?

19 Discussion Some of the world’s endangered animals are being kept in zoos. Do you think that building zoos is a good way to protect animals? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of zoos?

20 If all the animals disappear from the earth, can we human beings survive on the earth?

21 Can you tell what is happening in the following pictures?
The remains after cutting down trees Water shortage Can you tell what is happening in the following pictures? A sand storm The city in the sand storm

22 We are not alone in the world
We are not alone in the world. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us. We often talk about how important it is to take care of ourselves and our planet, but we don’t always do as we say. Steve Jones

23 Are We Endangered? Fast-reading
Read the passage quickly to find the general idea for it? A. An environmental expert tells us some species are endangered. B. The passage tells us why a species becomes endangered and what we can do to protect endangered plants and animals. C. We must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things. D. We should help keep animals and plants from being endangered. B.

24 Human beings always do as they say.
Task 4: Scanning ( T or F ) Human beings always do as they say. 2.It’s late for us to take measures to keep animals and plants from dying out. 3.A species may die out if humans or other animals use too much of a plant or kill too many animals. 4.Planting a tree is a way to creating more space for animals. F F T T

25 Further-reading Read the text again after the tape. Pay attention to the detailed information in the text. Here are some exercises helping you to understand the text better.

26 Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to ______.
A. kill animals for their fur and skin B. keep animals at home C. ship the animals to foreign countries D. keep animals and plants from becoming endangered D

27 2) “They are used to their environment” means that “_________.”
They have learned how to live successful in their habitat. Their environment is using them. They cannot change with the environment. Animals can always change with the surroundings. A

28 3) Animals must have a habitat or home _______.
which is comfortable and clean in which there is enough food and other resources things around which will never change both A and B D

29 adapt to the change B. find a new home die D. either A or B
4) When the habitat of a species is changed or destroyed, the animal or plant has to _________. adapt to the change B. find a new home die D. either A or B 5) To protect animals and plants, we ________. have done enough B. can do nothing had better not pollute D. shouldn’t eat animals D C

30 To love animals is to love ourselves.
6) Which of the following description of our attitudes to nature is wrong ? To love animals is to love ourselves. There are so many animals and plants that they will never die out. We can plant a tree or build a birdhouse, and though it’s simple, it’s useful. To know more about animals and plants. B

31 1.Why do animals & plants become endangered?

32 Main reasons: Destruction of human beings. Introduction of a new species. Overuse of a plant and over-hunt for animals. Lack of food. Pollution.

33 2.What can we do to protect
animals & plants that are being endangered?

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