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« Animals are in danger» ( Жануарларға төнген қауіп)

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Presentation on theme: "« Animals are in danger» ( Жануарларға төнген қауіп)"— Presentation transcript:

1 « Animals are in danger» ( Жануарларға төнген қауіп)
The 12th of February The theme: « Animals are in danger» ( Жануарларға төнген қауіп)

2 Мақсаты: жануарларға қатысты жаңа лексиканы меңгерту, білімдерін нығайту; өз беттерімен жұмыс істеуге қабілеттерін дамыту; өзара бірлесіп жұмыс істеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, жануарларға қамқор болуға тәрбиелеу.

3 Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері: СТО
Сабақтың көрнекі құралдары: интерактивті тақта, үлестірмелі материалдар,оқулық

4 Сабақтың барысы: І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі: 1. Оқушыларды сабаққа дайындау
1. Оқушыларды сабаққа дайындау 2. Сабақ мақсаты мен міндеттерін ашу 3. Сабақ жоспарымен танысу.


6 Things glad and beautiful My pockets nothing hold
Good afternoon life- and all Things glad and beautiful My pockets nothing hold But he that owns the gold The sun is my great friend His spending has no end



9 New words Ivory tusk- пілдің тісі Hunt- аң аулау Hunter-аңшы
Ivory tusk- пілдің тісі Hunt- аң аулау Hunter-аңшы Appear-пайда болу көзге көріну Disappear-жоғалу Enough- жеткілікті Species- түр Threaten- қауіп төндіру

10 Match the kazakh word with the English
Пілдің тісі hunt Түр hunter Жоғалу ivory tusk Қауіп төндіру appear Жеткілікті disappear Аңшы enough Пайда болу species Аң аулау Threaten

11 People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil.
Do you know that There were 300 species of elephants everywhere today you can find them in Africa and India. Especially Asian and Indian elephants are in danger .Hunters have been killing elephants for meat and their ivory tusks for a long time. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eat and space to live.Today only million elephants live on the planet .Some day they may disappear. Before the war time tigers had enough space to live.Today tropical forests became less and less.People have been hunting tigers since the war .They may disappear too People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil. Thirty years ago there were rhinos in Africa. Today there are probably less than 4,000.In Kenya, Zambia and rhino horn is a fortune.


13 Present Simple упражнения
Упражнение 1. Образуйте правильную форму от глагола в скобках 1. He (like) ____________ English 2. We (know) ____________ it 3. She (swim) ____________ well 4. You (listen) ____________ to pop music 5. They (work) ____________ very hard

14 Rhino today there are probably less than 4000 in Kenya Zambia Elephant
8000 species today you can find them in Africa and India Animals Are in danger People hunt blue whale For meat and oil Tigers species today you can find them in Africa

15 1 Where do tigers come from. 2 Do people threaten some animals
1 Where do tigers come from? 2 Do people threaten some animals? 3 Where do elephants come from?

16 Animals Habitat How many are left ? Why do you people theaten them? Elephant Tiger Whale

17 Why do people threaten them?
Animals Habitat How many…. are left Why do people threaten them? Elephants Africa India 8000 Hunters kill them for meat and ivory tusks tigers Less in number People have been hunting tigers since the war whale In the ocean People hunt the blue whale for meat, fat and oil


19 Аnimals in our live

20 Domestic animals help people.
People used horses and bulls working in the fields many years ago.

21 Parrots can live 25-50 years
Rabbits can live 5 years Dogs can live 15 years Cats can live 13 years The English for “киска” is а pussy-cat. The English for “кошка” is а tabby-cat. The English for “кот” is а tom-cat.

22 Cats catch mice and rats.
Hens,ducks,turkeys give meat and eggs. Cows give milk, sheep give wool. Domestic animals are very useful.


24 There are many endangered animals all over the world :
- A siberian tiger -A polar bear -A European bison -A snow leopard -A Grey seal

25 Rules care of animals: 1.Your pet should have fresh water all the time. 2. Feed your pet the right food regularly. 3. Some pets must be walked outside to go. 4. Other pets need a special place. Keep it clean. 5. Some pets play with toys.

26 Characteristics of animals

27 A monkey is funny. A rabbit is lazy. A cow is kind and a little silly
A monkey is funny. A rabbit is lazy. A cow is kind and a little silly. A duck is beautiful and friendly. A camel is strong.

28 A bear is strong. A dolphin is friendly and smart
A bear is strong. A dolphin is friendly and smart. A fox is sly and clever. A dog is friendly. A cat is fluffy and clever. A lion is strong.


30 Love and take care of animals!!!

31 Ex 10. p 60 write Vocabulary

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