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We will watch a short news clip on the topic of ‘FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY’

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Presentation on theme: "We will watch a short news clip on the topic of ‘FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY’"— Presentation transcript:

1 We will watch a short news clip on the topic of ‘FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY’
DO NOW: We will watch a short news clip on the topic of ‘FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY’ Write down 3 words that you predict will be in the video (look back at your notes from last class for ideas…) As you watch, keep tally marks that show how many times each word was said. Be prepared to share your words and your tally marks.

2 Please turn to your learning partner and share one thing that you are proud of from this six weeks

3 Document your forensic entomology experiment.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE Document your forensic entomology experiment.

Evaluate the accuracy of our textbook’s forensic entomology section.

5 AGENDA FOR TODAY Do Now: news clip Article: the tell-tale fly.
SOME THOUGHTS… Article: the tell-tale fly. ----> Socratic Seminar ----> Reflection (turn in) Read phase 4 on the summative (on google classroom). Check on the chicken – document! (pictures, notes, and observations) Finish phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3.

6 Knowledge and skills are important. Grades are not important.
SOME THOUGHTS… Love is important. Peace is important. Choices are important. Knowledge and skills are important. Grades are not important. Practice patience and consider all perspectives. Meaningful feedback takes time. Re-grade form – if you sign it, I will process the re-grade before I enter grades (probably Sunday or Monday). FIT Tutoring – Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday this week. I’ll be here after school for a little while each day too.

7 Please take out the paper entitled “The tell tale fly”
Number the paragraphs. Read. Mark the text to extract more meaning as you read. Write two open-ended discussion questions for a Socratic seminar.

8 AVID Socratic Seminar – 10% of grade
We will have a discussion (Socratic Seminar) about the article. The goal of the seminar is to share ideas and open a dialogue. Your job is to listen attentively, contribute your thoughts, and refer back to the article to support your ideas. Your grade comes from asking deep questions, sharing insightful comments, and reflecting on your performance. About 10 students in each group. Stand in a circle at a lab table – or outside, if the class prefers. One person talks at a time. One person must volunteer to be the leader – ask the first questions & regulate the discussion. Get your group members those checks. Invite everyone into your discussion.

Please FULLY fill out the socratic seminar reflection page (on the back of the article). Leaders – You will do a different reflection. You DO need to know the names of everyone in your group. Prepare to discuss what went well and what your group could improve on. Also let me know if I didn’t put a check for someone who made a meaningful comment or question.

10 Complete phases 1 -3 on the Google Classroom assignment
Sign into Google Classroom on a computer or on your phone. If you use your phone, you will need to download both the Google Classroom app and the Google Docs app. Go to our Forensic Science class. Pull up the assignment (there is only one…) Let’s read the instructions for phases 1 – 4 together and type in the due dates. Type directly on the document. Start by simply answering the questions -- later you can edit it down to paragraph form. It will autosave. Today we will finish phases 1-3, plus add some of phase 4. But first …

11 …Let’s document our experiment. some thoughts:
We will take the big plastic tub to the courtyard for a few minutes each day to document and observe on our forensic entomology experiments. It will not smell good. Neither would a real human body. Deal with it. This is not ‘play around time’ and there is no need for over-the-top reactions. We are conducting the greatest scientific experiment of your life. Take it seriously. You are responsible for removing your own apparatus and putting it back in the tub. Document your experiment! That means pictures, notes and observations. These will go on your report. Safety equipment: gloves, aprons, and safety glasses. Wash your hands when you’re done. .


Copies of the summative assessments are on the cabinet or on our web site If you would like to sit down with me and re-grade or discuss something, sign your name on the board. We need to clean up computers at 10:55.

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