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Are you in a happy relationship???

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Presentation on theme: "Are you in a happy relationship???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you in a happy relationship???

2 Is it okay for an individual in an unhappy romantic relationship to show love interest in someone else?

3 Example In the film Titanic, Rose is unhappy with her fiancé Cal. She meets Jack, and quickly shows interest in him. Is this okay???

4 What is considered an unhappy relationship?
An unhappy relationship is when an individual is not happy with themselves, their partner, or about anything in their relationship.

5 Who does this matter to? Not only does this question affect couples, but it matters to marriage counselors because it is their job to help fix and strengthen relationships.

6 If.. John and Julia came to a marriage counselor seeking help. Julia has said she is unhappy with how their relationship is going, which is why she cheated on John. Julia does not see the problem. John thinks that Julia is very wrong for doing that.

7 If a couple like John and Julia approached a marriage counselor, then it is their job to help them out. John is upset that Julia cheated, so now it is up to the counselor to help this broken couple through this problem if they are willing to make it work. Counseling can help save relationships and marriages.

8 So.. Is it okay for an individual in an unhappy romantic relationship to show love interest in someone else? It doesn’t matter if you think it is okay or if you don’t think it is okay, because no matter the answer, marriage counselors are the ones affected by this question because they are ones who have to fix it.

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