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Implementing Update Management

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1 Implementing Update Management
20411C 12: Implementing Update Management Presentation: 40 minutes After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the role of Windows Server® Update Services (WSUS). Describe the WSUS update management process. Deploy updates with WSUS. Required materials To teach this module, you need the Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® file 20411C_MVA_11.pptx. Important: We recommend that you use Office PowerPoint 2007 or a newer version to display the slides for this course. If you use PowerPoint Viewer or an older version of Office PowerPoint, all the features of the slides might not display correctly. Preparation Tasks To prepare for this module: Read all of the materials for this module. Practice performing the demonstrations. Preparation for demonstrations For this module, you will use the available virtual machine environment. Before you begin the module, you must complete the following steps: On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Hyper‑V Manager. In Hyper‑V Manager, click 20411C‑LON‑DC1, and in the Actions pane, click Start. In the Actions pane, click Connect. Wait until the virtual machine starts. Sign in using the following credentials: User name: Adatum\Administrator Password: Pa$$w0rd Repeat steps 2 through 4 for 20411C-LON-SVR1. Note: When you are done with demonstrations in this module, revert all virtual machines to their initial checkpoint. Module 12 Implementing Update Management

2 Deploying Updates with WSUS
20411C Module Overview 12: Implementing Update Management Deploying Updates with WSUS

3 Overview of WSUS

4 Lesson 1: Overview of WSUS
20411C Lesson 1: Overview of WSUS 12: Implementing Update Management Configuring Clients to Use WSUS Briefly describe the lesson content.

5 Windows Server Update Services Microsoft Update website
What Is WSUS? 12: Implementing Update Management Automatic updates Server running Windows Server Update Services LAN Internet Test clients Microsoft Update website This topic introduces students to WSUS. Make sure that students understand the capabilities and limitations of WSUS. WSUS obtains updates for Windows® operating systems and for other Microsoft application software such as Microsoft SQL Server®. However, WSUS cannot be used to provide updates for non-Microsoft software.

6 WSUS Server Deployment Options
20411C WSUS Server Deployment Options 12: Implementing Update Management WSUS Implementation Single server Multiple servers Disconnected servers WSUS hierarchies Autonomous mode Replica mode WSUS database Windows Internal Database SQL Server database Make sure students understand that SQL Server databases are only required when your technical requirements include Network Load Balancing. Make sure they understand that Microsoft supports a single WSUS server for every 100,000 clients. However, they need to think about the bandwidth, connectivity, and availability requirements of their individual environment to determine the amount of servers to be used. For more information on capacity for WSUS servers, visit

7 The WSUS Update Management Process
12: Implementing Update Management Phase 1: Assess Set up a production environment that will support update management for routine and emergency scenarios Assess Explain the four phases that Microsoft recommends for the update management process: assess, identify, evaluate and plan, and deploy. Emphasize that it is essential to repeat the update management process on an ongoing basis, as new updates become available that can enhance and protect the production environment. Explain that each phase has different goals and methods for using WSUS features to ensure success during the update-management process. It is important to note that you can employ many of the features in more than one phase. Phase 4: Deploy Phase 2: Identify Approve and schedule update installations Review the process after the deployment is complete Deploy Identify Update Management Discover new updates in a convenient manner Determine whether updates are relevant to the production environment Evaluate and Plan Phase 4: Evaluate and Plan Test updates in an environment that resembles, but is separate from, the production environment Determine the tasks necessary to deploy updates into production, plan the update releases, build the releases, and then conduct acceptance testing of the releases

8 Server Requirements for WSUS
20411C Server Requirements for WSUS 12: Implementing Update Management Software requirements: Internet Information Services 6.0 or newer Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or newer Microsoft Management Console 3.0 Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 or newer SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005 SP2, or Windows Internal Database Hardware requirements: 1.4 GHz or faster x64 processor 2 GB of RAM or greater 10 GB available disk space (40 GB or greater is recommended) WSUS is included as a server role in Windows Server® 2012. If you install the WSUS server role, then all software prerequisites are installed automatically, including Windows Internal Database, if required.

9 Configuring Clients to Use WSUS
12: Implementing Update Management Use a GPO to: Configure Automatic Updates Specify intranet Microsoft update service location For computers running Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and newer, you should: Automatically download updates Do not automatically install For computers running older operating systems, you should: Automatically install updates Show students how to setup a GPO for WSUS. Make sure you explain the Automatic Maintenance feature in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Also, describe how it reduces resource consumption and saves power.

10 Deploying Updates with WSUS

11 Lesson 2: Deploying Updates with WSUS
20411C Lesson 2: Deploying Updates with WSUS 12: Implementing Update Management WSUS Troubleshooting

12 You can use the WSUS Administration console to:
12: Implementing Update Management You can use the WSUS Administration console to: Manage updates Configure computer groups View computer status View synchronization information Configure and view WSUS reports Configure WSUS settings and options In Windows Server 2012, WSUS also includes Windows PowerShell cmdlets for administration Explain the different management tasks that can be performed in the WSUS administration console. Open the WSUS administration console on LON-SVR1, and show students the tool and the location where some of the key configuration tasks are performed. Focus on where computer groups are located and created, and how to view and approve or decline updates.

13 What Are Computer Groups?
12: Implementing Update Management You can use computer groups to organize WSUS clients The default computer groups include: You can create custom computer groups to control how updates are applied Explain to students that computers are always assigned to the All Computers group, and remain assigned to the Unassigned Computers group until you assign them to another group. Point out that computers can belong to more than one group. Computer groups can be set up in hierarchies. For example, the groups Payroll and Accounts Payable can be below the Accounting group. Updates that are approved for a higher group will be deployed automatically to lower groups, and to the higher group itself. Thus, if you approve Update1 for the Accounting group, the update will be deployed to all the computers in the Accounting group, in addition to all the computers in the Payroll and Accounts Payable groups. All Computers Unassigned Computers

14 Updates should be tested before they are approved for production
Approving Updates 12: Implementing Update Management Updates can be: Approved automatically, but it is not recommended Declined if they are not needed Removed if they cause problems Updates should be tested before they are approved for production Stress to students the importance of testing updates before they are applied in a production environment. Mention that a custom computer group for a pilot group can be used for testing. You can also discuss with students what type of updates should be approved. For example, security updates should be applied in most cases unless you can identify a problem, whereas driver updates might be considered optional. Consider showing the students the approval process in the WSUS console on LON-SVR1.

15 Configuring Automatic Updates
12: Implementing Update Management You must configure the client computers to use the WSUS server as the source for updates You can use Group Policy to configure clients, including the following settings: Update frequency Update installation schedule Automatic restart behavior Default computer group in WSUS Explain to students that WSUS clients must be configured to use the WSUS server as a source for obtaining updates. After the WSUS clients are configured, they will no longer obtain updates directly from Microsoft Update. As an informal demonstration, open Group Policy Management on LON-DC1, edit a Group Policy Object (GPO), and show the students the settings and where they are located.

16 Demonstration: Deploying Updates by Using WSUS
20411C Demonstration: Deploying Updates by Using WSUS 12: Implementing Update Management In this demonstration, you will learn how to: Approve an update Deploy an update Preparation Steps 20411C-LON-DC1 and 20411C-LON-SVR1 are required to complete this demonstration. Sign in to the virtual machines as Adatum\Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd. Demonstration Steps On LON-SVR1, open the Windows Server Update Services console. In Windows Server Update Services, under Updates, click All Updates, right-click Update for Microsoft Office 2013 (KB ), 32-bit Edition, and then click Approve. In the Approve Updates window, in the All Computers drop-down list box, select Approved for Install. Click OK, and then click Close. Verify that the Approval column shows Install. Close the Update Services console.

17 Synchronization Updates
WSUS Reporting 12: Implementing Update Management Update Reports Update Status Summary Update Detailed Status Update Tabular Status Update Tabular Status for Approved Updates Computer Updates Computer Status Summary Computer Detailed Status Computer Tabular Status for Approved Updates Synchronization Updates Synchronization Results Explain to students that they need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 features and the Report Viewer 2008 Redistributable before they can run reports in WSUS. You might want to demonstrate how to set up reporting.

18 Clients not appearing in WSUS
WSUS Troubleshooting 12: Implementing Update Management Clients not appearing in WSUS Check GPO and client settings When the WSUS server stops, you should: Check database server Reinstall WSUS When you cannot connect to WSUS, you should: Check network connectivity Telnet to HTTP and HTTPS ports If you encounter other problems you should use the: Server and/or Client diagnostics tools

19 Additional Resources & Next Steps
Instructor-Led Courses 20411C: Administering Windows Server 2012 Books Exam Ref : Administering Windows Server 2012 Exams & Certifications Exam : Administering Windows Server 2012

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