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Macbeth`s Ambition to Become Successful

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1 Macbeth`s Ambition to Become Successful
By: Bianca Dise

2 The Crown The Crown is used to symbolize when Macbeth was said to become the Thane of Cawdor by the witches in the beginning of Act 1 scene 3 when Banquo and Macbeth are walking together. “ First witch- All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Second witch- All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Third witch- All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be King hereafter!”

3 The Sword The Sword is used to show that Macbeth stabbed the ones in the back that he loved the most so he could fulfill his dreams that was said in the 1st act with the witches. Macbeth sent murderers to kill his best friend Banquo and his son Fleance with an ambush but, Fleance was able to escape. Act 3 Scene 3: “Third Murderer- Who did strike out the light? First Murderer- Wast not the way? Third Murderer- There`s but one down; the son is fled.”

4 The Blood on the Sword Throughout the whole play there is a lot of death and blood. Macbeth sets out to kill any of the people who he thinks have caught onto him about his plans to cover up the people who have died. Even though he tried to wash the “blood” off of his hands it still remained “on his hands”. The blood that he shed to show how noble he was to his King also was what came with the price of friends and children being killed. Act 1 scene 3: Duncan speaking to Macbeth “Duncan- O worthiest cousin…More is thy due more than all can pay. Macbeth- The service and loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself.”

5 Steps taken to complete this project
I decided that I was going to do the prop box. I researched different ideas of symbolism that when on throughout the play. Then, I had to figure out what exactly I wanted to include inside the box and how I wanted to put my thoughts into the box.

6 What I hoped to communicate to the readers of this PowerPoint
After completing this project I hope to explain how Macbeth had the ambition to become successful and do something with his life but, in the process lost friends and stabbed people in the back who were close to him.

7 Challenges making this project
A challenge that I faced while completing this project was actually putting my ideas of symbolism into the prop box. I didn’t want to confuse the person who would be reading the PowerPoint and looking at the project. Explaining why I choose the items to included in the project was somewhat challenging.

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