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We are economists Prof. Pat Smith

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Presentation on theme: "We are economists Prof. Pat Smith"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are economists Prof. Pat Smith
Microeconomics & Quantitative Analysis Health & Economic Status Prof. Warren Anderson Macroeconomics & Economic History Economics of Persecution

2 Are you an economist? Do you make decisions about how to use a limited resource, such as time? Will you have to make decisions about using limited resources in your future career? You’re an economist!

3 What is Economics About?
It’s NOT about getting rich. It is about making better choices. Economics is a way of thinking in order to make better decisions. Although…..

4 Economics & earnings Source: Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution

5 Lifetime earnings

6 Usefulness of Economics
Knowledge about the economy and individual economic behavior; analytical reasoning, quantitative & problem-solving skills Transfer into a wide variety of career paths: Business, non-profits, government

7 Economics and …. Business Political science
Computer Science (market design) Medicine & Public Health Law Environment

8 Examples of questions economists work on
How can we encourage widespread economic prosperity? What’s the best way to provide health care? Are international trade agreements good or bad for the U.S.?

9 Non-career uses of economics
Improve our personal decision making. Help us to be more informed voters.

10 Information on Careers in Economics
Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook Career Exploration

11 Information on Careers in Economics
American Economic Association Career Information

12 Economics at UM-Dearborn

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