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Noah (노아) 훌륭한 시문학 작품으로 많은 교훈과 위로가 되는 말씀들이며 용기를 주는 말씀들 Praising songs.

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Presentation on theme: "Noah (노아) 훌륭한 시문학 작품으로 많은 교훈과 위로가 되는 말씀들이며 용기를 주는 말씀들 Praising songs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noah (노아) 훌륭한 시문학 작품으로 많은 교훈과 위로가 되는 말씀들이며 용기를 주는 말씀들 Praising songs

2 Memory Verse God blessed Noah and his sons and told them,
Genesis 9:1 (창세기 9장 1절) God blessed Noah and his sons and told them, “ Multiply and fill the earth”. 하나님께서 노아와 그 아들들에게 복을 주시며 말씀하셨습니다. “자녀를 많이 낳고 번성하여 땅을 채워라”

3 Noah was a good man who obeyed God.
Everyone else in the world had become bad. Noah was a good man who obeyed God.

4 God was going to send a flood to destroy all living things.

5 God told Noah to build a big boat (known as Noah's ark).

6 two of each kind of bird and animal God sent two of each kind of bird
and animal to Noah to load in the boat. two of each kind of bird and animal

7 Noah’s Boat (Ark) God sent two of each kind of bird
and animal to Noah to load in the ark. Noah’s Boat (Ark)

8 How many are Noah’s family in boat?
God sent two of each kind of bird and animal to Noah to load in the ark.

9 It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
Everything on earth was under water It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.

10 Everyone on earth died, but Noah and his family were safe.

11 God sent a rainbow as a sign of the Promise.
promise that He  would never again destroy the earth with water God sent a rainbow as a sign of the Promise.

12 God would never again destroy
God’s promise God sent a rainbow as a sign of the promise that He  would never again destroy the earth with water God would never again destroy the earth with water.

13 Today’s lesson We trust in God even we don't understand the reason for his commands. We also see the obedience of the sons of Noah.

14 Quiz Noah was a good man who obeyed ________.
God told Noah to build a big _______. God sent the rain for ___ days and ___ nights.

15 Thank you !

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