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Speaker: Dr. David Dawson

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1 Speaker: Dr. David Dawson
Sunday, December 7, 2014 Speaker: Dr. David Dawson Zacharias – Silence and Song Luke 1:1-25; The first message in our 4-part Christmas series.

2 Luke and His Writings Who? - Gentile, Paul’s dear friend (Col 4:14), fellow worker, missionary, doctor, author

3 Luke and His Writings Who? - Gentile, Paul’s dear friend (Col 4:14), fellow worker, missionary, doctor, author What? – Luke and Acts

4 Luke 1:1-4 (1) NIV 1Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eye witnesses and servants of the word.

5 Luke 1:1-4 (2) NIV 3With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

6 Luke and His Writings Who? - Gentile, Paul’s dear friend (Col 4:14), fellow worker, missionary, doctor, author What? – Luke and Acts How? – Thoroughness, accuracy, order

7 Luke and His Writings Who? - Gentile, Paul’s dear friend (Col 4:14), fellow worker, missionary, doctor, author What? - Luke and Acts How? - Thoroughness, accuracy, order (v.3) Why? - “To know the certainty …” (v.4)

8 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10 – Key Verse For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

9 Overview of Luke’s Gospel
The Prologue :1-4 The Births of John the Baptist and Jesus 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Ministry 3:1-4:13 The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee 4:14-9:50 Jesus’ Journey to Jerusalem 9:51-19:44 Jesus in Jerusalem 19:45-21:38 Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection 22:1-24:53

10 Luke: The Content of The Gospel
Different material: Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Zacchaeus, Cross (forgiveness of executioners, thief in paradise) God’s salvation plan for all peoples (2:30-32) Jesus’ attention to the poor (12:33) Jesus’ attention to women (8:1-3) Jesus and the family circle Other: Prayer, Holy Spirit, Son of Man (messianic title)

11 A Tale of Two Births The birth of John foretold to Zacharias by an angel (v.8-22) The birth of Jesus foretold to Mary by an angel (v.26-38) Mary’s Song of Praise to God (v.46-55) The birth of John the Baptist (v.57-66) Zacharias’ Song of Praise to God (v.67-80) The birth of Jesus (2:1-7) The Angels’ Song of Praise to God (2:13,14)



14 Lessons from Zacharias (Luke 1)
God is gracious, although there are consequences to our unbelief.

15 Lessons from Zacharias (Luke 1)
God is gracious, although there are consequences to our unbelief. God is gracious and deeper faith can emerge from the deepest trials.

16 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (1)
O Love that will not let me go I rest my weary soul in thee I give thee back the life I owe That in thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be

17 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (2)
O Light that foll’west all my way I yield my flick’ring torch to thee My heart restores its borrowed ray That in thy sunshine’s blaze its day May brighter, fairer be

18 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (3)
O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be.

19 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (4)
O Cross that liftest up my head I dare not ask to fly from thee I lay in dust life’s glory dead And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be

20 Lessons from Zacharias (Luke 1)
God is gracious, although there are consequences to our unbelief. God is gracious and deeper faith can emerge from the deepest trials. God is gracious and offers salvation to all who are lost.

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