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Muscular System About 650 skeletal muscles in the human body

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1 Muscular System About 650 skeletal muscles in the human body
17 muscles to smile…42 muscles to frown Largest muscle = gluteus maximus Longest muscle = sartorius Smallest muscle = stapedius (inner ear) Takes >200 muscles to walk


3 -mysium=CT membrane and tendon sheath Myofilaments

4 Types of Muscle Skeletal Striated Voluntary Multinucleated Smooth
Nonstriated Involuntary Cardiac Intercalated disks ~ 50% of body weight Work in groups to perform a function

5 General Functions of Muscular System
Movement Skeletal muscle contractions move body in whole or part Heat Production Muscle cells produce heat via catabolism to maintain temperature homeostasis 85% of body heat comes from muscle contractions Posture Continued partial contraction of muscle in order to perform many functions

6 Characteristics of all Muscle
Excitability Respond to stimuli Contractility Actively shorten to exert a pull Tension that can be harnessed by CT Extensibility Continue to contract over range of resting lengths Ex: smooth muscle can be stretched to several times its original length and still contract on stimulation Elasticity Return to original length after contraction

7 Muscle Fiber Arrangement
Parallel Convergent Pennate Bipennate Sphincter

8 Muscle Attachment Does NOT move when muscle contracts Does move when

9 Naming Muscles Location Function Shape Fiber direction
Number of heads/divisions Points of attachment Muscle size

10 Location Function Fiber Direction Shape Frontalis Frontal bone Femoris
Femur Gluteus Posterior of hip/thigh Oculi Eye Oris Mouth Radialis Radius Ulnaris Ulna Brachialis Arm Abductor Moves part away from body Adductor Moves part toward body Depressor Lowers a part Extensor Extends a part Flexor Flexes a part Levator Elevates a part Rotator Rotates a part Fiber Direction Shape Oblique Diagonal to midline Rectus Parallel to midline Sphincter Circling an opening Transversus Right angle to midline Deltoid Shaped like delta ∆ Orbicularis Circular Platy Flattened; platelike Quadratus Square Rhomboideus Diamond-shaped Trapezius Trapezoidal

11 Number of divisions Size Bicep Two heads Tricep Three heads Quadricep
Four heads Size Brevis Short Longus Long Magnus Large Maximus Largest Medius Moderately sized Minimus Smaller

12 Raises eyebrows Frowning Mastication Blinking Laughing Whistling, smiling Puckering Mastication Flexes head

13 Moves head Moves head Flexes head

14 Superficial Back Muscles
Large, fan-shaped muscles provide force in a wide range of body positions -EX: leaning back to straight vertical and all points in between. Shrugging, pulling scapulas together and down Rotator cuff muscles Stabilize shoulder joint, pull arm back Shoulder movement Pull the arm down, Stabilize torso during many movements (EX: bench press)

15 Trunk Muscles - Thorax Elevate ribs

16 Trunk Muscles Abdomen Flexes trunk Stabilizes Lower back Compresses

17 Upper Arm Flexes Upper arm Extends forearm

18 Flexors

19 Extensors

20 Upper Leg Deep muscle Vastus intermedius Longest muscle Biceps femoris
Semimembranosus Quadricep Femoris Semitendinosus

21 Lower Leg Plantar flexion

22 Foot

23 Posture Good Posture – body alignment that favors function with least work Standing Position Head and chest held high Chin, abdomen, buttocks pulled in Knees slightly bent Feet firmly on ground 6 in. apart Poor Posture - puts abnormal strain on ligaments and bones Maintenance Tonicity (muscle tone): muscles exert a pull against gravity Continuous and passive partial contraction of muscles

24 Classification of Muscle Group Actions
Agonist (Prime Mover) Muscle most responsible for movement Antagonist Opposes prime mover Provides precision and control during prime mover contraction Relaxes when prime mover contracts Synergist Aid prime mover Contract at same time as prime mover Fixator Joint stabilizer Maintains posture/balance during prime mover contraction

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