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Introduction to Leadership

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1 Introduction to Leadership
COMM-111 Chapter 3 Liesl D. Hutchins-Eberhardt

2 Chapter 3 - Traits, Situational, and Functional Leadership
Understanding and Explaining Leadership (pp ) Four Primary Approaches Traits Situational Functional Transformational Currently no single approach provides a universal explanation Traits Approach (pp ) What characteristics do leaders share? Stodgill concludes both traits and the situation influence leadership Leaders are made, they are not born

3 The Situational Approach (pp. 66-78)
Fiedler’s Contingency Model of Leadership (pp ) Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Scale The effectiveness of a leader in a given situation is influenced by: Position Power Task Structure Leader-Member Relations Path-Goal Theory (pp ) Ability to motivate followers Directive Leadership Supportive Leadership Participative Leadership Achievement-Oriented Leadership

4 The Situational Approach (cont.)
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (pp ) Follower maturity consists of two major components that can be plotted on a continuum Job Maturity (Skills) Psychological Maturity (Willingness) These two components make up four combinations (levels) of follower readiness R1 - Low skills and willingness R2 - Low skills but is willing R3 - High skills but not willing R4 - High skills and willingness

5 The Situational Approach (cont.)
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory (pp ) Explores how leaders develop relationships with followers to accomplish goals Two different types of relational role exchanges between leaders and followers In-Group - Assistants and Advisors - High Trust Out-Group - All Others - Low Trust LMX Theory Evolved Over Four Stages Stage 1 - Validation of Differentiation Stage 2 - Leader-Member Exchange Stage 3 - Leadership Making Stage 4 - Team Building Competence Network

6 The Functional Approach to Leadership (pp. 79-82)
Benne and Sheats classified three types of functional or behavioral roles in groups Task-Related Roles Initiator, Information/Opinion Seeker, Information/Opinion Giver, Elaborator, Orienter/Coordinator, Energizer Group Building and Maintenance Roles Encourager, Harmonizer/Compromiser, Gatekeeper, Standard Setter Individual Roles Aggressor, Blocker, Recognition-Seeker, Player, Dominator

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