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The roles of GIS and DBMS

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Presentation on theme: "The roles of GIS and DBMS"— Presentation transcript:

1 The roles of GIS and DBMS

2 Parts of GIS database tables for U.S states
(A) STATES table; (B) POPULATION table

3 Parts of GIS database tables for U.S states

4 Tax assessment database
(A) raw data (B) cleaned data in a GIS DBMS

5 Tax assessment database
(C) data partially normalized into three subtables (D) joined table

6 Results of a SQL query against the tables in Figure 10.3C

7 Geometry class hierarchy
(Source: after OGC 1999, reproduced by permission of Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.)

8 Examples of possible relations for two geographic database operators
(Source: after Zeiler 1999)

9 Examples of spatial analysis methods on geometries
(Source: after Zeiler 1999)

10 Four levels of data model available for use in GIS projects

11 Stages in database design
(Source: after Zeiler 1999)

12 Normalized database topology model

13 Physical database topology model

14 An example of a B-tree index

15 A multilevel grid geographic database index

16 The point quadtree geographic database index
(Source: after van Oosterom Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

17 The region quadtree geographic database index
(Source: Reproduced by permission of Hanan Smaet and Frantisek Brabec)

18 Linear quadtree search order

19 The R-tree geographic database index
(Source: After van Oosterom Reproduced by permission of John Wiley, Inc.)

20 Area in area test using MBR
An MBR can be used to determine objects definitely in the study area (green) because of no overlap, definitely out (yellow), or possibly in (blue). Objects possibly in can then be analyzed further using their exact geometries. Note the red object that is actually completely outside, although the MBR suggests it may be partially within the study area

21 Database transactions
linear short transactions (B) branching version tree

22 Version reconciliation
For Version 5 the user chooses via the GUI the geometry edit made in Version 3 instead of 1 or 4.

23 Shashi Shekhar (Dr. Shashi Shekhar)

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