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Navigator-Certified Application Counselor TAC

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1 Navigator-Certified Application Counselor TAC
Please use the conference line provided in the webinar panel, including the audio pin, if possible. This reduces feedback on the line and improves the sound quality. Be with you in a moment! Navigator-Certified Application Counselor TAC May 17, 2017

2 Members Angela Ward Northeast Washington Health Programs Char Massong
Swedish Medical Center Che Lee (Outreach) CGI Courtney Normand (Outreach) Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest Curt Fackler Better Health Together David Escame Amerigroup Washington John Bennett Choice Regional Health Network John Hamje Office of the Insurance Commissioner Jose Rodriguez CHC of Snohomish County Kristin Ely Unity Care Northwest Mary Wood (Outreach) Health Care Authority Odin Ifrim Valley Medical Center Randy Moyer Legacy Health Rhonda Hauff Yakima Neighborhood Health Services Venus Tarbell Puyallup Tribal Health Authority Whitney Johnson Foundation for Health Generations

3 Agenda Exchange Updates Federal-state legislative activity
Navigator Program updates HBE

4 Exchange Updates TAC Recruitment Open Enrollment 5
Special Enrollment Period Consumer decision support tool SEP verification Carrier rate filings June 7 Carrier Summit Effectuation files Payments

5 State Legislative Update
Special Legislative Session (started April 24) HBE Budget request SHB 1291 – premium assistance program for low-income WA residents who are citizens of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau

6 Federal Legislative Update
Congressional Actions American Health Care Act (HR 1628) Passed House May 4 ( ) House Democrats unanimously opposed and were joined by 20 Republicans Moved to Senate

7 What’s in the AHCA? Medicaid
Shift from entitlement program to a per-capita spending cap Qualified Health Plans Tax credit eligibility shifted from income-based amount tied to premiums (SLSP) to a fixed amount based on age Tax credits can be used off Exchange in 2018 CSRs eliminated State stability fund offsets low-income consumers (130 billion over 9 years) Individual mandate eliminated Adds continuous coverage requirement with 30% premium surcharge for lapse in coverage

8 AHCA amendment AHCA, as amended, allows states to waive:
Age rating – states may use higher than 5:1 ratio starting in Essential Health Benefits – states can specify their own EHB starting in 2020 Community Rating – states can add “health status” as a factor in setting premiums starting in 2019 High risk pool May not be waived for those with continuous coverage Federal funds to offset costs of people with pre-existing conditions $8 billion over 5 years

9 AHCA – what’s next Bill moved to Senate
Substantial changes expected (Byrd rule, Medicaid) 50 votes needed to pass (52R; 48D) Both Chambers must pass the same bill to send it to the President for signature New Congressional Budget Office score

10 HHS Market Stabilization Rules
Intent of regulations is to stabilize the individual and small group markets Increase proportion of younger, healthier enrollees Reduce incidence of people enrolling only when sick Stabilize/reduce rates Keep carriers in the market Requested by Carriers

11 HHS Rules Adopted Implements shorter open enrollment to 45 days (Nov. 1 to Dec. 15) in 2017 rather than 2018 Adds flexibility in actuarial value of plans impacting metal tiers Tightens Special Enrollment Periods for individuals with qualifying life events Pre-verification by Exchange (optional for SBE, timeline flexible) Gives Carriers more options when enrollees have unpaid premium payments due

12 Cost Sharing Reductions
Federal spending bill does not include CSR payments Agreement from Administration to maintain monthly payments Unspecified time frame House v. Price action scheduled for May 22 (status report due)

13 Shortened enrollment period
Lead Org ideas – Get new QHP information out earlier with a way to compare plans and estimate costs fairly accurately Receive reports/leads prior to open enrollment (September) Train navigators to complete enrollment first, report changes later Earlier and increased notification – especially electronic Send notices in a color that stands out More advertising/marketing statewide that drives people to navigators Collaborate with carriers on their notices – particular deadlines Begin outreach earlier Text messaging

14 2017-2018 Strategic Plan Draft Outline
Mission: The Washington Health Benefit Exchange seeks to redefine people’s experience with health care by radically improving how Washingtonians secure health insurance through innovative and practical solutions and an easy-to-use customer experience. These are reflected in our values of integrity, respect, equity, and transparency as it relates to those we work with and those we serve.

15 Next Meeting: July 19, 2017

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