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Transport foldable Fold 2 pieces of paper so you have 4 flaps and write “Active & Passive Transport” on the top flap as a title.

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Presentation on theme: "Transport foldable Fold 2 pieces of paper so you have 4 flaps and write “Active & Passive Transport” on the top flap as a title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transport foldable Fold 2 pieces of paper so you have 4 flaps and write “Active & Passive Transport” on the top flap as a title

2 Write “Passive Transport & Examples” on the bottom of Flap 2
Passive transport: movement of molecules without energy across a membrane from a high to a low concentration. (write this at the top of flap 2) Write the word Examples under your definition of passive transport.

3 Diffusion Write the following definition under “Examples”
Diffusion: movement of any material from a high to a low concentration. Cut out and glue the diagram of diffusion.

4 Osmosis: diffusion of Water
Write the definition: Osmosis—movement of water from high to low concentration Cut out and glue down the osmosis picture.

5 Facilitated diffusion
Write the definition: Facilitated diffusion-- movement of molecules from high to low with transport proteins because the molecules are too big Cut out and glue down the picture of facilitated diffusion.

6 Write “Active Transport & Examples” on the bottom of Flap 3.
Active transport: uses energy to move molecules from area of low concentration to an area of high concentration (against a concentration gradient, uses proteins) Cut out and glue the diagram of active transport.

7 Endocytosis/Exocytosis
Write the following definitions: Endocytosis: requires energy to move large particles inside the cell (cell “engulfs” food) Exocytosis: requires energy to move particles outside the cell (cell releases waste) Cut out and glue the diagram of endocytosis

8 Write “Active vs. Passive” on the bottom of Flap 4
Draw a Venn diagram comparing active and passive transport. Label the 1st circle active and the 2nd circle passive. Put the following terms in the correct circle: uses energy, no energy, example = endocytosis, example = diffusion, against a concentration gradient (low to high), with a concentration gradient (high to low), transport of materials across a semi-permeable membrane, example = sodium pump, example = osmosis

9 Flap 4 continued Write the word high at the top of the flap. Make 1 arrow coming down from the word high, make another arrow going up to the word high. Write the word low at the bottom of the arrows. Label the correct arrows: active, energy, passive, no energy.

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