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PowerPoint Introduction
This PowerPoint sample lesson is intended as a resource for schools to be used ‘how and when’ they choose. This Year 2 lesson is planned to be set in the context of developing the theme of ‘Belonging to the church community’. It can be used selectively as part of ongoing work in Religious Education based on the theme of the church or as part of a theme in another area of the curriculum, eg Geography: ‘The Local Community.’ There are notes on each slide for teachers’ reference. Schools may prefer to edit the slides and use photographs from their own local church and school community. The following slide gives the context of the lesson in the bigger picture. Schools may like to explore other questions in different year groups within the theme of ‘Church Community.’ A PowerPoint Key Stage 2 sample lesson also based on the theme of the church can be found on the Chester Diocesan website.
Context Overview Area of Content from Chester Diocesan Guidelines to be studied: ‘The Church’ Underpinning Christian Concept: ‘Church community’ Definition: (church) the whole community of believers (Christians) who worship together, sometimes called the ‘body’ or ‘bride’ of Christ. Key Questions FS/Key Stage 1: Theme: Belonging Reception: What is the church? Year 1: Level 1: Why is the church important for people? Why is meeting together important for Christians? Year 2: Level 2: How do we know when someone belongs to a Christian community? What do Christians mean when they use the word ‘church’? Key Stage 2: Theme: Community Year 3: Level 3: What does it mean for a Christian to ‘belong’ to a church community? Year 4: Level 3/4: How does ‘belonging’ to a church community affect what a believer does? How does a church community reflect biblical teaching about the ‘church’? Year 5: Level 4/5: Why are there different expressions of church community in the world? How are these similarities and differences expressed? Are they important? Year 6: Level 5 How does the teaching of the church influence the everyday lives of believers? What impact do the lives of people who belong to the church community make in today’s world? Teachers Notes: The context of a bigger picture
Teachers Notes Lesson Outcomes: Teachers Notes Resources Needed
Key Stage 1 Lesson : Year 2 Theme: Belonging to a church community Concept underpinning work : ‘Belonging’ Key Question : How do we know when someone belongs to a church community? Lesson Objective: To recognise aspects of what it means to belong to the church community. Lesson Outcomes: (Emerging) I can talk about the church building and say a few things about how it is used by Christians. (Expected) I can describe how believers use the church and recognise some objects associated with belonging to the church community. (Exceeding) I can explain why and how a Church is a special place for Christians and what it means to belong there. Teachers Notes NB Teachers notes explaining how to use each slide within the context of the lesson can be found on the bottom of each slide in the notes section. These should be read before using the PowerPoint. Resources Needed Slide 7: A4 copy for each child. Slide 8: Copies of the questions. Slides 16-24: Large copies for each table. Music played in a church.
All Saints Church outside
Teachers Notes Instruction: As children come into the classroom display the photograph above. If possible play some suitable church music: eg hymns or choruses. Ask: Who belongs here? Share ideas.
Let’s find out……… Teachers Notes Explain: ‘We are going to find out today the answer to this question: How do we know when someone belongs to a church community?’
Who do you belong to? Who do I care about? Who matters to me? Teachers Notes Instruction: Show the three questions above. Allow the children to think quietly about the 3 questions, then Think, Pair, Share. Then class feedback.
I belong to..... Teachers Notes: Instruction: Give each child an A4 copy of the slide above. Encourage children to complete this diagram on their own by drawing a picture or one word in each circle, eg dance club, my family , my school. Reduce the number of circles if preferred.
I wonder what it would be like to belong here ?
Teachers Notes: NB You may prefer to use photographs of the inside and outside of your own school. Ask: What would someone be able to tell about your school if they came when no one was there? What would people be able to tell about us from the empty building? Would people be able to tell what we think is important? What would we want people to know? Instruction: Write these questions on large pieces of card and display each one around the whiteboard as you ask the question. Explain you are going to show the class a few photographs of the inside of different school buildings. As you show them the slides ask them to think about what they think might be important to these schools. Play suitable music as you show the next few slides if appropriate eg children singing in your school.
Lets find out……… Teachers Notes: You could use photographs of your own school.
Teachers notes: You could use photographs of your own school.
Teachers notes: You could use photographs of your own school.
Teachers notes: You could use photographs of your own school.
Teachers Notes: Instruction: After showing the slides ask: What do you think was important to these schools? Discuss together.
What do you think is most important to us in our school?
Teachers Notes: Heads down quiet thinking. Ask: what is it like to belong to my school? What do you think is most important to us in our school? Can they imagine the answer in their minds?
What do you think is most important to us in our school?
Think Pair Share Teachers Notes: Think, Pair, Share then class feedback. Vote on what you think as a class is most important in your school. What do you think is most important to us in our school?
All Saints Church outside
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what is it like to belong here? What can we tell about the people who go here from the outside of this building? What do they think is important? Share and list ideas on the board. Show each of the following pictures and ask the questions.
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what this part of the building is used for? I wonder if it is important?
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what this is
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what this is? I wonder what it is used for? I wonder what it tells us about the people who go to this building?
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what this lady is doing
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what this lady is doing? Why might music be important? I wonder who this lady is?
Teachers Notes: Say: These are all things than can be bought sometimes in the church. I wonder why they are sold in church? (Fairtrade goods/Traidcraft – sold for charity)
I wonder why this man is helping?
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder why this man is helping?
Teachers Notes: Say: This is a poster on the wall of the church building. Ask: I wonder why the people are collecting food?
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what is happening in these photographs
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what is happening in these photographs? Pause for response. ‘These are things that happen in the church’. (Top : Messy church- weekly church with craft, food and games for the community : they may have a thought for the day etc Bottom : Who let the dads out? Dads and Toddler group . Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes collected at Christmas).
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what the man in green is doing
Teachers Notes: Ask: I wonder what the man in green is doing? What do you notice in the picture?
Let’s think about this a bit more………
Teachers Notes: Instruction: Place large copies of the photographs in slides on tables in the classroom together with the questions previously asked about each slide. The question: ‘I wonder what is important to these people/man/lady?’ should also be included with each photograph. The children visit/look at each photograph in small groups, discuss their answers to the questions. At a suitable point ask them to stop and ‘write’ or ‘draw’ a picture to answer the question: what is important to the people in this church? Class feedback then ask: How we know when someone belongs to a church community? Record ideas on wall.
Teachers Notes: Instruction: Have a very large symbol of a cross cut out on the floor. Say: ‘Let us think about this a little bit more. Here is another photograph from the church. I wonder why this is in the church? Why might this symbol be important to the people?’ Share ideas. Think about what you have learnt about Christians today? Ask the children to stick their words or pictures on to the large cross. Reflective music is then played and children are asked to whisper to each other as they go out what they have learned about people belonging to a church and how they would know when someone does.
Notes for using images Internet Images
These images are used with permission under the following licence from Schools must credit the images as per the information below if they are reproduced. Slide 9:The Sixth Form Area - School Library - Ryeish Green School Chris Hearn AberCJ Slide 11:Holy Family Primary School pupils Grace Murray, Sinead McGowan and Ciaran Pritchard singing at the official opening of their newly amalgamated school in Omagh Northern Ireland Executive 2012 Slides 10,12,13 are images taken by Ian McDougall in Chester Diocesan Schools and remain copyright free. Slide 20: GB Carmelite British Province of Carmelites. Fairtrade Friary (26) ) All other images are copyright free and used with permission.
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