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Non-Pool RFA ePAF & Transaction Training
Payroll & Office of Research March 2017
Goal – Easier RFAs Most of you have attended some sort of basic RFA training. Today will not be rehash of that information. Today we are simply demonstrating the newest tools in HR/Pay and ImageNow which make the RFA process easier for the submitter. All of the concepts explained in the basic class still apply. This is just a new way to submit which helps eliminate some of the most common errors.
Sample RFA Scenario Employee Name – RFA E Training Position – 00004539
RFA Period – 06/19/16 – 07/31/16 Original funding – 60% % RFA funding – 60% KAN % Post-RFA funding – 100 % KAN To demonstrate this process, we will following one sample all the way through the process. Our sample scenario is shown on the slide. The employee ID (and name where necessary) is redacted throughout the presentation for privacy.
Accounting Line and DBT Inquiry – 1 of 4
Enter the actual RFA period begin and end dates in the boxes Enter the position number if known or click the magnifying glass to search by name, EE ID, department, or department name Click Generate Reports If the result is not as expected or something needs changed, click the Reset button to clear all of the fields Note: Submitter cannot complete generate reports for self These first steps were actually released a few months ago. Many of you already use them so we will not go over these in detail.
Accounting Line and DBT Inquiry – 2 of 4
A pop-up should appear as shown below. The transaction ID is important and follows the RFA through the entire process. Click Save Reports
Accounting Line and DBT Inquiry – 3 of 4
Export the accounting line report to Excel using the icon shown below. This exported excel version will become the working accounting line file. This report replaces DEMIS gross & fringe.
Accounting Line and DBT Inquiry – 4 of 4
Beginning Charges Pivot Table Ending Charges Table Movement Statement Although the exported accounting line report replaces the need for DEMIS gross and fringe, the requirements remain the same for beginning charges pivot table, ending charges table, and a movement statement.
ePAF RFA Transaction 1 of 9
To start ePAF RFA transaction, search for the transaction. Recommend searching by position number or employee ID to avoid multiple people submitting RFAs for the same employee/position. Select the correct transaction from the list Note: Transactions will be deleted after 14 days unless an ePAF RFA transaction is started. This helps limit the list and prevents erroneous transactions from remaining forever. Note: Selecting a transaction related to your employee ID will result in an error message. “You cannot submit an RFA request for your own record”
ePAF RFA Transaction 2 of 9
Transaction page defaults: DBT row effective date first day of RFA period Post RFA funding row effective day after last day of RFA period Earnings distribution percentages equal to deduction & tax distribution percentages unless override button is checked Department ID Extract Data Saved by/on displays information from the original accounting line and DBT reports Last changed by/on displays information related to the last time the transaction was saved
ePAF RFA Transaction 3 of 9
Row 1 effective date should always match the first day of the RFA period Department can be changed if the position moved from one department to another during the RFA period. Click the + button to add additional effective dated funding rows to the ePAF Click the – button to remove extra effective dated funding rows from the ePAF Click the override box to add funding overrides for deductions and/or taxes
ePAF RFA Transaction 4 of 9
Select the ChartField Details hyperlink Select the Search button
ePAF RFA Transaction 5 of 9
Enter one or more ChartFields in the search boxes Click Search Click the Select button next to the appropriate GL combo code
ePAF RFA Transaction 6 of 9
Type the earning distribution percentage(s) in the Distribution % box(es) Click the + button to add additional distribution rows Repeat ChartField Details and adding distribution rows as necessary
ePAF RFA Transaction 7 of 9
Continue adding effective date funding rows as needed Reminder – There must be a row for every row shown on the DBT report within the RFA period. Our example only has one row so we are finished with DBT changes for this RFA.
ePAF RFA Transaction 8 of 9
Complete the Post RFA Funding section Click Save Note: you can click save multiple times and return to the transaction at any time. It will remain available for 14 days after the last save
ePAF RFA Transaction 9 of 9
Click Validate Validate checks transaction for common errors. Some of these errors will be shown the following slides. Transfer Request to ImageNow button becomes available after the transaction has been saved and validated. You can choose to select the transfer or come back at a later time to complete the RFA. Delete Transaction can be chosen at any time to completely delete the transaction from HR/Pay. Note: A box will pop up. Click OK to confirm deletion.
ePAF RFA Transaction Warning &Error Messages
This error pops up during validate if there is not a row with an effective date matching the first day of the RFA period. Note: This is an error message and must be corrected. If an effective date falling outside the RFA period is entered, this message will appear as soon as you hit enter, select the date on the calendar, or tab out of the box. Note: The transaction page can be saved and submitted with an incorrect date. This is only a warning message.
ePAF RFA Transaction Warning &Error Messages
This error pops up during validate if there is a missing distribution percentage for a combination code. Note: This is an error message and must be corrected. This error pops up during validate if the distribution percentages do not total 100% for each effective date funding row. Note: This is an error message and must be corrected. This errors appears during validate if a combination code is missing from a distribution row. Note: This is an error message and must be corrected.
ePAF RFA Transaction Warning &Error Messages
This error pops up if the ChartField Details hyperlink is chosen without an effective date being entered. [Reason: The combo codes shown in the search will only be those effective as of the date entered.] Note: This is an error message and must be corrected. This error pops up during validate if a project is ending prior to the next effective date on the RFA. Note: This is a warning message. This errors appears if the user attempts to validate prior to saving. Note: This is an error message and must be corrected.
ePAF RFA Transaction Other Messages
“Delete current/selected rows from this page? The delete will occur when the transaction is saved” Appears when the user click the - to remove Chartfield rows This is a warning message only. “Do you want to save your changes? Click Yes to go back and save, or No to discard your changes” Appears when the user closes the RFA transaction page without saving This is a message requiring the user to choose “Chartfield X is not active as of budget period end y” Appears when the combo code chosen is not effective for the entire period between effective dated rows on ePAF. Similar to the project error on the previous slide.
ePAF RFA Transaction Last Notes
If the user is trying to RFA to a funding source that has not been set up, the user can simply click the Request a New Combo Code button to go directly to the funding setup request form. A new tab will open so the user does not lose progress on the ePAF as long as the user saves the ePAF prior to timing out of HR/Pay. If the user changes the effective date after chart string information has been added, any distribution rows entered for that specific effective date will be automatically cleared out. No other effective dated rows will be affected.
ePAF RFA Transaction to ImageNow
Back to our original scenario : RFA for position RFA period 06/19/16-07/30/16 The ePAF has been saved and validated in HR/Pay. Click Transfer Request to ImageNow A new tab will open Enter KU Online ID and Password Click KU Login
ePAF RFA in ImageNow 1 of 5 The top section of the ePAF in ImageNow auto-fills from HR/Pay. No changes can be made to this data. Notes: If anything is incorrect in this section, the entire transaction will need to be restarted from the accounting line/DBT inquiry step. The extract saved information displays when the accounting line report was initially run.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow 2 of 5 Route To Research is clicked as a default. Unclick if Research funds were not originally involved in the expense and no Research funds are being used in the correction. Route To Dean is a dropdown selection. Select the appropriate Dean as needed for the RFA Add/Done to add comments. Note: comments are time/date stamped and include the name of the commenter. RFA Summary is a mandatory field. This is the place to add information related to entire RFA such as the movement statement. Copy buttons are used to copy the location of the PDF versions of the accounting line and DBT reports which must be attached to the ePAF prior to submission.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow 3 of 5 Done must be clicked to enter the comments into the comments section. Hitting Enter or clicking the cursor outside the box will not work. This section now contains an RFA summary and comments.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow 4 of 5 Effective Date Summary is the only editable field in this section. This is not a mandatory field. Some users completing RFAs with multiple effective dated rows choose to add comments for each section. Note: Any errors in department budget change fields cannot be corrected from this step.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow 5 of 5 Submitter Info auto-fills based on the user KU log-in. Submit routes the form to the appropriate starting point in workflow. Reset will clear the form back to the original data which fed over from HR/Pay. Print allows the ePAF to be printed. Attachments allows the user to add attachments to the form. The next page has detailed instructions for attaching.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow Attachments
To attach the saved reports shown on the ePAF, click Copy. Click Attachments. Click the Add button. A file upload box window will appear Paste (Ctrl+V or right click for menu) in the File name box. Click Open Manage Attachments should now show the accounting line. Click OK and repeat with Dept Budget report.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow Attachments
For other documents or to attach the saved reports without using the Copy button, click Attachment to use the file upload box to locate and attach the necessary file(s). After attaching file(s), click OK to save attachment(s) or Cancel to cancel changes
ePAF RFA in ImageNow Attachments
As a reminder to users, the ePAF lists which attachments must be submitted with an ePAF RFA depending on whether the Research button is checked Route to Research box checked Route to Research box unchecked The ePAF form has an attachment counter to allow the user to confirm the number of attachments prior to submission.
ePAF RFA in ImageNow Messages
This message appears when the form has been successfully submitted by the user. This error message will appear if the Submit button is clicked and the RFA summary has not been completed.
ePAF RFA Simplified Workflow
USER DEAN KUOR PAYROLL User submits the ePAF. Dean’s Office is the first stop for approvals on an ePAF if one of the Professional Schools has been selected from the dropdown. KU Office of Research is the next stop for ePAF RFAs if the box remains checked at submission. There are several levels of approvals at this stop depending the type of money involved and the time elapsed since the initial charge occurred. Payroll Office is the last stop for ePAF RFAs. Here, too, there are a few queues depending on the specific situation. Note: Any queue can route back to the SSC for corrections or additional information as illustrated by the red arrows.
ePAF RFA Route Back Email
Sample for ePAF RFA routed back to the SSC for corrections/clarification Note: Sent to submitter and SSC Manager of submitter’s department
ePAF RFA Route Back Reasons
These three route back reasons typically can be corrected in ImageNow. Note: PCTF (RFAJF) stands for Payroll Cost Transfer Form (Retroactive Funding Adjustment Justification Form) These errors will likely require the transaction to be reactivated (discussed later) or may require the process start over at the accounting line/DBT inquiry page These may require reactivation or may be correctable in ImageNow depending on the specifics.
ePAF RFA Reason The RFA Reason dropdown is available only to the KU Office of Research in the workflow queues shown below. Post Award Team Lead Financial Services Assistant Vice Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Note: The reason is based on analysis of the Payroll Cost Transfer Form.
RFA ePAF Reactivation If an ePAF RFA is returned for corrections which are not possible within ImageNow, SSC Managers have the option to reactive the transaction. Common reasons for reactivations Combo code effective date Cost share error(s) Missing PI in CF3 Effective date error(s) Missing deduction or tax override(s) Distribution percentage error(s) Transactions can be searched for using any of the criteria. Transaction number is the recommended method to ensure the correct one is selected.
RFA ePAF Reactivation Once the correct transaction is showing, click Reactivate Transaction. The button will grey out once the transaction has been reactivated. Only SSC managers and certain central office personnel have security to perform this transaction. Users will need to make a request of the appropriate SSC manager in the form of a conversation and/or to determine if reactivation is possible and the best solution to correct the transaction. Note: Users should refer to the appropriate SSC policy as each SSC has the authority to set the specific guidelines and procedures for reactivation.
Reactivated RFA ePAF Return the EPAF RFA Transaction page
Search by the transaction number Page now includes Reactivated by and Reactivated On information. ChartField Details, distribution boxes, department ID, and effective dates fields are now open for editing. Complete transaction as instructed for initial RFA ePAF to include validation of any changes Transfer Request to ImageNow when all changes are completed
Reactivated RFA ePAF in ImageNow
Corrected ePAF Complete ImageNow form as instructed previously including attachments and RFA Summary Incorrect ePAF SSC Manager will route the incorrect ImageNow form to Not Processed SSC Manager and Submitter will receive s indicating a form has been routed to Not Processed Note: Users and SSC Managers should refer to the appropriate SSC policy as each SSC has the authority to set the specific guidelines and procedures for how and when incorrect ePAFs are routed to Not Processed.
RFA ePAF End Status Emails 1 of 4
Sample for RFA processed by Payroll. Sent only to Submitter Lists Payroll Voucher Flattened ePAF attached Link to Form in ImageNow
RFA ePAF End Status Emails 2 of 4
Sample for RFA handled by Journal Voucher at Office of Research Sent only to Submitter Lists Journal Voucher Flattened ePAF attached
RFA ePAF End Status Emails 3 of 4
Sample for RFA which is Not (being) Processed Sent to Submitter, SSC Manager, and Post Award Team Flattened ePAF attached Comments must be read to determine reason for not processing. This transaction cannot be reactivated in HR/Pay Note: Similar s will be sent when a form is routed to Not Processed by the SSC Manager after reactivation. It is up to the user to determine which Not Processed is being received and whether action is necessary.
RFA ePAF End Status Emails 4 of 4
Sample for RFA recommended to be handled as a Budget Transfer Sent to Submitter and SSC Manager Action is required to complete transaction as budget transfer Flattened ePAF attached Comments must be read to determine reason Questions related to the decision should be directed to Mark Lohmeyer in the Budget Office as indicated in body This transaction should not be reactivated in HR/Pay
Questions? This process for submitting non-Pool (position funded) RFAs will be mandatory starting March 8th, 2017. Any non-pool RFA submitted on or after March 8th, should use this new process unless it falls outside the reporting periods available via the accounting line and DBT inquiry. Non-pool RFAs already in workflow will be processed as they were submitted.
RFA Contacts Payroll Office 864-4385
Melissa Bissey Mobin Faghan KU Office of Research Kara Wozniak Rensi Yu
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