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Week 5: 10/31/16-11/4/16 This Week’s Learning

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1 Week 5: 10/31/16-11/4/16 This Week’s Learning Contact Information Susan Smith Ext. 125 ELA Reading - We are still reading The Case of The Gasping Garbage from our Ready Gen curriculum. Our focus is on identifying problems and their solutions. Students are learning how to go back in the text to find evidence for their answers to comprehension questions. Writing – Students have written a draft of their personal narrative. We learned to write effective beginnings using a hook. We will be working on revising and editing our stories to make them better. Spelling – Students have a list of words each week and a test on Friday. A packet of activities will come home each week. If these are helpful for your child to use to study their words, great use them. If there are other ways that work better, use those. We want your child to practice the best way for them. Math We will finish Ch. 3 this week and have a test on Monday November 7th. It would be beneficial for your child to put some extra work in on their subtraction basic facts. Many of the common errors students make at this age are related to knowing their basic facts. Religion We are beginning Ch. 4 this week. Science Our plants have bloomed and we in the process of learning about pollinators and pollination. Students will be pollinating their plants with a bee stick. Social Studies We are taking the knowledge we have learned about maps and landforms and transferring it to learning about Washington State and its natural resources. Important Dates October 31 – Halloween party 2:00 November 1 – All Saints Day Mass 9:30 November 1st–18th – Food Drive – Tuna fish, chicken, Spam and other canned meat. November 10th – Veteran’s Day Assembly 9:30 Friday November 11th – No School Veteran’s Day November 11th – Last day to turn in any missing/unfinished work November – Warm Clothing Drive November 21 – 23 – Student Led Conferences November 27th – Advent begins Notes from Teacher Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that it is already November. Thank you so much to those families who have returned their progress report envelope and goal sheet. If you have not done so yet, please do so as soon as possible. It is so important for us to work together to set goals for your child. We will use these during our student led parent conferences towards the end of the month. More information will be coming home soon about signing up for a conference time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am so thankful to be your child’s teacher. Thanks so much for your continued support. Blessings, Susan Smith

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