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Chapter 6: Flow of cultural goods and services 2017 Global Report on the Implementation of the 2005 Convention Second Editorial Board Meeting 1-3 March.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: Flow of cultural goods and services 2017 Global Report on the Implementation of the 2005 Convention Second Editorial Board Meeting 1-3 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: Flow of cultural goods and services 2017 Global Report on the Implementation of the 2005 Convention Second Editorial Board Meeting 1-3 March 2017 Stockholm, Sweden Lydia Deloumeaux Assistant Programme Specialist, Culture Statistics, UNESCO Institute for Statistics

2 Outline Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings
Key Messages for the flow of cultural goods Case studies Links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

3 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

4 Structure of Chapter Introduction
1. Update on the Status and the trends of world cultural exchanges a. Global trends of the flow of cultural goods b. Global trends of the flow of cultural services 2. Sectorial analysis and bilateral trade a. Sectorial analysis of cultural goods b. Direction of the flow of cultural goods: North/South trade Partner diversity in the flow of cultural goods and services

5 Structure of Chapter (cont.)
3. Overview of policies and laws to support international flows of cultural goods and services a. Export-import strategies for cultural goods and services b. Trade agreements and Laws to ensure a balanced flow of cultural goods and services c. Potential impact of trade measures on cultural flows 4. Conclusions 5. Recommendations

6 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

7 Preliminary results After a small decline in 2013, global trade of cultural goods increased by 10% in 2014 compared to 2013 Global trade of cultural goods amounted to billion USD in 2014 Exports of cultural goods reached billion USD Developing countries accounted for 53% of global exports of cultural goods Without China and India, this figure was 26.5% in 2014

8 The weight of India and China in the share of developing countries in global exports of all cultural goods,

9 Sectorial analysis: Global exports of cultural goods of 3 sectors in 2014
35.8 billion USD 20.8 billion USD 21.2 billion USD Audiovisual and music goods Visual arts Books and press

10 Opposite trends of three cultural expressions
Visual arts : largest exports of cultural goods Visual arts : the most dynamic cultural expression in exports of cultural goods before Audiovisual and music goods and publishing Is this due to the lower impact of the digitization process in visual arts compared to music, audiovisual and publishing industries?

11 Trends of exports of Audiovisual and music goods, 2005-2014
- 28% decline in dollar value Significant drop by 34.6% of exports from developed countries Small increase by 9% from developing countries

12 Trends of exports of Books and press, 2005-2014
Small increase by 5% Small decrease by 3.2% of exports from developed countries Significant increase by 67.7% from developing countries

13 Trends of exports of Visual arts, 2005-2014
Large increase increase by 100% Big increase by 81.8% of exports from developed countries Significant increase by 156.5% from developing countries

14 Preliminary results From 2005 to 2014, decrease in the trade of cultural goods among developed countries However, trade of cultural goods is still dominated by developed countries. The trade between developing countries is still marginal and accounted for less that 10% of global trade of each cultural expressions studied in 2014

15 Share of global trade in publishing goods by type of trade, 2005-2014

16 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages for the flow of cultural goods Case studies Links to to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

17 Key Messages for the flow of cultural goods
The equitable balance in the flow of cultural goods and services worldwide is far from been achieved Opposite trends in the flow of cultural goods between developed and developing countries North-North flow of cultural goods are still dominating the global flow of cultural goods Flow of cultural goods among South countries is still marginal

18 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

19 Germany : TRADUKI translation programme Preferential treatment
Preferential treatment measure in “TRADUKI translation programme”  “This preferential treatment measure compensates for market failure in order to protect cultural diversity in the area of literary production and literary translation in smaller Southeast European language groups. TRADUKI aims for greater South East-West balance within Europe and for the stabilisation of peace in the Balkan region.” “From , a total of 726 titles supported, including translations of more than 200 titles among smaller South East European language groups.”

20 Italy: MediterRadio Co-production agreement: North/South
One of the international coproduction of RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) and France Bleu RCFM, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development. “Weekly cultural magazine focused in the economic and cultural and social actuality of: Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily” Radio programme resulting from interregional cooperation with: EBU (European Broadcasting Union), COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union)

21 Chile: Agreement of Promotion for the Audiovisual Co-production Subscription of interinstitutional instruments : South/South Agreement between the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts - INCAA of the Argentinian Republic and the CNCA Protocol of Cinematographic Cooperation for the support to the Cinematographic Co-production, between the CNCA and the Ministério da Cultura do Brasil". The measure seeks to have an impact on the production, distribution and visibility of Chilean and Brazilian/Argentinian cinema in the markets of both countries.

22 Latin America: Southern cultural industries market (MICSUR) Funding support
The purpose of the Southern Cultural Industries Market is to create and consolidate a platform for the knowledge, dissemination, promotion, distribution and trading of goods and services generated by the region's creative and cultural industries.

23 Policy of quota for the Brazilian audiovisual output: Law
In film, the Screen Quota is aimed at guaranteeing a market share for the national cinema output to counter the massive presence of foreign content in cinema screens. The decree for the 2016 Screen Quota has determined that movie theaters with one screen must show Brazilian movies for a minimum of 28 days for the year – and at least three different titles. Impact on imports of films

24 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

25 Links to to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals : Preferential treatment
Direct reference to Preferential Treatment 2005 Convention: Article 16: Developed countries shall facilitate cultural exchanges with developing countries by granting, through the appropriate institutional and legal frameworks, preferential treatment to artists and other cultural professionals and practitioners, as well as cultural goods and services from developing countries. SDG: Target “Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020

26 Indicators in SDG/Chapter
SDG Indicator: Developing countries’ and least developed countries’ share of global exports” Indicator used in this chapter: Developing countries’ and least developed countries’ share of global exports of cultural goods”

27 SDG’s indicator: Flow of cultural goods for Least Developed Countries
From 2005 to 2014, the balance of culture trade for LDCs countries did not improve. LDCs goods in flow of cultural goods are lower than in global trade In 2014, they represented 1.08% of all goods exports In 2014, they only accounted for 0.5% share of global exports of cultural goods. Figure was similar in 2005

28 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to 2030 sustainable development agenda Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

29 Indicators and means of verification
Legislative base for flows of cultural goods and services is a) established, b) evaluated and c) functioning a) Evidence of relevant laws to ensure a balanced flow of cultural goods and services Only few examples available Is this pertinent?

30 Indicators and means of verification
b) Export-import strategies for cultural goods (e.g. financial investments, capacity development, fiscal/tax measures, information services) c) Data on flows of international trade of cultural goods (e.g. export and import statistics, country of origin and destination) Policies and measures to support international flows of cultural goods are a) established, b) evaluated and c) functioning

31 Indicators and means of verification
d) Data on foreign and domestic consumption of cultural goods Case study on Feature film exhibition

32 Indicators and means of verification
e) Data on flows of international trade of cultural services (e.g. export and import statistics, country of origin and destination) With the dematerialisation of cultural production, this indicator should be a priority. Data are insufficient for the moment. Data on audiovisual services are available but still incomplete. No audiovisual services data for USA or UK! Policies and measures to support international flows of cultural services are a) established, b) evaluated and b) functioning

33 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to 2030 sustainable development agenda Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

34 Data used Quadrennial periodic reports
Veronique Study: Implementation of Articles 16 and 21 in 51 Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements Concluded since 2005 Cultural goods: COMTRADE database, to assess balance of flows of cultural goods from 2004 to 2015. Data on cultural goods are exhaustive but reflect only partially the different cultural expressions.

35 Data used Services data (WTO) Services data OECD
UIS Feature film statistics OECD ODA data Other relevant source for Import-Export strategies and laws OECD data on audiovisual services by partner countries: Bilateral can not be used due to data quality issues and confidentiality

36 Structure of Chapter Preliminary findings Key Messages Case studies Links to 2030 sustainable development agenda Indicators and means of verification Data used UIS data sets

37 UIS data sets New UIS feature films statistics for 2014 and 2015
Official release on the Web on the 5th of April 2017 First data provided to BOP on the 27 February 2017 Remaining data: by Mid/end of March 2017 Cultural Employment survey Metadata, glossary : to be published in May 2017 2016 Cultural employment survey results: to be published in September 2017

38 Proceedings of International symposium on the measurement of digital cultural products

39 Thank you!

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