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Self Help Groups formation and micro credit plus

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1 Self Help Groups formation and micro credit plus
Absence of good SHPI. Lack of awareness /unwillingness among NGOs. Financial constraints. Lack of trained manpower. Opportunities: Identifying resource NGOs. RMK funding for training. Certificate course from IGNO. SGSY and other government schemes. Non Conventional agencies.(Farmers clubs/Local animators/Corporate houses. etc.)

2 Self-help group and Micro credit
SUSTAINABILITY: Withdrawal strategy-not aware/planned/willing. Inadequate capacity building-awareness creation. Lack of viable backward and forward linkages. OPPORTUNITIES: Bank linkage. Linking of government agencies and corporate agencies for marketing and technical know-how? Cluster/Fedaration

3 Self-help groups and micro credit
INADEQUATE DATABASE: Absence of decision support system for sustainable development,insufficient access to database external to DSS. No Resource base-NGO’s directory-unknown data models and different types and interfacing difficulties. Resource constraint to have infrastructure and expertise. Lack of networking of websites. OPPORTUNITIES: ENRAP Department of women and child development-to maintain website. Tapping donar agencies/government depts./Banks.

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