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Obligation request (obr) and budget utilization request (BUR) PROCESS FLOWS.

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1 Obligation request (obr) and budget utilization request (BUR) PROCESS FLOWS



4 Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows
Records Management Clerk (RMC) of the Administrative Services Section of the UPD-BO receives the Obligation Requests (ObR) and the Budget Utilization Requests (BUR) from representatives of various units/colleges. RMC checks the ObR/BUR and its supporting documents and when she finds them in order, stamps the date and time of receipt on the upper right corner of the Obr/BUR. RMC distributes the documents to the Admin Aide/Admin Assistant for encoding and assigning of ObR/BUR number.

5 Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows
After encoding the number, Admin Aide/Admin Assistant distributes the documents to the Budget Officer (BO) in-charge of the college/unit. Upon receipt of the ObR/BUR, the assigned Budget Officer reviews and evaluates the documents.

6 Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows
The assigned BO processes the ObR/BUR and then records the transaction in the Registry of Allotment and Obligation (RAO) or Registry of Budget for Agency Income (RBAI). He/she then forwards the papers to the Division Chief (DivChief).

7 Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows
DivChief reviews and signs the ObR/BUR for those covered by the delegated signing authority then forwards the ObR/BUR to the Admin Aide/Admin Assistant for final encoding in the masterlist. Messenger delivers processed ObRs/BURs to the UPD Accounting Office. But, if it is not covered by the delegated signing authority, DivChief initials and forwards the ObR/BUR to the Acting Director (ActDir) for signature.

8 Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows
ActDir signs and forwards the ObR/BUR to the Admin Aide/Admin Assistant for final encoding in the masterlist. Messenger delivers processed ObRs/BURs to the UPD Accounting Office.

Obligation Request (ObR) and Budget Utilization Request (BUR) Process Flows INSTANCES WHERE ObR OR BUR IS RETURNED TO THE UNIT: ObR is used instead of BUR, or vice versa. Lack or absence of available fund. Lack of supporting documents, e.g. Certificate of Service and approved line item budget. Payee on the DV is different from the payee on the BUR/OBR. Incorrect classification of expense item, e.g an EO item is requested to be charged against MOOE allotment. END OF THE PRESENTATION. Thank You!

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