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Less than 2% of all children with disabilities, ages 6-21

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1 Preparing Highly Qualified Personnel To Teach Students with Sensory Disabilities

2 Less than 2% of all children with disabilities, ages 6-21
(Multiple disabilities, 2.18%) Autism, 1.67% Orthopedic impairments, 1.26% Hearing impairments, 1.21% Visual impairments, 0.44% Traumatic brain injury, 0.35% Deafblindness, 0.03% Developmental delay, 0.76% 25th Annual Report to Congress (2005)

3 Less than one-fifth of 1% of the estimated resident school-age population
Multiple disabilities, 0.19% Autism, 0.15% Hearing impairments, 0.11% Orthopedic impairments, 0.11% Visual impairments, 0.04% Traumatic brain injury, 0.03% Deafblindness, 0.00% Developmental delay, 0.07% 25th Annual Report to Congress (2005)

4 What’s Different About the Preparation of Teachers of Students with Sensory Impairments??

5 Teacher preparation involves:
Specialized skills (e.g., braille, orientation and mobility, ASL, knowledge of medical supports) More credit hours (generally more than the Master’s degree’s 30 hours) Extensive field work

6 Teachers prepared for a variety of roles:
Itinerant Resource room (usually found only in large cities) Inclusive classes Separate classes Specialized schools

7 Teachers prepared for a heterogeneous population:
Typical cognitive development Total blindness to “near-normal” vision Total deafness to hard of hearing Multiple disabilities “No two alike,” but “More alike than different.”

8 Teaching is different:
More than adjustments to the learning environment; More than modifications of instructional methods; More than adaptation of curricula; More than use of positive behavioral supports and interventions; More than accommodations . . .

9 But, simply not enough of them . . .

10 New Specialists Per State, 2003-04
Distance Education: The Future of Special Education February 27, 1999 New Specialists Per State, 4.0 Teachers of Students with VI 2.6 O&M Instructors .4 Dual-certified Teachers/O&M .8 Deafblind Teachers Kay Alicyn Ferrell, Ph.D.

11 Teacher Candidates

12 HQT at Specialized Schools
Curriculum Type Number of Teachers Reported Number of Teachers with Content Certification Number of Teachers with TVI Certification F % Elementary 340 204 60.0 213 62.7 Secondary 336 208 61.9 230 68.5 Alternative 231 73 31.6 141 61.0 Total 907 485 53.5 584 64.4

13 Underrepresentation?

14 Together we can do more. Kay Alicyn Ferrell, Ph.D.
Executive Director National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities At the University of Northern Colorado Campus Box 146, Greeley, CO 80639

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