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AOIT at Apex High School

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1 AOIT at Apex High School
Class of 2020

2 Agenda Welcome About AOIT and NAF Information from orientation packet
Preview & Important Info AOIT Advisory Board Academy Support Team (AST)

3 AOIT and NAF Began fall of 2001, first graduating class 2005
Four-year program Affiliated with the National Academy Foundation (NAF – Follow their model (cohort, advisory board, internship) Professional development for teachers Nationwide network

4 Orientation Guide Students received a copy via email
Forms/money can be turned in to teacher AOIT Shirt for field trips Field trip expenses

5 Orientation Overview Acceptable Use Electronics
Suggested supply list Integrity Cheating – giving or receiving Plagiarism Progressive discipline Acceptable Use Electronics Forms and Permission Slips

6 Keys to Success Communication Ask questions (in person, email…)
Student should be first contact before the teacher Student advocacy If something doesn’t sound right – check with the teacher Ask questions (in person, …) Seek help Follow through

7 AOIT Course Sequencing

8 Freshman Year Integrated courses
English I (honors or academic) - Summers World History (honors or academic) - Cooper Biology (honors or academic) - Derda Principles of IT – Caudill Math Various- Muse Other math – not AOIT

9 Freshman Year Field Trips Job Shadowing Team Building (NCSU) Zoo
Beaufort, NC Job Shadowing We need parent’s help!

10 Sophomore Year AOIT courses English II (honors or academic)
Earth Science (honors or academic) AP Environmental Science AP Human Geography or US History 1 (honors and academic) Computer Programming 1 Multimedia & Web Design or Computer Programming II

11 Junior Year Integrated courses Resume Preparation Mock interviews
English III (honors and academic) AP US History or US History 2 (honors and academic) E-Commerce I honors or SAS Programming honors Resume Preparation Mock interviews Pre-Internship Meeting

12 Internship Required for AOIT graduation Minimum 135 hours
Academic elective credit Part-time or full-time junior/senior years Involves the use of technology Compensated Assistance with finding placement, but responsibility is on student/parents

13 Senior Year Integrated courses Internship presentations
E-Commerce II Video Production or AP Computer Science – Java English IV (honors and academic) Internship presentations Senior banquet – AOIT graduation

14 Due Dates Return to Mrs. Caudill
September 2nd: Photo Release Form Field Trip Permission Form Policies and Expectations of Conduct form Shirt Orders

15 More Information/ Questions

16 Advisory Board Chair – Mike Murphy, EMC
Made up of volunteers from local businesses Monthly meetings Assist with internship placement Serve as guest speakers, career fair speakers, curriculum advisors, etc. Provide other assistance as needed Membership is open

17 Academy Support Team (AST)
Cyndi Edington, President Officers are elected 2014 Positions Vice President – Hazel McCoy Treasurer – Barbara Walsh Secretary – Christy Eing Ways and Means Chair – Linda Bailey Senior Banquet Committee – Nicole Scoggins, Ellen Farrell, and Stephanie Hlavin Provide financial support Fundraising – equipment, professional development, etc. Social events Communicate with Advisory Board

18 AOIT Fundraiser Scruffy Duck Car Wash – TBD
Each student to purchase/sell at least 2 tickets Tickets will be distributed Additional tickets can be purchased Looking for parent volunteers to be on a fundraising committee - contact Laura Linton at

19 Contact Information Please send any changes in phone number, address, and/or addresses is primary source of communication

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