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Lesson 12-5 Indochina.

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1 Lesson 12-5 Indochina


3 Myanmar (Burma) Known for rice.
Major population center is near the delta of the Irrawaddy River.

4 Buddhism is the major religion.
Teaches moderation and moral living. Stresses the need to free oneself from worldly desires. Goal is to attain nirvana, a state of complete happiness.

5 Vietnam First communist nation in Southeast Asia. Major crop is rice.
Mostly covered by rain forest.


7 Annamese Mountains divide Vietnam from Cambodia and Laos.
U.S. fought a war there against communists from

8 Laos Communist government has persecuted Christians.
Has lowest literacy rate in Southeast Asia.

9 Cambodia About 20% of the population was killed by starvation and execution in the 1970s by the Communist regime known as the Khmer Rouge.

10 Cambodia became known as “the killing fields.”
Has lowest life expectancy and per capita GDP in Southeast Asia. Largest temple complex in the world is at Angkor Wat.


12 Thailand Only country in Southeast Asia to never be a European colony.
Bangkok is the largest city in Indochina.


14 Thailand is known for crocodile farming.

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