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the Statewide Referral network and You

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1 the Statewide Referral network and You

2 What is Supportive housing?
Supportive Housing is affordable rental housing for people with very low incomes and disabilities (or multiple barriers to community living) PLUS the social/health services (including behavioral and physical health) that they want and need to succeed in the community. Supportive Housing is not intended for every population that needs access to affordable housing. The threshold of need for supportive housing is higher than the simple need for affordable housing.

3 What is the statewide Referral network (SRN)?
The Statewide Referral Network (SRN) links vulnerable populations, who are already connected to services, to affordable, available, supportive housing. It is managed by the Statewide Housing and Employment First Coordinator. Social Service Providers assist eligible households to get their name on the waiting list (by using the PAIR module). The waiting list manager verifies eligibility and when a SRN unit becomes eligible matches the eligible waiting list participants with the unit. Eligible SRN supportive housing populations include persons with disabilities, persons experiencing homelessness and persons at- risk of homelessness. In addition, a person or family must have income at 30% of Area Median Income or below.

4 How does a consumer ACCESS SRN?
Case Managers, Care Coordinators, Housing Locators, Transition Coordinators and other staff assisting persons with disabilities and households at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness place interested person on the on-line waiting list using the Pre-Screening, Assessment, Intake and Referral (PAIR) module within the housing locator website, The Waiting List Manager managing the waiting list matches eligible persons to available properties.

5 How does a consumer access SRN?
The WLM sends an “offer” to referral source and potential tenant that includes information about the unit including a link to the online listing of the property on The potential tenant/referral source has a few days to respond and let the SHM know if they would like to be referred to the unit. The WLM either sends a referral (with potential tenant cc’d and referral source bcc’d) to the property manager or finds another match for the unit. If the potential tenant isn’t interested in the unit, the household stays on the waiting list and does not lose their place in line.

6 What does the promise of continued service provision mean?
Statewide Referral Network units are meant to be supportive housing. The SRN unit provides the affordable housing portion, you provide the support service portion, together that equals supportive housing. Services are voluntary. Just like other services you provide, you continue to outreach and engage tenants who have chosen to separate from service. And you assist households with the consequences that can result from not accepting service, there is no better time to re-engage a household than during a crisis situation (for example an eviction notice). We understand that everyone’s financial situation is precarious and we appreciate your assistance in helping households who need long term support and affordable housing to access an SRN unit.

7 New HUD resource locator
The HUD Resource Locator includes: Information about commonly requested housing-related resources from HUD field and regional offices throughout the country. Location data and contact information for HUD Field and Regional Offices, Public Housing Authorities, Multifamily Housing, Low Income Housing Tax Credit apartments, USDA Rural Housing, and Continuum of Care Homeless staff. Maps that are linked via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, , and text messages. GIS and Browser Location Detection to show resources in proximity to the user. Ability to export search results to Excel and to generate a custom PDF resource guide. For more information, visit HUD. The HUD Resource Locator is available online at

8 Questions, comments, ideas
Alexis DeWeese Section 811 & SRN Waitlist Manager o Calls and s with specific waitlist questions Lore Baker Statewide Housing and Employment First Coordinator o c

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