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Published byAlbert Strickland Modified over 6 years ago
Mutual Exclusion A condition in which there is a set of processes, only one of which is able to access a given resource or perform a given function at any time
Centralized Systems Mutual exclusion via: Test & set Semaphores
Messages Monitors
Distributed Mutual Exclusion
Assume there is agreement on how a resource is identified Pass identifier with requests Create an algorithm to allow a process to obtain exclusive access to a resource
Distributed Mutual Exclusion
Centralized Algorithm Token Ring Algorithm Distributed Algorithm Decentralized Algorithm
Centralized algorithm
Mimic single processor system One process elected as coordinator request(R) C Request resource Wait for response Receive grant access resource Release resource grant(R) P release(R)
Centralized algorithm
If another process claimed resource: Coordinator does not reply until release Maintain queue Service requests in FIFO order P2 Queue request(R) request(R) P1 C P2 grant(R) request(R) P0 grant(R) P1 release(R)
Centralized algorithm
Benefits Fair All requests processed in order Easy to implement, understand, verify Problems Process cannot distinguish being blocked from a dead coordinator Centralized server can be a bottleneck
Token Ring algorithm Assume known group of processes
Some ordering can be imposed on group Construct logical ring in software Process communicates with neighbor P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Token Ring algorithm Initialization Token circulates around ring
Process 0 gets token for resource R Token circulates around ring From Pi to P(i+1)mod N When process acquires token Checks to see if it needs to enter critical section If no, send token to neighbor If yes, access resource Hold token until done P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 token(R)
Token Ring algorithm Only one process at a time has token
Mutual exclusion guaranteed Order well-defined Starvation cannot occur If token is lost (e.g. process died) It will have to be regenerated Does not guarantee FIFO order
Ricart & Agrawala algorithm
Distributed algorithm using reliable multicast and logical clocks Process wants to enter critical section: Compose message containing: Identifier (machine ID, process ID) Name of resource Timestamp (totally-ordered Lamport) Send request to all processes in group Wait until everyone gives permission Enter critical section / use resource
Ricart & Agrawala algorithm
When process receives request: If receiver not interested: Send OK to sender If receiver is in critical section Do not reply; add request to queue If receiver just sent a request as well: Compare timestamps: received & sent messages Earliest wins If receiver is loser, send OK If receiver is winner, do not reply, queue When done with critical section Send OK to all queued requests
Ricart & Agrawala algorithm
N points of failure A lot of messaging traffic Demonstrates that a fully distributed algorithm is possible
Lamport’s Mutual Exclusion
Each process maintains request queue Contains mutual exclusion requests Requesting critical section: Process Pi sends request(i, Ti) to all nodes Places request on its own queue When a process Pj receives a request, it returns a timestamped ack Lamport time
Lamport’s Mutual Exclusion
Entering critical section (accessing resource): Pi received a message (ack or release) from every other process with a timestamp larger than Ti Pi’s request has the earliest timestamp in its queue Difference from Ricart-Agrawala: Everyone responds … always - no hold-back Process decides to go based on whether its request is the earliest in its queue
Lamport’s Mutual Exclusion
Releasing critical section: Remove request from its own queue Send a timestamped release message When a process receives a release message Removes request for that process from its queue This may cause its own entry have the earliest timestamp in the queue, enabling it to access the critical section
Characteristics of Decentralized Algorithms
No machine has complete information about the system state Machines make decisions based only on local information Failure of one machine does not ruin the algorithm Three is no implicit assumption that a global clock exists
Decentralized Algorithm
Based on the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) system structure previously introduced Peer-to-peer Object names are hashed to find the successor node that will store them Here, we assume that n replicas of each object are stored
Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
Non-token based: A site/process can enter a critical section when an assertion (condition) becomes true. Algorithm should ensure that the assertion will be true in only one site/process. Token based: A unique token (a known, unique message) is shared among cooperating sites/processes. Possessor of the token has access to critical section. Need to take care of conditions such as loss of token, crash of token holder, possibility of multiple tokens, etc.
General System Model At any instant, a site may have several requests for critical section (CS), queued up, and serviced one at a time. Site States: Requesting CS, executing CS, idle (neither requesting nor executing CS). Requesting CS: blocked until granted access, cannot make additional requests for CS. Executing CS: using the CS. Idle: action is outside the site. In token-based approaches, idle site can have the token.
Mutual Exclusion: Requirements
Freedom from deadlocks: two or more sites should not endlessly wait on conditions/messages that never become true/arrive. Freedom from starvation: No indefinite waiting. Fairness: Order of execution of CS follows the order of the requests for CS. (equal priority). Fault tolerance: recognize “faults”, reorganize, continue. (e.g., loss of token).
Performance Number of messages per CS invocation: should be minimized.
Synchronization delay, i.e., time between the leaving of CS by a site and the entry of CS by the next one: should be minimized. Response time: time interval between request messages transmissions and exit of CS. System throughput, i.e., rate at which system executes requests for CS: should be maximized. If sd is synchronization delay, E the average CS execution time: system throughput = 1 / (sd + E).
Performance metrics Next site Last site enters CS exits CS Time
Synchronization delay Messages sent Enter CS CS Request arrives Exit CS Time E Response Time
Performance ... Low and High Load: Best and Worst Case:
Low load: No more than one request at a given point in time. High load: Always a pending mutual exclusion request at a site. Best and Worst Case: Best Case (low loads): Round-trip message delay + Execution time. 2T + E. Worst case (high loads). Message traffic: low at low loads, high at high loads. Average performance: when load conditions fluctuate widely.
Simple Solution Control site: grants permission for CS execution.
A site sends REQUEST message to control site. Controller grants access one by one. Synchronization delay: 2T -> A site release CS by sending message to controller and controller sends permission to another site. System throughput: 1/(2T + E). If synchronization delay is reduced to T, throughput doubles. Controller becomes a bottleneck, congestion can occur.
Non-token Based Algorithms
Notations: Si: Site I Ri: Request set, containing the ids of all Sis from which permission must be received before accessing CS. Non-token based approaches use time stamps to order requests for CS. Smaller time stamps get priority over larger ones. Lamport’s Algorithm Ri = {S1, S2, …, Sn}, i.e., all sites. Request queue: maintained at each Si. Ordered by time stamps. Assumption: message delivered in FIFO.
Lamport’s Algorithm Requesting CS: Executing CS: Releasing CS:
Send REQUEST(tsi, i). (tsi,i): Request time stamp. Place REQUEST in request_queuei. On receiving the message; sj sends time-stamped REPLY message to si. Si’s request placed in request_queuej. Executing CS: Si has received a message with time stamp larger than (tsi,i) from all other sites. Si’s request is the top most one in request_queuei. Releasing CS: Exiting CS: send a time stamped RELEASE message to all sites in its request set. Receiving RELEASE message: Sj removes Si’s request from its queue.
Lamport’s Algorithm… Performance. Optimization
3(N-1) messages per CS invocation. (N - 1) REQUEST, (N - 1) REPLY, (N - 1) RELEASE messages. Synchronization delay: T Optimization Suppress reply messages. (e.g.,) Sj receives a REQUEST message from Si after sending its own REQUEST message with time stamp higher than that of Si’s. Do NOT send REPLY message. Messages reduced to between 2(N-1) and 3(N-1).
Lamport’s Algorithm: Example
Step 1: (2,1) S1 S2 (1,2) S3 Step 2: S1 (1,2) (2,1) S2 enters CS S2 (1,2) (2,1) S3 (1,2) (2,1)
Lamport’s: Example… Step 3: (1,2) (2,1) S1 S2 leaves CS S2 (1,2) (2,1)
S1 enters CS S2 (2,1) (1,2) (2,1) S3 (1,2) (2,1) (2,1)
Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm
Requesting critical section Si sends time stamped REQUEST message Sj sends REPLY to Si, if Sj is not requesting nor executing CS If Sj is requesting CS and Si’s time stamp is smaller than its own request. Request is deferred otherwise. Executing CS: after it has received REPLY from all sites in its request set. Releasing CS: Send REPLY to all deferred requests. i.e., a site’s REPLY messages are blocked only by sites with smaller time stamps
Ricart-Agrawala: Performance
2(N-1) messages per CS execution. (N-1) REQUEST + (N-1) REPLY. Synchronization delay: T. Optimization: When Si receives REPLY message from Sj -> authorization to access CS till Sj sends a REQUEST message and Si sends a REPLY message. Access CS repeatedly till then. A site requests permission from dynamically varying set of sites: 0 to 2(N-1) messages.
Ricart-Agrawala: Example
Step 1: S1 (2,1) S2 (1,2) S3 Step 2: S1 S2 enters CS S2 (2,1) S3
Ricart-Agrawala: Example…
Step 3: S1 S1 enters CS S2 (2,1) S2 leaves CS S3
Distributed Deadlock
Distributed Deadlock Problem definition
Permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other No node has complete and up-to-date knowledge of the entire distributed system Message transfers between processes take unpredictable delays
Distributed Deadlock A distributed system consists of a number of sites connected by a network. Each site maintains some of the resources of the system. Processes with a global unique identifier run on the distributed system. They make resource request to a controller. There is one controller per site. If the resource is local, the process makes a request of the local controller. The controller at each site could maintain a WFG on the process request s that it know about it. This is the local WFG. However, each site’s WFG could be cycle free and yet the distributed system could be blocked. This is called Global Deadlock.
System Model : System has only reusable resources Only exclusive access to resources Only one copy of each resource States of a process: running or blocked Running state: process has all the resources Blocked state: waiting on one or more resource
Types of Deadlocks Resource Deadlocks
A process needs multiple resources for an activity. Use AND Condition AND Condition : Deadlock occurs if each process in a set request resources held by another process in the same set, and it must receive all the requested resources to move further. Communication Deadlocks Processes wait to communicate with other processes in a set. Use Or Condition: Each process in the set is waiting on another process’s message, and no process in the set initiates a message until it receives a message for which it is waiting.
Graph Models Nodes of a graph are processes. Edges of a graph the pending requests or assignment of resources. Wait-for Graphs (WFG): P1 -> P2 implies P1 is waiting for a resource from P2. Transaction-wait-for Graphs (TWF): WFG in databases. Deadlock: directed cycle in the graph. Cycle example: P1 P2
Graph Models Wait-for Graphs (WFG): P1 -> P2 implies P1 is waiting for a resource from P2. R1 P1 R2 P2
Deadlock in resource allocation
Conditions for deadlock in resource allocation Mutual exclusion: The resource can be used by only one process at a time Hold and wait: A process holds a resource while waiting for other resources No preemption: A process cannot be preempted to free up the resource Circular wait: A closed cycle of processes is formed, where each process holds one or more resources needed by the next process in the cycle Strategies Prevent the formation of a circular wait Detect the potential or the actual occurrence of a circular wait Types of algorithms Deadlock prevention Deadlock avoidance Deadlock detection Special issues in distributed systems Resources are distributed across many sites The control processes that control access to resources do not have complete, up-to-date information on the global state of the system
Deadlock in Resource Allocation: Deadlock handling strategies
Deadlock prevention 1.a Prevent the circular-wait condition by defining a linear ordering of resource types A process can be assigned resources only according to the linear ordering Disadvantages Resources cannot be requested in the order that are needed Resources will be longer than necessary 1.b Prevent the hold-and-wait condition by requiring the process to acquire all needed resources before starting execution Inefficient use of resources Reduced concurrency Process can become deadlocked during the initial resource acquisition Future needs of a process cannot be always predicted
Deadlock prevention (cont.)
1.c Use of time-stamps Example: Use time-stamps for transactions to a database – each transaction has the time-stamp of its creation The circular wait condition is avoided by comparing time-stamps: strict ordering of transactions is obtained, the transaction with an earlier time-stamp always wins “Wait-die” method if [ e (T2) < e (T1) ] halt_T2 (‘wait’); else kill_T2 (‘die’); “Wound-wait” method kill_T1 (‘wound’);
Wait-die Vs. Wound-wait
If an old process wants a resource held by a young process, the old one will wait. If a young process wants a resource held by an old process, the young process will be killed. Observation: The young process, after being killed, will then start up again, and be killed again. This cycle may go on many times before the old one release the resource. Once we are assuming the existence of transactions, we can do something that had previously been forbidden: take resources away from running processes. When a conflict arises, instead of killing the process making the request, we can kill the resource owner. Without transactions, killing a process might have severe consequences. With transactions, these effects will vanish magically when the transaction dies. Wound-wait: (we allow preemption & ancestor worship) If an old process wants a resource held by a young process, the old one will preempt the young process -- wounded and killed, restarts and wait. If a young process wants a resource held by an old process, the young process will wait.
(2) Deadlock avoidance Decision made dynamically, before allocating a resource, the resulting global system state is checked - if safe, allow allocation Disadvantages Every site has to maintain global state of system (extensive overhead in storage and communication) Different sites may determine (concurrently) that state is safe, but global state may be unsafe: verification for safe global state by different sites must be mutually exclusive Large overhead to check for every allocation (distributed system may have large number of processes and resources) Conclusion: Deadlock avoidance impractical in distributed systems
(3) Deadlock Detection Principle of operation
Detection of a cycle in WFG proceeds concurrently with normal operation Requirements for the deadlock detection and resolution algorithms Detection The algorithm must detect all existing deadlock in finite time The algorithm should not report non-existent (phantom) deadlock Resolution (recovery) All existing wait-for dependencies in WFG must be removed, i.e. roll-back one or more processes that are deadlocked and give their resources to other blocked processes Observation Deadlock detection is the most popular strategy for handling deadlocks in distributed systems
Algorithms for Distributed Deadlock Detection
3) Deadlock Detection (cont..) Control for distributed deadlock detection can be: Centralized Distributed Hierarchical a.1 Centralized deadlock detection algorithms A central control site constructs the global WFG and searches for cycles Control site maintain WFG continuously (with every assignment) or when running deadlock detection (and asking all sites for WFG updates) Disadvantages: single point of failure and congestion a.2 The completely centralized algorithm All sites request resources and release resources by sending corresponding messages to control site Control site updates WFG for each request/release For every new request edge added to WFG, control site checks WFG for deadlock Alternative: each site maintain its WFG and update control site periodically or on request
3) Deadlock Detection (cont.)
Deadlock in resource allocation: Algorithms for distributed deadlock detection 3) Deadlock Detection (cont.) b. Hierarchical deadlock detection algorithms Sites organized in a tree structure with one site at the root of the tree Each node (except for leaf nodes) has information about the dependent nodes Deadlock is detected by the node that is the common ancestor of all sites which have resource allocations in conflict Deadlock is detected at the lowest level
3) Deadlock Detection (cont.)
Deadlock in resource allocation: Algorithms for distributed deadlock detection (cont.) 3) Deadlock Detection (cont.) c. Distributed deadlock detection algorithms Principles All sites responsible for detecting a global deadlock Global state graph distributed over many sites: several of them participate in detection Detection initiated when a process suspected to be deadlocked Advantages: No single point of failure, no congestion Disadvantages: Difficult to implement (no shared memory) Types of algorithms Path-pushing algorithms Each node builds a WFG based on local info & info from other sites Detect and resolves local deadlocks Transmits to other sites deadlock info in form of (waiting path) Edge-chasing algorithms Special messages (probes) sent along edges of WFG to detect a cycle When blocked process receives probe, resends it on its outgoing edges of WFG When a process receives a probe it initiated, declares deadlock
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