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(2)Consultation Unit and Ambulatory Care,
HEPATITIS MOBILE TEAM Decrease of specific social score EPICES before and after direct antiviral agent treatment in HCV patients in France Hakim BOUCKHIRA (1), André-Jean REMY (1,2), Stéphane MONTABONE (1), Nathalie BEURIER (1), BOULOGNE Guillaume (1, HAPPIETTE Arnaud (1). (1) Hepatitis Mobile Team, Service of Gastroentrology, (2)Consultation Unit and Ambulatory Care, Hepatitis Reference Center, Perpignan Hospital, France Hello everybody, my name is Hakim Bouchkira, I’m delighted and glad to talk about the work of the mobile team, I thank the organizing committee for allowing me to speak about people with hepatitis C in vulnerable situations along with collaboration of Dr andre jean rémy, Hervet Jeremy, Nathalie beurier, Guillaume Boulogne and Arnaud happiette Stéphane Montabone Thank you for being present, he is the social worker of the mobile team he will speak to us about his work. So Today’s topic will be Decrease of specific social score EPICES before and after direct antiviral agent treatment in HCV patients in France 1
French health insurance A high-level social model
French health insurance was created in1945 with 3 fundamental principles : Equality of access to healthcare Quality care Solidarity The health insurance allows each and everyone to be in care according to the needs, regardless of age and level of incomes With this social model almost all patients seen by the hepatitis mobile team can have access to a social insurance cover offering care and treatment of hepatitis by the new molecules
IN PRACTICE For a basic protection of health expenses
Universal health protection (PUMA) Every person who has a permanent or temporary professional activity starting at the first hour of work Or have been living in France in a stable and regular way for at least three months No three months conditions for the asylum seekers
IN PRACTICE(2) For a complete protection : 3 possibilities
For all people in regular situation : Complementary (Additional) universal healthcare coverage (CMU-C) For all the care With income conditions : less than 802$/month for 1 person (9629$/year) Recognition for long-lasting affection (ALD) Only for a specific disease No income condition
IN PRACTICE(3) For people in irregular situation
State Medical Aid (AME) For all the care With same income conditions than CMU-C : less than 802$/month for 1 person ($/year) With a residence condition of more than 3 months
Target population Drug users Inmates Homeless Excluded population
Migrants Psychiatric patients Hepatitis C was most frequent in vulnerable people who were insecure and had multiple viral risk factors. HBV and HCV Infections are three times more frequent in people in precarious situation . Vulnerable people included inmates, migrants, drug users, homeless and psychiatric patients. Accessibility of health system was not so easy, most part for these populations because of social, psychiatric and addictive issues. Since July, twenty fourty the hepatitis mobile team is at the heart of this population which can sometimes be difficult to accompany.
Complex situations and difficult accompaniments
Absence of health care rights Absence or low income Absence of accommodation Absence of identity documents Isolation Wandering The factors which favorise the complex situations are Absence of rights of Social Security Absence or low income Absence of accommodation Absence of documents of identity Isolation Wandering
Complex situations and difficult
accompaniments (2) Irregular situation on the territory Linguistic difficulties Addictions Penal position Psychiatric pathologies Complex somatic situations And Irregular situation on the territory Linguistic difficulties Addictions Penal situation Psychiatric pathologies Complex somatic situations
Recommendations of the DHUMEAUX report
R 15-4 « Take a global approach to the disease and promote global patient management. - Improve continuing medical education for healthcare professionals. - Create consultations on adherence or patient therapeutic education - And involve social workers or psychologists to provide support to patients living hepatitis In may 2014 French national experts published the Rapport Dhumeaux that recommends 1-to take a global approach to the disease and promote global patient management 2-Improve continuing medical education for healthcare professionals. 3-Create consultations on adherence or patient therapeutic education 4-And involve social workers or psychologists to provide support to patients living hepatitis
R 18-1 « Evaluate the social vulnerability of patients with hepatitis B and C and propose appropriate multidisciplinary support» R « Facilitate the process for obtaining medical and social coverage when released from prison and increase social support after release » the French report also recommends 1- Evaluate the social vulnerability of patients with hepatitis B and C and propose appropriate multidisciplinary support And finally Facilitate the process for obtaining medical and social coverage when released from prison and increase social support after release
The hepatitis mobile team joins completely in these recommendations since September 2014 with the arrival of a social worker, a second social worker since July 2016 and also the use of specific social score allowing to estimate the precariousness The hepatitis mobile team joins completely in these recommendations since September 2014 with the arrived of a social worker, a second social worker since July TWENTY SIXTEEN and also the use of specific social score Allowing to estimate the precariousness
Difference between pre and post treatment values were significant
On this slide, it’s the epices score (evaluation of individuals factors affecting vulnerability in health exams centers) Points indicated in the column YES allow to judge the importance of every question. The last line specifies that everybody starts with a constant of seventy five point one four points. The calculation of these points and this constant allows to establish a score at the individual level, varying from 0 (absence of precariousness) to one handred ( maximum precariousness). The precariousness is proved true above fourty eight point five points. Its application within the framework of the hepatitis mobile team allows us to facilitate the orientation towards the social worker then to estimate in therapeutic comments the evolution of the degree of precariousness of the patient. It is used in a informal way, without giving the score to the patient. The EPICES score is done two times for every patient, one at first contact and one 3 months after treatment. Difference between pre and post treatment values were significant
In twenty SIXTEEN , sixty four EPICES scores were done before DAA treatment with an average value of seventy seven. In twenty sixteen , sixty four scores EPICES were done AFTER DAA treatment with an average score of fity two Remenber that The precariousness is proved true above fourty eight point five, Red line The people we meet in the context of the EMH has a high level of precariousness but after the social work average scores spices post treatment is fifty two, there is a real differance between before and after treatment
Goals : To promote Screening, Access to health rights Follow-up Access to treatment And its success as well as the insertion of the precarious patients affected by viral hepatitis C
For a social work Punctual ... Constant Before During After treatment
Multiple ways of intervention ...
Checking, opening, renewal of health care rights Finding accommodation solutions Filling forms to help people integrate social structures, access to rights, to incomes documents of identity, residence permit for health reasons
Hotline No appointment reception Home visit Connections with emergency & charity structures Form filling & follow up of requests to enter emergency and/or health structures Social accompaniment
Some figures … From September, 2014 till December, 2015
130 patients seen More than 400 interviews done 3 interviews/patient as average but with an amplitude from 1 to more than 20 Outside “the walls” interviews in 40 % of the cases
49 openings and/or renewals of health care rights 20 requests for accommodation
Therapeutic Coordination Apartments requests for Bed Stopping Care Health 9 files for Departmental House for the Disabled People
Seen in an day care health center Homeless, lives in a shed
CLINICAL CASE Mr. L 57 years old Seen in an day care health center Homeless, lives in a shed Has health rights Wants to do a screening : (RISK FACTORS: precariousness, weaned drug user, important alcohool addiction (several times in emergency service). Nurse does POCT/DBS (dried blood test) HCV + / HIV / HBV With Fibroscan® Fibrosis F2 8,7 KPA With the bloodtest Fibrosis (Fibrotest®) F4 cirrhosis EPICES Score 75,14 Health records : STROKE His wills : Cure his hepatitis C and work on his addictions, more globally taking care of his health and social situation We are going to present you a clinical case to illustrate our way of working, We will talk about Mr. L, fivty seven years old. Patient who Worked as a gardener during ten years, he lost his daughter in a car accident. Had a partner and was not married, they would break up after the daughter’s death which had a big influence on Mr. Ls alcohol and drug addiction by injection during 4 years. There is a decline on the professional, relational and psychological sides. He finally gets in jail in ninteen ninty five during ten YEARS then when he was released he found himself on the streets. At this time, he met a nurse from our mobile team in a day care health center for the homeless ( Every Friday morning we offer free POCT VHC VHB HIV and Fibroscan) His POCT for HCV is positive and the fibroscan result is a moderate fibrosis There is a discordance with the blood test which shows a cirrhosis
I suggest to accompany him to the Perpignan Hospital Center to :
CLINICAL CASE I suggest to accompany him to the Perpignan Hospital Center to : Do a blood test Show him our premises Screening of tuberculosis by lungs X-Ray Do a social evaluation I suggest accompanying him on the Hospital center of Perpignan to realize a blood test, present him our premises, realize a radio of lungs for the screening of the tuberculosis and to meet our social worker to realize a social evaluation and begin a social support.
Food support with weekly food parcels Mobile phone lending
CLINICAL CASE SOCIAL WORK Food support with weekly food parcels Mobile phone lending Social rights restoring (health insurance and minimum income) Electricity and housing debts bearing Psycho-social support Rehousing support
CLINICAL CASE Simultaneously to a social work the health care is done but without forgetting Orientation towards addictology unit Accompaniment in the care path Educational therapeutic sessions during the treatment Simultaneously to the health care, a social work is done but without forgetting Orientation towards addictology unit Accompaniment in the care path Educational therapeutic sessions during the treatment Need to remember him regularly his appointments but gets at the end to be autonomous regarding this point
Score EPICES passes from 75 to 54 after the treatment Clear improvement of the living conditions and the update of its administrative documents Cured of hepatitis C Weaned of his alcohol consumption but is still followed by the addiction unit Wants to work Pursuit of social work FOR AN INTERESTING RESULT because Clear improvement of the living conditions and the update of its administrative documents Cured of hepatitis C Weaned of his alcohol consumption but is still followed by the addiction unit Wants to work Pursuit of the social work
Conclusions The Hepatitis Mobile Team is an innovative concept that promotes the come back of known HCV patients and new diagnosis patients in circuit of care by facilitating access to screening and FIBROSCAN*, but also for social worker and hepatologist consultation. Training and coaching people with precarious situation, investment and adherence to project of our partners, increases the number of HCV patients supported, treated and cured. The Hepatitis Mobile Team is an innovative concept that promotes the come back of known HCV patients and new diagnosis patients in circuit of care by facilitating access to screening and FIBROSCAN*, but also for social worker and hepatologist consultation. Training and coaching people with precarious situation, investment and adherence to project of our partners, increases the number of HCV patients supported, treated and cured 31
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