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An Xray Look at Drupal 7 (OK, a look at permission machine names and some hooks.) Get Xray:

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Presentation on theme: "An Xray Look at Drupal 7 (OK, a look at permission machine names and some hooks.) Get Xray:"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Xray Look at Drupal 7 (OK, a look at permission machine names and some hooks.) Get Xray:

2 What Function Brought the Page?
People admin page made possible by user_admin().

3 Where'd That Form Come From?
The first step of your hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() already done for you: What is the form ID? (Which is also the name of the function producing the form.) Talked too much... see previous slide for picture.

4 Summaries on Administration Pages
For instance, number of themes (enabled, disabled, hidden) and regions on admin/appearance

5 Permission Machine Names
Drupal 7's UI shows us translatable, capitalized permission titles. Which is great until we want to make a module that uses a permission.

6 No, not your questions. My questions.

7 What other innards would you like exposed?

8 (Because they're boring to code.)
Are summaries of blocks (enabled, disabled, in which region?), users (blocked, roles), nodes (types, status, by which users) of use/interest? (Because they're boring to code.)

9 Should (parts of this) be part of Devel?

10 Git the Source Code or Download git clone git:// xray

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