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Japanese I: Grammar 日本語1:文法(ぶんぽう).

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese I: Grammar 日本語1:文法(ぶんぽう)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese I: Grammar 日本語1:文法(ぶんぽう)

2 Today’s Agenda Orientation: about the class Greetings
Japanese Alphabet, Kana-moji

3 My name is Kaori Burkart. Nice to meet you!
Hello! My name is Kaori Burkart. Nice to meet you! かおり ブルカート 香織 What is your goal?

4 Either English or Japanese
Jeopardy Quiz Kaori Tofu about 17 years Australia Kanazawa City Wales, UK Directions: These are answers related to Dr. Burkart. Formulate questions to which these are the answers. Either English or Japanese えいご または にほんご でどうぞ

5 Please tell us about yourself!
なまえ、くに:name, from… すきなたべもの、しゅみ:favorite food, hobby おおいたでしたいこと:what you’d like to do in Oita

6 Students Responsibilities
Students in this course are expected to Attend every week; Do homework; Submit homework on time; Participate in class activities; Check online classroom announcements; and Turn off your cell phone unless you are instructed to do some activities by using it. 4 absences = F

7 Required Textbooks ISBN: ISBN:

8 Course Highlights Weekly HW & Quiz (30%) Mid-term Exam (30%)
Final Exam (40%) Score Letter Grade 90 < S 80 < x <90 A 70 < x <80 B 60 < x <70 C 50 < x <60 F+ < 50 F

9 Greetings Read p. “37 Culture Note” Read p. 36 “Expression Notes”
Let’s practice pp Ponkikki song Greetings:

10 Greeting Song
From Ponkikki

11 Practice More!














25 3 Different Writing System

26 Please bring your laptop every day.
Homework Review Read p.p.18-37 Practice “greetings” Watch Start practicing Hiragana Preview Read Chapter 1 (p.p ) Please bring your laptop every day.

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