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By Jaiden Malhotra.

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1 By Jaiden Malhotra

2 Doctor Who? The Doctor is a time lord from the planet Gallifrey. Time lords have two hearts and have the ability to regenerate their bodies when they die. They only have one regeneration cycle which consists of twelve regenerations. The Doctor stole a TARDIS from Gallifrey and travels through time and space saving the universe from terrible monsters and aliens (and destruction)!

3 The Doctor’s Accessories-TARDIS
The Doctor has some cool accessories which he uses to help him save the universe. One of them is his TARDIS. This stands for time and relative dimension in space. The Doctor uses this to travel through the time vortex. Without this, he says he is just a spaceman on a rock. The TARDIS has had many different designs and many different Doctors have redecorated it. Go on this website to see all the TARDIS consoles. Click here to see different TARDIS interiors.

4 The Doctor’s Accessories
The sonic screwdriver is a very useful tool that has come in handy many times. Click here to see all about it Another one of the Doctor’s accessories is the psychic paper. It is like a wallet but has a bit of paper inside. The Doctor can make it say whatever he wants so people might believe he is anyone! Also, it picks up messages that people send him.

5 Companions The Doctor has many companions whom he takes on his journey through time and space. These companions help him save the universe and have many great adventures with him. Companions have different personalities which is what makes them unique. For example: Rory Williams is very clumsy and funny which is why he is one of my favourites!

6 Paternoster Gang The Doctor’s Victorian allies! On the left is Vastra, a Silurian. Silurians ruled the earth long before we did! Whilst we rule the Earth, the Silurians were underground. Vastra is a good Silurian who assists the Doctor in many of his Victorian adventures. Strax in the middle is a Sontaran. Sontaran’s are fearless aliens who love to battle. There is a video clip explaining all about the villains! Finally, on the left is a human called Jenny Flint. She is married to Vastra and Strax is their butler. She doesn’t travel with the Doctor but has her own adventures!

7 Aliens/Monsters This slide is just a short summary on who the monsters are: Daleks-Creatures born to hate and have armour on the outside of them with weaponry. Anything that isn’t useful, they will destroy Cybermen-Used to be humans and have an metal armour around them. The only part left of them is their brain and they have no emotions. Their ultimate challenge is to convert everyone to be like them. They delete (kill) as well. They’ve upgraded themselves many times Silence-Creatures that were involved in a plan to kill the Doctor. Whenever you look away from them, you will forget that you ever saw them. They can charge their attacks to steal electricity and disintegrate you. They are now rebel priests in the Papal Mainframe. Weeping Angels-Moving statues from the dawn of time. If they touch you, they can zap you back in time creating a time paradox and they will feed off the energy. When you look away from them, or even blink, they will move towards you.

8 UNIT Unified Intelligence Taskforce. The 2nd Doctor was sent to exile on Earth and the time lords made him forget how to use his TARDIS. He then worked with UNIT and they both saved the world. In particular, the Brigadier (Lethbridge Stewart) helped the Doctor.

9 Time Lords The time lords live on the planet Gallifrey . They have two hearts and have the ability to regenerate their bodies when they die. They only have one regeneration cycle which consists of twelve regenerations. The Doctor was lucky because he had used all his regenerations up; the Time Lords sent him a whole new regeneration cycle just in time. This is because of the time war. The time war was between the Daleks and Time Lords. The only way the universe could be saved was by the destruction of Gallifrey. If you want to know more, watch The Day Of The Doctor-the 50th anniversary special. The Doctor blew up Gallifrey; the Master survived.

10 Master The Master is one of the Doctor’s oldest enemies. He is also a time-lord and has had 9 incarnations so far (as far as we know). He’s tried to kill the Doctor many times; was good friends with him when they were younger. The time-lords were planning to take over the Earth and replace it with Gallifrey. The Doctor stopped them and the Master sacrificed himself to get his revenge on them (or so we thought). In an episode called Dark Water, the Master returned as a woman!

11 River Song A complicated woman. She and the Doctor can both time travel, the trouble is that she and the Doctor don’t always meet in the right order. Therefore, her past is the Doctor’s future and the Doctor’s past is her future! Amy Pond and Rory Williams are actually River’s parents! Also, Amy travelling with the Doctor had an effect on River and so she was half-human and half-time lord! She was also forced into a suit which controlled her and she was forced to kill the Doctor and then arrested. She changed time to save him.

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