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Status of top-BDII deployment in EGI

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1 Status of top-BDII deployment in EGI
Peter Solagna – 5/26/2018

2 Analysis of current scenario and performance
Summary Survey results: top-BDII current deployment scenario in the EGI infrastructure Analysis of current scenario and performance Proposal for failover enhancement 5/26/2018

3 Top-BDII deployment survey
The target of the survey was: Identify which NGIs have already experience in high availability and load balancing of top-BDII Identify which NGIs are interested in the definition of high availability solutions for the top-BDII (e.g. cluster deployment or at client side with other resource providers) Feedback from NGIs: 18 surveys submitted: 1~5 sites [8]: Croatia, Georgia, Lithuania, Israel, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Switzerland 6~10 sites [2]: Turkey, IGALC 11~15 sites [4]: Serbia, Poland, Greece, Ireland 16~20 sites [2]: France, Netherlands > 25 sites [2]: Italy, Ibergrid Most of them (17) are deploying a top-BDII (or are planning to deploy one) Switzerland has not top-BDII deployed

4 Top-BDIIs in HA and LB Top-BDII scenarios: With HA or LB: 11
Without HA and LB: 6

5 Survey detailed result
NGI BDII deployed in HA Interested in studying strategies to improve the robustness of the service Turkey NO Georgia YES Hungary Romania Serbia IGALC Ireland Poland France Greece Croatia Netherlands Slovakia Italy Lithuania Switzerland (YES) Israel Portugal 9(10) YES - 8 NO 11 YES - 7 NO

6 Performaces of top-BDIIs not in HA conf.
NGIs not deploying top-BDII in HA Aval Jan Aval Feb Aval Mar Aval Apr Aval May Aval Jun Aval Jul Aval Aug Austria 99 100 95 Australia 98 80 Belarus Bulgaria NA Canada China 75 Cypro Czech Rep. Georgia Hungary IGALC 92 90 88 85 Latvia 82 Macedonia 89 Malaysia 65 Montenegro 40 50 60 ROC LA 55 72 Romania Russia ? Serbia Slovenia Turkey Availability data from gridview >= 98 >= 90 < 90

7 Strategies to improve top-BDII robustness
Top-BDII is a critical service that needs to be highly available. WLCG requires 99% service availability OSG service level target: 99% service availability NGIs not deploying it in HA should consider one of the following strategies to improve the robustness of the service: Organize groups of NGIs to configure failover at client side sharing their BDIIs Configurations needed in every site for these NGIs Groups of NGIs to configure DNS pools with their BDIIs NGIs should coordinate to keep BDII installations aligned to avoid not uniform behaviors of the servers in the pool Implement HA of the service at NGI level This should be the long term solution for all the NGIs

8 Failover at client side
Option a) seems to be the easiest solution for the near future (when no resources are available for Option c) ) Currently there are already some sites that use the CERN top-BDII as a backup Sites in UK, Romania and Russia (at least 12, but there may be more) A better coordination could remove load from the CERN top-BDII and distribute it uniformly across the NGIs

9 Proposed grouping (1) In the map: NGIs w/o BDII HA

10 Proposed grouping (2) B A D C E

11 Availability improvement
Theoretical availability improvement using the client side failover with the proposed grouping The proposal is based on the geographical distribution of the BDIIs and has to be agreed. Groups 11-Jan 11-Feb 11-Mar 11-Apr 11-May 11-Jun 11-Jul 11-Aug Group A 100 Group B Group C Group D Group E Group SA 99 92 Group Asia Note: the grouped availability has been calculated roughly using the monthly availability of the BDIIs in the group. It is the lower boundary

12 Feedback? Are the NGIs without HA interested in the scenario a) or b)?
Would the option a) be useful for NGIs with BDII in HA configuration? In this way the sites that are still using CERN as a backup top-BDII may configure BDIIs that belong to different NGIs NGIs who expressed interest in the survey: Lithuania, Switzerland, Israel, Portugal, Georgia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, IGALC, Ireland, Poland

13 Thank you for your attention C&C welcome

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