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Table II. Glossary of genes (Part 1).

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1 Table II. Glossary of genes (Part 1).
Abbreviation Full Name Gene Product Gene/Protein Family AGT Angiotensinogen Angiotensinogen Renin substrate ACE Angiotensin-converting Angiotensin-converting Zink metalloproteinase enzyme enzyme AT1R Angiotensin II receptor Angiotensin II receptor GPCR type type 1 AT2R Angiotensin II receptor Angiotensin II receptor GPCR type type 2 BMP Bone morphogenic protein 4 Bone morphogenic TGF-β superfamily protein 4 Crebbp CREB binding protein CREB binding protein Histone acetyltransferase Eya Eyes absent homolog Eyes absent homolog EYA family of proteins FoxC Forkhead box C Forkhead box C Forkhead family of transcription factors Fras Fraser syndrome Fraser syndrome Extracellular matrix protein protein Gata GATA GATA Transcription factor that contains two GATA-type zinc fingers GDNF Glial cell derived Glial cell derived Neurotrophic factor neurotrophic factor neurotrophic factor Ligand for Ret Gli GLI family zinc finger GLI family zinc finger Transcription factor Gpc Glypican Glypican Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan 7-HCR Alpha-helix coiled-coil rod Alpha-helix coiled-coil Role in DNA repair and homologue rod homologue cholesterol biosynthesis HNF1β Hepatocyte nuclear factor Hepatocyte nuclear factor Homeobox transcription 1β β factor Ift Intraflagellar transport Intraflagellar transport Essential for the homolog homolog function of motile and sensory cilia JAGGED JAGGED JAGGED Ligand for Notch receptor

2 Table II. Glossary of genes (Part 2).
Table 1. Glossary of genes. Table II. Glossary of genes (Part 2). Abbreviation Full Name Gene Product Gene/Protein Family Kal Kal Anosmin Regulates migration of nerve cell precursors during embryogenesis Nphp Nephronophthisis Nephrocystin Nephronophthi- sis types 1-9 Pax Paired box Paired box Transcription factor with conserved DNA- binding paired box domain Pex Peroxisomal biogenesis Peroxin Peroxisomal ATPases factor p57KIP Cyclin-dependent kinase Cyclin-dependent kinase Cell cycle inhibitor inhibitor 1C inhibitor 1C Pkd1, Polycystic kidney disease Polycystin 1 and Polycystin proteins Renin Renin Renin Enzyme that cleaves AGT to produce Ang I Ret Rearranged during RET51, RET43, RET Receptor tyrosine transfection kinase, GDNF receptor Robo Roundabout homolog Roundabout homolog Immunoglobulins Receptor for Slit2 Sall1, Sal-like 1 and Sal-like 1 and Zinc finger transcription factors Six1, 2, Sine oculis homeobox Sine oculis homeobox Homeobox transcription homologs 1, 2 and homologs 1, 2 and factors Slit Slit homolog Slit homolog Acts as molecular guidance cue in cellular migration Ligand for Robo2 Sox Sex determining region Sex determining region HMG-box class DNA- Y-box Y-box binding proteins Tbx T-box T-box Transcription factors which share a common DNA-binding domain, the T-box UMOD Uromodulin Uromodulin Urinary protein

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