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Navigating NIH Programs to Advance Your Career

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1 Navigating NIH Programs to Advance Your Career
Henry Khachaturian, Ph.D. Training Program Policy Officer Division of Biomedical Research Workforce OEP, OER, NIH

2 National Institutes of Health
NIH is made up of 27 Institutes and Centers, each with a specific research and research training agenda, focusing on particular diseases or body systems DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

3 FY 2016 Operating Budget: $32,311,349 Training: $830,430
Career: $632,270 Total: $1,462,700 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos NIH Budget Office:

4 Advice for Navigating NIH Programs
Review Institute/Center priorities and goals … each has different research training and career development programs Learn the NIH application and review process Identify the specific grant programs offered by each Institute/Center … see NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Make early contact with program officers Find innovative, well-respected mentors and collaborators Study successful grant applications Propose your best and most creative ideas DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

5 NIH Research Training Website
DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

6 Career Path Funding Options
Graduate/ Clinical Training Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator R25 R03, R21, R01, P01, P50 T32, T35 T32 K01, K25 K08, K23 F30, F31 F32 K22 K02, K24 K22 K12/KL2 K99 R00 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos Loan Repayment Programs Diversity Supplements Re-Entry Supplements

7 Graduate/Postdoc/Clinical Training
Graduate/ Clinical Training Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator T32, T35 T32 F30, F31 F32 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos Diversity Supplements

8 Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA
Goal is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available, in appropriate scientific disciplines, to address the Nation's biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs Institutional Training Programs: Awards to an institution to support research training activities for graduate students and/or postdocs selected by the institution Requires a program director and experienced faculty to serve as mentors Individual Fellowships: Awards for combined clinical and research doctoral degree training Awards for graduate students working toward research doctoral degree Awards for postdoctoral fellows working toward research independence Dr. Kirschstein DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

9 Common Features of NRSAs
Fellows and trainees are required to pursue their research training full-time—40 hours/week or as specified by the sponsoring institution Stipends: Provided as a subsistence allowance for fellows and trainees to help defray living expenses during the research training experience Tuition and Fees: NIH will contribute to the combined cost of tuition and fees at the rate in place at the time of award Institutional Allowance (F) or Training Related Expenses (T): Help defray expenses such as health insurance, research supplies, equipment, books, travel to scientific meetings, etc. DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos F-Kiosk: T-Kiosk:

10 Institutional NRSA: Predoctoral
T32: Provides a strong foundation in research design, methods, and analytic techniques to enhance the trainees’ ability to conceptualize research problems with increasing independence Enhancement of the trainees’ understanding of the health-related sciences and the relationship of their training to health and disease T35: Short-term training programs to expose medical/clinical students to research and encourage them to pursue research careers ***************************************** Training grants are restricted to domestic (U.S.) institutions Trainees must be citizens, non-citizen nationals, or lawfully admitted for permanent residence by the time of appointment DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

11 Individual NRSA: Predoctoral
F30: Supports predoc fellows during clinical and graduate training leading to a combined doctoral degree, e.g., MD/PhD, DDS/PhD Matriculated no more than 48 months prior to initial application, and must have identified a dissertation project and sponsor At least 50% of the award period must be devoted to full-time graduate research training leading to the research doctoral degree F31: Supports promising research doctoral candidates who have identified a mentor and will be performing dissertation research Diversity F31 program supports individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical or behavioral sciences NRSA fellowships may be at domestic (U.S.) or non-domestic (non- U.S.) institutions DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

12 Individual NRSA: Postdoctoral
F32: Supports highly promising applicants during their mentored postdoctoral training under the guidance of outstanding faculty sponsors Fellows must have a research or clinical doctoral degree from an accredited domestic (U.S.) or foreign institution Integrated program of research and training to enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent researcher Training plan should document the need for, and the added value of, the proposed mentored training in relationship to the individual’s research career goals Training plan should facilitate the Fellow’s transition to the next stage of his/her career DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

13 Graduate/Clinical Training
Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator DP5 DP5 “Skip the Postdoc” DP5 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

14 NIH Director's Early Independence
DP5: Supports exceptional investigators who wish to pursue independent research directly after completion of their research doctoral degree or clinical residency Bypass the traditional post-doctoral training period and accelerate entry into an independent research career At the time of application, the individual must be within 12 months before or after receiving a research doctoral degree or completing clinical residency The awardee is expected to be competitive for continued funding of his/her research program and for a permanent research position Awards are up to $250,000 in direct costs each year for 5 years, plus applicable indirect costs DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

15 Postdoctoral/Clinical Residency
Graduate/ Clinical Training Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator R25 K01, K25 K22 K22 K12/KL2 K99 R00 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos Loan Repayment Programs Diversity Supplements

16 Research Career Development
Goal is to help develop a diverse pool of highly trained scientists, in appropriate scientific disciplines, to address the Nation's biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs Institutional Career Development Programs: Awards to an institution to support career development activities for appointees (scholars) selected by the institution Requires a program director and experienced faculty to serve as mentors Individual Career Development Programs: Applicant scholars must identify a mentor at a domestic (U.S.) institution Mentor must be well-funded and have significant experience in helping advance the career of the scholar Significant institutional commitment is critical to success of application DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

17 Common Features of K Awards
By the time of award/appointment, candidates must be citizens, non-citizen nationals, or lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the U.S. Awardees/appointees must have a research or clinical doctoral degree from an accredited domestic (U.S.) or foreign institution Awardees or appointees must have a full-time appointment at the institution, and must commit a minimum of 9 person-months (75% of full-time professional effort) to research career development Former PD/PIs on major NIH research grants (e.g., R01), other career development awards (K–awards), or the equivalent are not eligible DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos K-Kiosk:

18 Institutional Mentored K Awards
K12/KL2: Institutional program to support highly promising candidates (scholars) who are training for careers in specified research areas of interest to one or more NIH Institutes and Centers Provides institutions with a greater capacity and flexibility for preparing clinically-trained scientists for independent research careers Requires an experienced program director with both research and administrative experience, and highly competent faculty to serve as mentors Individualized and intensive supervised research experiences and career development guidance for scholars selected by the grantee institution Encouragement to apply for own individual K award, e.g., K08, K23 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

19 Mentored Research Scientist Award
K01: Supports an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical or behavioral sciences leading to research independence Provide salary and research support for up to 5 years of protected time under the guidance of an experienced mentor, or sponsor It is expected that the awardee will launch an independent research career and become competitive for new research project grant, e.g., R01 Some Institutes/Centers use the K01 for individuals who propose to train in a new field or those who have had a hiatus in their research career Some Institutes/Centers utilize the K01 award to increase research workforce diversity DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

20 Mentored Clinical Scientist Award
K08: Supports protected time for individuals with clinical doctoral degrees for an intensive, mentored research career development experience Supports translational research—application of basic research discoveries toward the diagnosis, management, and prevention of human disease Can support candidates with different levels of prior research training and at different stages in their mentored career development Candidates with limited experience may propose a period of didactic training followed by a period of closely supervised research experience Candidate with previous research experience and training may use the award to support a career development experience that focuses transitioning to an independent position DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

21 Mentored Patient-Oriented Award
K23: Supports career development of investigators who have made a commitment to Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Supports protected time to help develop a cadre of well-trained scientists conducting NIH-supported POR Encourage research-oriented clinicians to develop independent research skills and gain experience in advanced methods and experimental approaches needed to become independent investigators POR is defined as research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens and cognitive phenomena) for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects. This area of research includes: mechanisms of human disease, therapeutic interventions, clinical trials, and development of new technologies DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

22 Mentored Quantitative Research Award
K25: Supports investigators whose quantitative science and engineering research has thus far not been focused primarily on questions of health and disease Candidates must have an advanced degree in a quantitative area of science or engineering, e.g., M.S.E.E., Ph.D., D.Sc., etc. Provides a unique opportunity for candidates holding degrees in quantitative science or engineering to embark on special study, including course work, seminars, meetings, and mentored research Encourages research-oriented quantitative scientists (e.g., mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, imaging science, informatics, physics, chemistry) and engineers with little or no experience in biomedicine to conduct basic or clinical research DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

23 Career Transition Award
K22: Facilitates the transition of investigators from the mentored stage of career development to the independent stage, typically transition from postdoctoral training to independent (e.g., assistant professor) position Supports protected time (75%) in 2 distinct phases: Phase 1: Mentored, may or may not be affiliated with an institution … some Institutes/Centers require NIH Intramural experience Phase 2: Independent investigator with own lab and little to no teaching, clinical, and/or administrative responsibilities Some Institutes/Centers support only the independent phase of the award Transition to the independent phase requires administrative review DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

24 Pathway to Independence Award
K99/R00: Facilitates a timely transition from a mentored postdoctoral research position to a stable independent research position with independent NIH research support at an earlier stage than is currently the norm There is no U.S. citizenship requirement for K99 applicants. Supports protected time (75%) in 2 distinct phases: K99 (Phase 1): Mentored, must be affiliated with an institution. Some Institutes/Centers also support NIH Intramural postdocs R00 (Phase 2): Independent (tenure-track or equivalent) with own lab and little to no teaching and/or clinical responsibilities Transition to the independent phase (R00) requires administrative review DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

25 Early Research Career Graduate/ Clinical Training
Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator R03, R21, R01, P01, P50 K08, K23 K22 R00 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos Loan Repayment Programs Diversity Supplements Re-Entry Supplements

26 New and Early-Stage Investigators
Definition of New Investigator: An individual who has not previously competed successfully for a significant NIH independent research award, other than the following awards: Research Project Grants: R00, R03, R15, R21, R25, R90, (RL9, RL5), R34, R36, (R41, R43), R55, R56, SC2, SC3 All training Grants: T32, T34, T35, T90, D43 All Fellowships: F awards Mentored Career Awards: All individual and institutional mentored K awards Loan repayment contracts: L30, L32, L40, L50, L60 Instrumentation, Construction, Education, Health Disparity Endowment Grants, or Meeting Awards: G07, G08, G11, G13, G20, R13, S10, S15, S21, S22 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

27 New and Early-Stage Investigators
Definition of Early-Stage Investigator: An individual who qualifies as a New Investigator and is within 10 years of completing his/her terminal research degree or is within 10 years of completing medical residency Early-Stage Investigator Applying for R01 or DP2 grants: Receive special attention at Review (career stage) and at National Advisory Council (high program priority) No imposed reductions in duration and amount of awards (beyond the recommendations of the initial review group) Increased payline for scored R01 applications from Early-Stage Investigators DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

28 Small Grant Program R03: Provides limited funding for a short period of time to support a variety of types of projects, including: Pilot or feasibility studies Collection of preliminary data Secondary analysis of existing data Small, self-contained research projects Development of new technology, etc. Limited to two years of funding, and grants are not renewable Direct costs generally up to $50,000 per year DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

29 Academic Research Enhancement Award
R15: Supports small-scale research projects conducted by faculty and students at educational institutions that have not been recipients of major NIH research grant funds The goals of the program are to: (a) support meritorious research; (b) expose students to research; and (c) strengthen the research environment of the institution The project period is limited to 3 years, and grants are renewable While preliminary data are not required, it may be provided as appropriate Direct costs are limited to $300,000 over the entire project period DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

30 Exploratory/Developmental Research Award
R21: Encourages new, exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early stages of project development Sometimes used for pilot and feasibility studies Preliminary data are not required but may be included if available Limited to up to two years of funding Combined budget for direct costs for the two year project period usually may not exceed $275,000 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

31 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
DP2: Supports early-stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose bold and highly innovative new research approaches that have the potential to produce a major impact in biomedical and behavioral research Applicants must hold an independent research position at a domestic (U.S.) institution as of September 1 of the fiscal year of the competition Complements ongoing efforts by NIH to fund early-stage investigators through R01 grants Awardees are required to commit at least 25% of their research effort each year to activities supported by the New Innovator Award Awards are up to $300,000 in direct costs each year for 5 years, plus applicable indirect costs DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

32 Established Investigator
Graduate/ Clinical Training Postdoctoral Training/Clinical Residency Early Research Career Established Investigator R03, R21, R01, P01, P50 K02, K24 DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos Re-Entry Supplements

33 Independent Scientist Award
K02: Fosters the development of outstanding scientists and enables them to expand their potential to make significant contributions to their field of research For newly independent scientists who can demonstrate the need for a period of intensive research focus as a means of enhancing their research careers Must have independent grant support as Principal Investigator (e.g. R01) Each independent scientist career award program must be tailored to meet the individual needs of the candidate The sponsoring institution must demonstrate a commitment to provide the environment, resources and the protected time required for the candidate to accomplish the proposed research and career plans DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

34 Midcareer Patient Oriented Research
K24: Supports mid-career health-professional doctorates (MD, or equivalent) who are typically at the associate professor level to: Devote more time to augment their capabilities in Patient- Oriented Research (POR); and Provide mentoring to new clinical investigators in the conduct of POR Typically associate professors, but can continue to support those promoted to full professor Must have independent grant support as Principal Investigator (e.g. R01) It is expected that award recipients will obtain new or additional independent funding for POR DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

35 Grants and Funding
Find Funding: NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts How to Apply: Due Dates, Submission Policies, Prepare to Apply and Register, Format and Write, Submission Process Explore NIH Funded Research - Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) DBRW chief = Kay Lund, Economic analysis = Misty, Ryan, Policy = Jennifer, Henry and Lisa- Photos

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